Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

078 Replenish The Flagship Store In Rongcheng!

Now the central warehouses in the suburbs and the warehouses of the bee farms are basically close to saturation. This is Li Yang's request. Some time ago, the production line was fully opened to pack all the honey that can be packaged into finished products.

Because the arrival of "Winter Honey" means that "Hundred Flower Honey" can only use its inventory to sell, and "Hundred Flower Honey" has temporarily lost its honey source.

In Li Yang's eyes, "Hundred Flower Honey" has more strategic weight. After all, the "whitening" effect of "Hundred Flower Honey" has a fatal appeal to girls of all ages in the society.

However, the calming effect of "Camellia Honey" is not so attractive, and the smoothing effect of "Plum Blossom Honey" Li Yang also plans to promote it vigorously.

"Plum Blossom Honey" and "Hundred Flower Honey" are definitely the best-selling products, there is no doubt about it.

But Li Yang didn't know the effect of "plum blossom honey" before he did the system lottery [so Zhong planted a thousand plum blossom saplings on a whim.

However, rarity is more expensive, Li Yang plans to raise the price of "plum blossom honey" directly, and there will definitely be people who want it by then.

As for "Camellia Honey" Li Yang14 spends the most on the outer packaging, even the outer packaging of "Royal Jelly" costs less than ten yuan per box

Li Yang's box of "Camellia Nectar" costs 53 yuan each.

Li Yang would have to pay more than half a million for 10,000 boxes just for the outer packaging, but this is the effect Li Yang wants.

The packaging of the box looks good, and it is more suitable for gift giving.

"Camellia nectar" is a less targeted product, so Li Yang simply made it the most suitable product in the store for gifting.

After all, you can buy an overbearing product like "Royal Jelly" for private use, but it's a bit inappropriate to give it as a gift.

After all, some things can be done, but cannot be said, and cannot be brought to light, such as that matter.

You can't take a box of "Royal Jelly" and give it to your boss, and then say:

"Boss, I know that you are not very good at something, this big supplement, I will definitely give it to you!"

If you do that, no one knows whether the boss will work or not, but you will definitely be targeted.

The attributes of "Hundred Flower Honey" and "Plum Blossom Honey" are destined to be relatively circulated only among female groups.

So it is not suitable for gift giving, but "Camellia Nectar" is different.

Although its attributes are relatively weak, it is versatile, and it can be used by people in their eighties and nineties, as well as children.

Moreover, the quality of the box is high, and the gift is also a face-saving gift. Naturally, Li Yang's price will not be soft.

As a gift, you have to choose expensive ones. If the price is cheap, fewer people will buy it.

Driving all the way, Li Yang came directly to the "Hundred Gardens" bee farm.

After getting off the car, Li Yang went straight to the warehouse. Wang Zhen and his transportation team were waiting in the warehouse. After entering, Li Yang looked at the warehouse.

Fortunately, I have explained before that the bee farm warehouse and the central warehouse in the suburbs can barely sell this winter. However, "Hundred Flower Honey" is only available for sale.

You have to wait until spring before you can rest assured that it will be on sale, otherwise, before winter is over, "Hundred Flower Honey" will be out of stock first.

"Wang Zhen, besides these two large vehicles, how many other vehicles are there in the transportation team?"

After hearing what Li Yang said, Wang Zhen immediately said:

"Brother Yang, there are four remaining vans that can be used, and the rest are delivered to the county store."

After Wang Zhen finished speaking, Li Yang thought about the warehouse capacity of the store in Daguli, Rongcheng, and it was almost enough.

So Li Yang spoke directly:

"Okay, then brothers, let's load the car. We have to take a long distance today. This batch of goods has to be sent to the flagship store in Rongcheng."

After speaking, Li Yang immediately handed the list he made to Wang Zhen.

"Just load the goods according to this list, and I will wait for you in our shop in Rongcheng.

Li Yang has already booked a flight ticket to Rongcheng today, and now that Dongmi has arrived, it is time for the flagship store in Rongcheng to open.

I also have to go to see the decoration inside the store first, and I have already done the publicity work of the advertising department.

When the shipment from Rongcheng arrives, the flagship store in Pingyang will also put winter honey on the shelves, and it will be sold together at that time.

As for the quantity, Li Yang's list to Wang Zhen is very clear.

Five hundred boxes of "Hundred Flower Honey", one hundred boxes of "Plum Blossom Honey", and thirty boxes of "Royal Jelly". Next, we have to go to the "Camellia Garden" bee farm to pull the king box of "Camellia Honey".

There are a total of close to a thousand large boxes, and the load capacity of these idle vehicles in the transportation group is also sufficient.

"Brothers, load up! Let's try to drive to Rongcheng today. After Brother Yang finished speaking, he will drive to Rongcheng tonight to finish replenishing the flagship store. He treats us to a seafood supper!"

This is also what Li Yang told Wang Zhen before, after they send it over at night to complete the replenishment of the flagship store in Rongcheng, crayfish, scallops, beer and so on will be enough.

After hearing what Wang Zhen said, the rest of the people became motivated.

"Hurry up guys, my stomach is rumbling when I hear crayfish."

"Okay, I haven't been to Rongcheng yet, I just happened to go to deliver the goods today and have a look.

"Then hurry up. I heard that there are many beauties in Rongcheng, so it's good for us to take a second look."

This time in the past, Li Yang may have to "remotely command" the "winter honey" of all flagship stores in Pingyang area.

Because Li Yang in Rongcheng thought about it and wanted to sit in the town himself. After all, the consumption volume in Rongcheng is much higher than that in Pingyang.

If he was going to stay in Rongcheng for a while, Li Yang had to bring some daily necessities and a change of clothes.

So after leaving the bee farm, Li Yang directly returned to the rented place in the urban area. Li Yang didn't know why, although the deposit in his account now exceeded 100 million, after such a long time.

But the house shared with An Yitian still hasn't been returned, and Li Yang lives here at 133 in the urban area.

After opening the door, Li Yang found that An Yitian was still at home.

"Yi Tian, ​​why are you still at home? Didn't you go to work?"

After hearing Li Yang's words, An Yitian said with a high air:

"I'm sorry, this girl has completed a big project, and the supervisor gave me a week's vacation.

After An Yitian finished speaking, she raised her swan neck, as if waiting for Li Yang's compliment.

But Li Yang never only hurt her, never praised her.

"A week off? Tsk tsk, Yi Tian, ​​you won't be fired, right? I'll give you a week first, and then I'll give you a month's leave. You won't have to go to the company later."

The subscription is a bit horrible, I want to enter the palace, but I don't want to cut it when I see the comment section.

There is not a single negative comment in the comment area, so I just keep writing seven chapters with a minimum of 14,000 words every day, and I'm done.

And my next chapters are all plot-driven, I don’t want to have a little water, I would rather not write it if it is watery, because if it is watery, my book will be hopeless.

I have put a lot of thought into it, the most thoughtful book I have ever written, and I don't want it to enter the palace.

So please make a full order, the plot is complete, and there is no moisture! All orders and customizations support me to continue!

When I sell badly...

Come on!!! (Finally, come on to myself).

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