The most exaggerated time, eating a maggot in front of a girl, and saying that it was high protein.

The girl who engaged in it is still talking about color change.

And Liu Wenqing himself was completely famous because of that incident.

As a result, there is no scientific research unit after graduation ~ dare to ask him.

I still couldn't stand it, so I helped him open this biological laboratory-.

Lest he do something out of the ordinary again.

"There may not be a fake one, or will you try it?"

"I'll try it, can't you change your stinky problem?

It's really curious to stuff anything into your mouth, right?

Your name is quite Sven, Liu Wenqing, why are you so rude?

I'm still eating, don't you pour my appetite?39

Li Shaodong said with black lines all over his head.

"It's for you to ask." "

The other party said with an innocent look.

"Yes, I'm asking you what is the use of high protein!"

"It's just eating!

With such a high protein content, even if ordinary people can't eat because of psychological problems, animals can eat it!

In terms of this protein content, it is made into animal feed, which is a superfood.

Directly flash off all feeds on the market.

"Such a god?"

This time, Li Shaodong's family and Li Mu both quieted down and listened carefully.

"That's it!

In fact, all kinds of farming are ways to convert feed into human food such as protein.

Compared with traditional aquaculture.

The conversion rate of resources for farmed insects is much higher.

Crickets, for example, need 6 times less food to produce the same amount of protein than cattle, 3 times less than sheep, and 2 times less than pigs and chickens.

And your brother, this cockroach, is another half higher than the cricket.

Insect farming does not yet require antibiotics.

And some insects can also be farmed on organic waste.

Your brother, this cockroach, is one of them.

Based on this, cockroaches have negative demand for the food needed to produce protein transformation.

Not only does it produce high protein, but it also solves organic waste.

Is this a superfood, you say?

Back to the topic just now.

This thing is used as feed, and I really think it is overkill.

If handled properly, his protein content can be regarded as the mainstream food in the future world.

In some underdeveloped countries, what a famine can be solved!

Also, this view is not unique to me.

At this year's conference, the chief expert of the Academy of Forestry suggested.

Add edible insects to the list of food catalogues of the country.

He introduced.

Insects have been used as food for humans in our country for thousands of years.

The "Rite of Zhou" states that ant eggs were made into sauce and eaten as a delicacy in the pre-Qin period.

Nowadays, locusts, cicadas, silkworm pupae, etc. are also popular dishes for many Chinese people.

Worldwide, many regions have a habit of eating insects.

The FAO initiative was launched a decade ago to encourage people to eat insects.

Insects are high in protein and low in fat.

High value-added efficiency, no need to increase heating and cooling during the feeding process, can reduce energy consumption, help cope with food problems caused by global warming and environmental pollution.

And none of the insect diseases can be transmitted to humans and livestock. ”

It seems to have entered Liu Wenqing's field of knowledge.

This guy crackled and a whole bunch of theories came out.

But surprisingly.

This time.

A family old and young.

Including Li's mother, they all listened with interest to these knowledge that they usually dismissed.

"Xiao Liu, the chief expert of the Academy of Forestry Sciences you are talking about is Academician Yang?"

"Huh? Uncle Li, are you there too? I'm sorry, I didn't know you were just now, I spoke a little rudely!

That's right, Uncle Li, I'm talking about Academician Yang. 35

"Then I know, cockroaches, because of environmental problems, there will be a lot of bacteria and the like, how to use it as safe food?"

"Uncle Li, you don't know enough about this, ordinary cockroaches do have bacteria.

But that's an ordinary cockroach, but the cockroaches I asked me to test this time are completely different.

I randomly selected 100 for testing.

The results of the test showed that these cockroaches were covered up and down, inside and out.

There are no bacteria and viruses at all.

....... Ask for flowers...

This situation almost once again subverted my perception.

Therefore, I am still reluctant to leave, just to study why this is the case.

As a result, Uncle Li, guess what I found?

The body surface of this cockroach has a layer of natural insulator.

The specific ingredients, I don't know for the time being, need to be tested.

However, this is definitely a completely new discovery.

In addition, the digestive system in this cockroach's body is also amazing, I extracted their stomach pouch and found a super dissolving substance in it.

Just now I did a small experiment, no matter what organic matter I put into the gastric capsule extract, it can be quickly decomposed in a very short time.

..... 0

Becomes a common ion.

I suspect that's why I didn't detect any harmful bacteria and viruses from the inside out of the cockroach.

Two internal and external systems completely eliminate the generation of harmful bacteria.

The super solubility is the reason why they convert organic matter into such a high content of protein.

It can be said that this batch of cockroaches has almost reached the top of the evolution of the insect world.

Nutritious, invincible!

Uncle Li, you said, this kind of good thing, should it be put on people's recipes?

This is a completely unopened treasure!

Of course, in addition to being used as food and feed.

The gastric capsule extract I mentioned just now is also a perverted comparison.

If this gastric extract is used to make items such as detergent, it will be an epoch-making product.

The results are definitely many times better than all the cleaners currently on the market. ”

Liu Wenqing's voice fell.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were on Li Mu.

"Xiao Mu, what you just said about the detergent you researched, is it using cockroaches?

Li Mu blinked his eyes.

He is also in a state of confusion now.

What the heck?

The bull that came out with a lie and bragged at the beginning actually came true?

Is there really a similar substance in your own cockroach?


I saw everyone looking at themselves.

Li Mu smiled awkwardly and beggar.

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