Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter 99 Test results, cockroaches taste good

I had already heard Li Shaodong talk about the situation on the phone just now.

Li's mother was already smiling at the moment.

I didn't treat Li Mu as an outsider at all.

Pull Li Mu and look left and right.

"Okay, okay, another son, now Shaodong that little rabbit cub makes me angry again, I will directly change my son to hurt."

"Haha, godmother, that's a good idea." "

The other party is so enthusiastic.

Li Mu is also very relaxed.

Then he made a joke about Li Shaodong.


A family of four was seated.

On the dinner table, there are not many exquisite meals.

But Li Mu is incomparably fragrant.

Coming out of home to work hard for so long.

He also ate in such a family for the first time.

A long-lost sense of warmth made his appetite improve a lot.

At the dinner table.

The Li family father and son also deliberately did not mention work.

Just chatting with Li Mu about home.

"Xiao Mu, who are the people in the family?"

Almost eaten, Li Mu asked.

"And my parents, and a younger sister, my sister is in her third year of high school this year and is preparing for the college entrance examination." 95

"It's very good, I really envy the two children of my in-laws, and both children."

Especially this son, so 410 has the ability. ”

"Haha, godmother, don't praise me, if you do this, I will get carried away."

"Isn't it modest, Komaki, you really have the ability.

I don't know if Shaodong told you anything, there is nothing wrong with this godmother, just a little clean.

Clean up the house when you have nothing to do.

Before I knew you, I always thought I was a good housekeeper.

But after seeing your cleaning effect, I know it.

I'm just joking.

Can you teach your godmother how you clean?35

"Godmother, we actually clean like ordinary people, but with care.

If you really want to say the secret, there is, it is a cleaning agent that we secretly make, which is very effective for the treatment of oil stains.

Within a few minutes of spraying, the old cellars automatically decompose into easy-to-clean substances.

Rinse it casually, just like new.

"Oh, and this kind of good thing, what brand?"

"Mom, everyone Xiao Mu said that it is a secret cleaning agent, how can there be a brand."

Moreover, this is a secret of people, why do you inquire.

"Brother Dong is fine, the godmother is not an outsider, what can't I say."

But godmother, my detergent belongs to our private research and is still experimental.

So it hasn't been made public, and it's generally just used internally by the cleaning workers of my cleaning company.

When the experiment is completed and the data is stable, I will send you points. 35

"That's a good feeling, but Komaki, will you still do research?"

"Fool around, I'm a bit interested in this, I like to try everything, and I made it out by mistake."

"Brother, are you fooling around?

You Brother Dong, I don't read much, don't lie to me!

Can you toss such a big cockroach farm?

Can you breed special earthworms?

Can you save the blood-red arowana casually, and throw it in the pond to raise it well?"

Li Shaodong said with sour contempt.

"Brother Dong, isn't this just a fool, normal people who study these things."

"Well, this..."

Li Shaodong was stunned, and he was actually a little speechless.

Li Zhenxing and Li's mother watched the two brothers raise the bar.

The smile is very happy.

"By the way, Xiao Mu, you are not here today, I studied your cockroach droppings with Shaodong, and I feel promising.

Shaodong said that you sent it for testing, how are the test results?"

As he spoke, Li Zhenxing suddenly remembered the day's events and asked.

"Well, godfather, it's already been sent to Donggona's biology lab.

But it's less than a day away, and I haven't asked.

"Wen Qing, this (bged) guy, told him that it was my brother's business, and he dragged his feet, and his biological laboratory usually has nothing to do, how long does it take to test a cockroach."

I'll call him now!"

Saying that, Li Shaodong directly took out the phone.

With the hands-free on, I hit it.

"Hey, Wen Qing, what are you doing?

What my brother asked you to test, has there been any results?"

"Shaodong, you're talking about Mr. Li, right?

I was just about to call you to talk.

Your brother, what kind of god man is it, actually bred such a magical cockroach.

You don't know, just a few test results that came out in the early stage just now made me stupid.

I thought something was wrong with my machine.

I changed another machine and tested it again.

Just got the second result.

"Oh? What was the result of that?

"As it turns out, I'm not mistaken, this cockroach, it's simply invincible.

"You know, the basics, protein content.

This cockroach killed all known insects in the world in seconds!99

"Protein content?

"Yes, this is one of the tests that your brother asked me to test.

In nature, insects have a higher protein content than meat.

It can generally reach 20 to 70 percent.

But do you know what your brother has in this cockroach?

Ninety percent!

Seriously, I was dumbfounded when I saw this number.

How can there be creatures that can be so awesome!

This completely breaks the limit of biomass content.

And as soon as it breaks through, it is twenty percent.

"Well, you can't say something I understand, you just talk about protein content."

No matter how high the protein content of cockroaches is, it may not be able to eat?

Listen to the shouts from the other side.

Li Shaodong cried and laughed.

"Why can't you eat it, I don't care about general cockroaches, but your brother, this cockroach, can definitely eat it."

"Then you eat one and I'll see!

Li Shaodong was speechless.

"I already ate one just now!

Don't say, it tastes really good!

Under high protein content, high temperature frying can stimulate sodium glutamate.

The taste is definitely not worse than meat, and the nutrients contained in it are also stronger than meat.

"I lean, bro, are you really?"

Listening to the other party's words, Li Shaodong, who was still lazy, sat up straight abruptly.

Swallowed his saliva.

Because he knew that his classmate was a notoriously scientific madman in college.

For research, everything is done out.

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