Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

284 Attribute assumptions

Along the way, the silver lynx is very well behaved.

Her pair of beast pupils looked carefully at the human world through the car window.

Especially after the vehicle entered Songguta City, she floated out of the ghost again, and the illusory giant claws penetrated into Du Yu's body and kept asking questions.

Like a curious baby.

The problem is, the voice of the big silver cat is a low voice of a goddess.

This sudden contrast makes Du Yu find it interesting.

As the vehicle drove into the underground parking lot, Du Yu clearly felt that the big cat became vigilant.

"Don't be afraid, human society is different from Qianren Mountain, and it is safe in most cases."

Du Yu's voice was as soft as possible, soothing the restless heart of the big cat: "Although it is a little dark here, there will be no enemies hunting."

"Meow." The silver lynx responded softly, and Du Yu also stopped the car.

He got out of the car immediately and came to the back of the car.

Through the dark rear window, Du Yu looked at the behemoth inside and couldn't help but admire Qing Shi's choice.

This large box SUV is a wise choice!

"Don't worry." Du Yu said softly, until the rear compartment door was fully lifted, and the big silver cat got out of the car.

Interestingly, the moment she got off the car, the rear half of the oppressed car suddenly lifted up half an inch, and even weighed it back.

"Haha." Du Yu raised his hand and rubbed her head, "You're so serious."

"Meow~" The silver cat looked dissatisfied, tilted its head and avoided Du Yu's hand.

"Let's go." Du Yu brought the big cat to the elevator and suddenly realized that the elevator was going down?

He pondered for a moment, then wrapped her head in his right hand and embraced her in his arms, while his left hand and his arms covered her fierce eyes together.


Du Yu: "I am a warrior, but when I first saw you, my legs were a little weak.

In our human race world, most people are ordinary people, and they can't stand your aura. "

"Hmph, fragile human race."

"Indeed, we are very vulnerable, but you are also a real tyrant. You don't know how scary you are." Du Yu said with a smile, seeing that the elevator hadn't stopped on the first floor, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This encounter on a narrow road is unavoidable.

"Good, bear with me a little." Du Yu said softly, stroking her head with his right hand.

"Yeah~" This move really worked, and the big silver cat responded as if enjoying it.

"Ding!" The elevator door opened slowly.

In the elevator car, the family of four who were chatting happily suddenly lost their voices.

Middle-aged couples have stiff faces.

The little daughter in her father's arms hurriedly hugged her father's neck and turned her face back. Instead, it was the little boy held by her mother who looked out the door curiously.

"Don't be afraid." Du Yu smiled apologetically, "Let's go, it's alright."

The man said, "Student Du Yu."

Du Yu looked at the slightly fat middle-aged man, and couldn't help but wonder: "You know me?"

The man nodded: "In Songgu Pagoda, you are very famous, no less famous than the teacher Yang Qingqing who lives on the roof."

Du Yu: "Yeah"

The middle-aged man gently patted his little daughter's back. Although he was frightened and his face stiffened, he tried his best to be friendly: "I suggest you treat the demon.

The pet is retracted into the body, which will avoid a lot of trouble. "

The wife is obviously someone who doesn't want to cause trouble. She pushed her husband's back and urged in a low voice, "Let's go, let's go."

The man said that, in fact, it was very euphemistic.

In human cities, monster pets are quite common, but behind this phenomenon, there are strict legal restrictions.

Demon pets that are biased towards domestic pets have clear size restrictions.

Monster pets who are inclined to work must also have corresponding employment certificates.

As the family of four quickly left, a little boy exclaimed in the distance: "Is that an icefield leopard, Dad? What a big one!"

"It shouldn't be, the ice leopard is not that tall."

The voice got farther and farther, Du Yu let go of his arms and walked into the elevator silently.

The silver lynx was especially keen, realizing Du Yu's mentality change, she stepped in and followed.

That heavy body weighed down the elevator car a little.

Du Yu raised his head subconsciously and paid attention to the weight of a passenger: the rated load is 1350 kg, and the limit is 18 people.

The silver lynx can weigh up to 400 kilograms, including myself, um, no problem.

The silver lynx squatted beside Du Yu, and was a little taller than Du Yu who was 179.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Du Yu: "Huh?"

"Your mood is a little down." The silver lynx's voice became more and more gloomy. "What did that human race say to you?"

In such a tone, there is quite a posture that he is going to slap the man to death.

Is this a guardian?

Du Yu pursed his lips: "I don't have the ability to take you into my body."


Du Yu sighed softly: "It's a little helpless. It's my honor to meet you, and I finally have you.

But you can't enter my acupoint home like other monsters. "

Silver Lynx: "Why should I enter your acupuncture point, it sounds like a cage."

"Do not."

Du Yu shook his head, "It's a warm home, you can come and go freely. And no matter where I go, you will be with me."

The words fell, and the stairs fell into silence.

After a long time, Du Yu, who was in a complicated mind, realized that the elevator did not go up, and he forgot to press the 16th floor.

He raised his hand to press the button and communicated, "I'll call the bookstore in a while and register for you. Huh?"

While speaking, a long tail suddenly protruded from his side and wrapped around his shoulders.

The wild king is full of spirituality and rich emotions.

But she's not good at comforting people.

In the jungle world where the strong eat the weak, the weak do not deserve to have emotions. They are dominated by the powerful and either surrender or become meals.

As she said, she doesn't even have the right to speak.

And the actions of the silver lynx at the moment are obviously not normal.

The long silver tail hooked Du Yu, took his body to his side, and pressed it lightly.

Such comfort is very clumsy.

Once again, Du Yu was deeply immersed in the silver ocean.

Du Yu has already had a year of experience as a demon fighter, and he is very clear in his heart that the so-called fetters are formed in such bits and pieces.

The big silver cat is willing to comfort him, this is undoubtedly a clear signal, and it is also sufficient

to flatter anyone.

Obviously, her treatment of Du Yu was very different from her treatment of all beings in the world.

"There will always be a way." Du Yu hugged the big silver cat, his face was deep in the soft silver fur, and he rubbed left and right, "This world is so weird, I will always find a way."


For some reason, the big silver cat was a little disgusted again, her long tail squeezed between the two of them, and pushed him away gently.

"Huh?" Du Yu was stunned for a moment, looking up at the big cat.

The long silver tail was still in front of him, preventing him from approaching.

Du Yu looked strange: "You can take the initiative, but I can't take the initiative?"

The silver lynx held its head high and ignored Du Yu.

Du Yu rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't screw yourself up!"


The elevator door slowly opened, and the silver lynx stepped forward and looked left and right.

Du Yu went straight out and went straight to the house: "Little Fenyang, is there a way to change the attributes of monsters in the world?"

"Should there be?" Xiao Fenyang said in a sweet voice, "There are countless types of monster pets, and the monster skills are all kinds of strange, maybe some of them can change their attributes~

And there are many treasures.

I have never seen the Heart of the Demon Fruit Tree last time!

Since it can give birth to the fruit of the monster plant, maybe there will be other treasures that can stimulate the potential of the monster pet and give birth to the second attribute of the monster beast? "

"It makes sense!" Du Yu's eyes brightened.

If the white jade capital and the silver lynx can all be brought into the body, it will be so beautiful!

Having said that, it's time to name the silver lynx.

There are names such as Yan Ruyu, Bai Yujing, Youyinghuo, Taisui God as the standard

The name of the big cat is a bit difficult to come up with, isn't it?

"Brother Tree!"

"Kacha~" The door of the house opened, and a few branches came out.

The silver lynx dived slightly, in a hunting posture, and immediately noticed the strength of this demon plant!

"This is our new friend, be sure to treat her well." Du Yu said, a layer of demons appeared in his palms.

He communicated with the fire tung tree alone: ​​"This big cat thief! The pinnacle of spiritual level!

You can take it easy, don't annoy her, I can't stop it! "

Fire tung tree: "."

Yin Ling and Huo Tong briefly met, and followed Du Yu into the house.

In the huge living room, there are several leaf cubes, and there are muffled noises.

It seems that Li Mengnan and her pets are being ravaged by the fire tung tree.

Du Yu suddenly realized that this tree and a lyn like to play with all beings, so they should have some common language?

"Come back so soon... ah!" As the wall of leaves slowly dissipated, Li Mengnan's figure was revealed.

The girl was dripping with sweat, her eyes full of surprises, and she waved at the silver lynx: "Hello."

Yin Ling glanced at the girl and continued to look around.

She remembered this human girl, but at this moment, Li Mengnan was crossed out from the big cat's recipe, and the big cat was no longer interested in girls.

"Very hard!" Du Yu said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm about to advance to the final stage, of course I have to work harder." Li Mengnan nodded again and again, but his eyes were reluctant to leave the lynx.

The ignorant girl seems to have forgotten how terrifying the king of different colors is.

Or, she trusted Du Yu too much, and when she saw one person and one lyn appear, she naturally thought that Du Yu had completely tamed the big cat.

"Then you continue training, and I'll take her to get acquainted with the environment." Du Yu patted the silver lynx and motioned her to follow.

Under Li Mengnan's obsessive gaze, Du Yu and the big cat visited around and finally entered the master bedroom.

Du Yu's house is very big and there are many rooms, but Yin Ling's favorite is the master bedroom.

Because it is covered with golden leaves.

The golden leaf is a demon plant with both fire and earth attributes!

More importantly

, Golden Leaf is extremely humble, and will deliberately please powerful monsters.

When the layers of earth demon breaths rushed towards his face, Du Yu clearly felt the panic and fear of Golden Leaf.

The silver lynx jumped lightly, jumped onto the soft big bed, and sank deep into the sheets covered with gold leaves.

Du Yu was taken aback: "You jump lightly! You have 400 kilograms, you know!"

The silver lynx sniffed the earthy demon breath lingering in its nose, and lay down lazily, ignoring Du Yu.

Du Yu said helplessly: "You come down first, and I will wash you first."


"Meow?" Yin Ling turned his head to look behind him, and the abominable Du Yu was grabbing her tail and pulling back.

"Come!" Du Yu beckoned, and while comforting Golden Leaf with his demon soul, his body walked to the bathroom.

Yin Ling looked dissatisfied, hesitated for a moment, and followed the bathroom in the end, looking at everything in it curiously.

She doesn't like water very much.

When Du Yu held the nozzle and wet her body, she was already very impatient!


"Be good, be obedient." Du Yu put down the nozzle and squeezed a small bottle of bath liquid on her.

He rubbed his hands together, pressed it on her big head, and suddenly moved a few steps laterally, from the beginning to the end!

"Meow~" In an instant, the dissatisfied cry turned into a comfortable murmur.

The big cat squinted his eyes and enjoyed it greedily, his head finally drooping to the ground.

"Heh, can't cure you?" Du Yu rubbed her body back and forth, like cleaning a giant silver blanket.

Until the silver lynx was covered in foam, he came to the lynx and squatted down: "Hand."

The silver lynx raised its giant claw, and Du Yu held it up with one hand.


Du Yu touched the meat pad under her palm.

Soft and comfortable to hold, it feels better than expected~

"Close your nails." Du Yu said.

Feng Rui's fingernails were quietly put away, and Du Yu's washing became smoother, but there seemed to be some kind of switch on her body?


When Du Yu squeezed the soft meat pad again, the sharp nails came out again.

Du Yu blinked curiously.

Yin Ling silently put away his nails.

Du Yu squeezed the meat pad again, 呲!

Is it really a switch?

Silver Lynx: "."

This bath, after taking a full 20 minutes, is more tiring than Du Yu himself!

When he was drying the silver lynx fur with a hairdryer in one hand, she was already slumped to the ground, like a puddle of mud.

Du Yu's promises to her are being fulfilled one by one.

never been so well cared for

The silver lynx is so comfortable!

You told me about this link earlier, and I would have gone home with you a long time ago!

Still need to hesitate?

Du Yu patted her big head: "Are you comfortable?"


"Go to bed and sleep."

"Wash again."

Du Yu pinched her pointed ears: "There will be opportunities in the future, let's go and be obedient."

"Meow~" Yin Ling stood up reluctantly, and when he stepped out, the long tail brushed Du Yu's cheek.

It is rare to be so close.

Looking at Yin Ling lying lazily on the bed, Du Yu couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

Since I came to this world, I have had too much.

I really hope that this home, this city, and the entire summer can continue to be beautiful like this.

"Du Yu?" A girl's soft call came from the door.

Du Yu walked over and saw Li Mengnan standing at the door with a cautious look.

"What's wrong?"

Li Mengnan: "I bought earth food at the demon spirit store, can you go get it?"

Du Yu hurriedly said: "I can't let you spend money, I can just buy it."

"It's okay. I have a lot of money and I can't spend it all."

Du Yu: ? ? ?

Is this human?

"Really." Li Mengnan read Du Yu's expression and couldn't help but smile, "My dad gave too much pocket money, it just happened to be spent."

Du Yu: "I have a salary, and I also have a ring. I can get a discount on shopping. You are about to retire."

"How can a high-quality preserved fruit give you a discount! Go, go, don't starve the silver cat."

Silver cat?

Du Yu scratched his head, it's really the usual style of macho names~

Thinking in his heart, Du Yu's ghost floated to the big cat: "Everything in the house belongs to me. This girl is also our friend, you must not do it."

The silver lynx curled up on the bed, and the long tail swept it, barely a response.

Du Yu grinned, the 1.8*2.2 double bed could not hold this silver behemoth at all, and the long tails were all drooping to the ground.

It seems that the bed has to be changed too.

Otherwise, move the golden leaf to the guest room, spread a leaf carpet, and let the big cat sleep on the ground directly?

Four thousand three hundred words, ask for some tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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