Since the big cat settled in, some changes have taken place in Du Wang's mansion.

Du Yu never imagined that his first two months' salary would be dedicated to a big bed!

Because every night, the big cat will occupy his bed and stay there.

Apparently, she likes a soft bed, not a floor.

In this regard, Du Yu was speechless.

You can be a bed yourself, so why sleep in a bed?

But Du Yu is very used to big cats. After all, he coaxed him to it~

The promises made to her will naturally be fulfilled one by one.

Du Yu has his own life creed: This king is scumbag, but scumbag is very affectionate.

In this way, Du Wanghua's large-scale custom-made super bed was quickly moved into the master bedroom.

He was finally able to sleep comfortably. He had been pushed to the ground for several nights before.

In fact, it's okay to fall on the ground, but I'm afraid that the big cat will roll over in his sleep, and Du Yu is still on the bed!

That's the real tragedy!

The silver lynx weighs a full 400 kilograms, and it will kill anyone if it weighs on anyone!

On a certain night when he wanted to cry without tears, Du Yu felt like a monkey grandson at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain. I really don't know how the Great Sage got up at night for 500 years.


Having said that, even if the new bed is wider and longer, the silver lynx's long tail will occasionally droop on the ground.

There are 2 tails, which makes Du Yu very helpless.

Forget it, so be it.

Just lay on the bed~

Overall, Du Wang's mansion can still accommodate this big cat. When she is promoted to the general level in the future, her body shape will be a disaster!

The retired bed was naturally moved into the guest room, and Li Mengnan slept.

The girl also didn't expect that she was blessed by the big cat, and on weekdays she slept on the floor of the children's room, er, on the colored cushions.

Occasionally, she is caught in the tung tree and sleeps in the leaves.

The two overlords in Du Wang's mansion are considered to have their own merits, and they shine in their respective positions.

It is worth mentioning that Li Mengnan got what she wanted. At the end of May, she and Xiao Tai Sui were promoted together.

One is the Demon Master, the Dacheng stage, and the other is the Heaven-level, the Xiaocheng stage.

Little Tai Sui grew up quickly, and it was obvious that when Du Yu accepted God's wrath, he brought great nourishment to the monsters in his body.

And here in Xiao Tai Sui, Du Yu finally found a suitable demon technique - Chi Xiong Charge!

Don't look at Tai Sui's upgrade to a small rank. With the help of the bloodline of the ancient form, the output intensity of this demon skill is close to the fourth level, the platinum level of dazzling!

It's just a smidge away from crossing the grade.

Therefore, Du Yu himself displayed the Chi Xiong Charge, which is also worthy of the unyielding silver quality.

Enough to be included in the sequence of combat demon skills!

You know, whether it is Du Yu Yan form or Du Yu Youying form, the demon skills he displays can only be regarded as a small coup for life.

But Unyielding Silver Chi Xiong Charged gave Du Yu a lot of room for manipulation!

Once Du Yu rushes up, although the speed and strength are still terrible, the control effect of the demon technique is real.

Du Yu, who won the "New Toy", had a lot of fun and hit anyone he saw at home

"Eh? Eh?" Li Mengnan

Holding a large pot of cat food in his hand, he just walked out of the restaurant when he felt a force from his side.

Du Laoliu successfully squatted to a person!

I saw him press his chest against the girl's shoulders, rampage, and push her to move a few steps.


The monster breath shirts of the two sides collided again and again, making bursts of buzzing sounds.

Du Yu rushed forward a full 3 meters, Li Mengnan also moved a full 3 meters, and the two stopped.

The control effect of Chi Xiong Charge is particularly gratifying!

At least during this short 3-meter journey, neither of them could move.

Don't underestimate these 3 meters, it can save your life at a critical moment!

"Yeah!" Li Mengnan held the big basin and looked at Du Yu angrily, "Huolulu is in the living room, go and hit it!"

Du Yu turned around and ran: "I'm sorry, sorry, I made a mistake."

Li Mengnan: ? ? ?

Did he call me a pig?

The girl stretched out her long legs, strode up to catch up, and saw the silver lynx lying lazily on the sofa, only then did she restrain the urge to buckle the big basin on Du Yu's head.

On the one hand, the big cat is Du Yu's pet, and his aura is too strong.

On the other hand, this big pot of food is carefully prepared for big cats, and it contains milk, biscuits, dried fruit, and a few large steaks!

It's really a pity to put it all on Du Yu's head.

"Come on, Silver Cat, it's time to eat." Li Mengnan put the large basin on the coffee table and pushed the coffee table towards the sofa.

"Meow~" Yin Ling stared at the TV intently, and the long silver tail swept over, gently brushing the girl's cheek.

That gesture is not like an act of intimacy, but more like a favor and reward for the human race in front of you?

"Hee hee~" Li Mengnan raised his hand with a smile and held the fluffy tail on the side of his face.

Although, she has no ability to keep this long tail, but a short-term enjoyment is enough.

When the silver tail slowly pulled back, it brushed over the girl's face and palm, making her overjoyed.

Not far away, General Du Yu

Huo Lulu turned his head curiously after hitting it 3 meters away.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

No wonder Chen Linglu likes Li Mengnan, she is very kind and caring.

Inevitably, many demon fighters will use demon pets as tools, and Li Mengnan loves these creatures from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't look at it yet, eat quickly." Li Mengnan leaned down and rubbed the big cat's head.

Silver Lynx was still looking at the TV screen, where the monster version of "Animal World" was playing.

"Spring is here, everything is revived, and it's time for the animals again."

Li Mengnan looked strange, turned to look at the TV, picked up the remote control and fast-forwarded for dozens of seconds.

The soothing music suddenly became intense.

On the prairie, a lonely sand king lion is fighting with a group of macular hyenas.

"Meow~" Yin Ling suddenly became interested.

She was not annoyed that the girl had fast-forwarded for dozens of seconds. Compared with the boring "spring is coming", she preferred to watch the monsters fight for their lives.

This is the life that Silver Lynx is familiar with.

Especially the king on the prairie, facing the provocative pictures of the young people, makes the silver lynx feel particularly immersive!

Li Mengnan licked the cat for a while, and after a while of addiction, he got up and walked to the restaurant: "Wu Wu, Lulu, pass the

It's time to eat! "


"Lu!" Feng Wuwu and Huo Lulu hurriedly followed.

"Du Yu, you call out Xiaoyan and the others, it's time for dinner!"

"Oh, okay." Du Yu's forehead fluctuated with a wave of demonic breath, and several demon pets appeared one after another. Under the master's gesture, they chased after the girl's figure.

Since the Shadow Gu Pagoda is refining the demon soul, Du Yu's demon pets are very greedy for the acupoint home, and the number of times they come out is relatively small.

The summoned fox, bear and firefly run so fast~

Since Li Mengnan settled in Du Wangfu, the monster pets have been very happy. The girl was not in vain at the third sister's house, and learned a lot of crafts from the breeder of the University of Su.

"Huh?" Xiaoyan deliberately stopped before passing by the sofa, and raised her head to look at Yin Lynn.

It is very rare that Yin Ling looked away from the TV screen and also glanced at Xiaoyan.

You know, even Li Mengnan, who brought her the food bowl, didn't even look at it.

This is the nature of Yin Ling, except for Du Yu, he is not shy about any creature.

So this seemingly fluttering glance is already a greeting.

"Yeah." Seeing Yihu and Yilin's actions, Du Yu nodded in satisfaction.

Over the past few days, under his master's training, the two kings have released their past suspicions and got along fairly well.

After all, the big cat is a wild spiritual beast, and its temperament has been fixed and cannot be changed. It was impossible for Du Yu to ask her to be like Xiao Youying, who revolved around King Yan.

As long as the two sides are no longer at war and can coexist peacefully, Du Yu is considered a success.

It wasn't until Xiaoyan left that Yin Ling turned his head and glanced at Du Yu.

With such a demeanor, the meaning is quite obvious: Satisfied?

"Haha." Du Yu smiled, walked towards the sofa, and lay directly in her arms, "In the future, you guys will be life-and-death comrades fighting side by side.

Including Youying and Tai Sui, you have a better attitude towards them. Even if you can't be nice, at least don't kill them. "

The big cat hummed, and the long tail got under Du Yu's back, propped up his upper body, and pushed it towards the food bowl on the coffee table.

Du Yu understood in his heart, and just picked up the food bowl, a twig with a buzzing mobile phone stuck in front of his face.

"Thank you." Du Yu looked at the caller ID on his phone and immediately put down the big pot.

"Senior Brother Li?" His voice was a little hollow, and he quickly recalled all the mistakes he had made in his mind, "I uh, have I been sued again?"

Li Jing got straight to the point and spoke quickly: "No, the bureau ordered our first brigade to assemble and have a mission."

"Oh?" Du Yu suddenly became a lot more confident, and his voice became a little higher, "Has another spiritual tool been born?"

"No, there is no new spiritual tool. It is the spiritual tool task that the second brigade is responsible for. Now we need to go to it."

Du Yu's heart moved, and he said, "The second brigade can't be attacked for a long time, need our help and give them some pointers?"

Li Jing's tone was quite serious: "All the members of the second brigade are missing, and there is only one colleague who supports them from the outside."

Du Yu was shocked: "Huh?"

The sudden voice of surprise attracted Li Mengnan in the restaurant.

The girl walked out quickly, looking at Du Yu's increasingly solemn expression, she was also a little nervous.

Li Jing: "The current situation is urgent, I have

After contacting the teacher.

I can't get in touch with Senior Brother Fu. You go to the Abandoned Villa to find him. Whether you find him or not, let me know as soon as possible.

Going right now! "

"Yes!" Du Yu stood up, and a busy tone was already coming from the handset.

Li Mengnan hurriedly said, "What's wrong?"

Du Yu: "There was an accident in the bureau, and the second team disappeared."

"Team two?"

"Yes, during this period of time, there are actually spiritual artifacts. It's just that this task was handed over to the newly recruited second brigade, and we were not allowed to participate.

I'm going to find Brother Fu now. "

Li Mengnan

:"I go with you!"

"Meow." Yin Ling got up, she saw Du Yu's eagerness, and realized that he was leaving.

Du Yu did not refuse: "Go."

At the same time, at the entrance of the restaurant, a group of cute pets are poking their heads.

Hearing Du Yu's voice, foxes, bears, pigs, witches, and dolls swarmed over, not even eating their meals.

For a time, the living room was filled with different colors and demonic auras, and the picture was particularly spectacular!

Du Yu: "."

No, I'm not on a mission right now, I'm just looking for someone.

The demon pets were so nervous about the two masters that it was a compliment to the two demon fighters.

Li Mengnan waved the strong demonic breath in front of him and almost choked: "By the way, what kind of magic weapon did the second team conquer? In which province?"

"I don't know either. Let's ask again in the car. Brother Li hung up too quickly."

Thanks for the dog eggs of the movie house, the two bosses of qaq for the reward, thank you for the support, the bosses are very generous! (`) Compare the heart

(End of this chapter)

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