It was the first time Du Yu got on a military plane in the east military camp of Songguta City, and it was a transport plane with several rows of vertical seats in the cabin.

Logically, he should be very new to all this. But at the moment, Du Yu's head is in a mess, and he doesn't care about other things.

The wild silver lynx crouched beside Du Yu's legs, always very well-behaved, and allowed Li Mengnan to play with the long silver tail.

Lord Tyrant seems to have said something to the girl through the demon.

Li Mengnan's face was full of sorrow, he slowly leaned down, and his soft lips touched the tyrant's pointed ear: "Yes, this mission is very dangerous."

The wild silver lynx is full of spirituality. After watching TV at home for a week, coupled with the constant communication with Li and Du, he can understand some simple human language.

Different from the heavy-hearted two, Wild Silver Lynx is looking forward to this dangerous journey.

I saw her long tail pulled away from the girl's arms, poked into Du Yu's arms, and even climbed over Du Yu's neck and circled around his neck.

The 2-meter long tail made it easy for Lord Tyrant to do this.

True gallows tail!

"Just hide behind me."

Du Yu woke up from his contemplation and used his demon soul to convey his thoughts: "What?"

Wild Silver Lynx: "I will protect you."

"Well, thank you." Du Yu's heart warmed, he stretched out his hand to grab the silver tail, bowed his head slightly, and lightly printed his lips on the "silver scarf".

The wild silver lynx's tail froze, raised his eyes, and looked at Du Yu dazedly.

Du Yu looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

After a long silence, the tyrant's rustling voice came over: "Don't touch me."

Du Yu: "."

You are wrapping my tail around me! ?

Fu Jianzhou sat alone in the distance, watching the interaction between one master and one pet, his eyes were very soft.

A wonderful female voice came from the spiritual deed: "We can play "Liang Zhu" for him."

"Let's wait until the mission is over." Fu Jianzhou stroked the white jade flute and asked, "Bai Lan, have you heard of this bell?

A clock that can freely become larger and smaller, swallowing everything in the world. "

Bai Lan said lightly: "I have traveled a long way, the mountains and deserts, the Gobi sea, those scenes are no different from the blue bricks in front of my house.

I have also seen many people, men and women, young and old, tall, short, fat and thin, and they all look exactly the same.

Neither is him. "

Fu Jianzhou lowered his eyes and said softly, "Sorry."

Everything is as Bai Lan said, she seems to have traveled in the summer, but whether it is thousands of mountains and rivers, or all beings, she has never paid attention.

Even if this ancient bell was hanging on the city gate, she didn't care when she passed by under the city gate.

Suddenly, Bai Lan's illusory face appeared on Fu Jianzhou's face, looking at Du Yu from a distance: "I want to play for him now."

"He?" Fu Jianzhou reacted, and then realized that the "he" in this sentence at this time was referring to Du Yu.

Even though the two parties signed a contract and Fu Jianzhou accompanied Xixia Di all day long, Fu Jianzhou could feel that Bai Lan was still lonely.

The obsession in my heart has turned into a lifelong regret, and the day when it will never end again, this is undoubtedly sad.

Here in Fu Jianzhou, Bai Lan found a place to settle down and found a lonely soul who felt the same way.

And the boy who told her the story of "The Liang Zhu" is her only friend in the world


Friend, not to mention.

Du Yu was still young, he didn't have much experience, and he was not like Bai Lan and Fu Jianzhou.

But this did not prevent Bai Lan from loving Du Yu.

This young man with kindness towards the world and full of hope always reminds Bai Lan of the self who has been longing for day and night after parting in the rainy night.

The difference is that her hopes have been completely shattered.

And Du Yu has not tasted the essence of fate.

Slowly, Fu Jianzhou lifted the white jade flute to his lips.

"Meow!" For the first time, Huang Yinlin stood up and stared at Fu Jianzhou.

Fu Jianzhou stopped moving and turned to look at the strange-colored monster.

"It's alright, it's alright." Du Yu hugged the big head of the dizzy gentleman and hurriedly comforted him.

In fact, in his heart, Du Yu didn't blame Huang Yinlin very much.

In the final analysis, she is a wild monster, not a domestic monster.

Her vigilance and vigilance, as well as her full malice towards the world, are the foundation of her survival in the wilderness.

The harmony and love of domestic demon pets is absolutely inapplicable in the law of the jungle, and will be eaten by the enemies without leaving any scum.

Du Yu thought for a moment, then said softly, "Senior Brother Fu may be itchy.

Well, how about I teach him a tune that reminds you of your hometown? "


Du Yu twisted the tufts of hair on the tyrant's pointed ears: "Yes, your hometown, Qianren Mountain."

"Meow." Wild Silver Lynx slowly crouched down, very reluctant to admit that he did have some expectations.

Du Yu: "Don't worry, I will let him restrain his mental attack and not interfere with your brain."


After receiving the tyrant's response, Du Yu unfastened his seat belt, got up and walked towards Fu Jianzhou.

With his excellent eyesight, he had already seen the illusory face of the woman on Senior Brother Fu's face.


It's just Du Yu's remarks. He knows that Senior Brother Fu is likely to be


The Xixia flute is different from the Shadow Gu Pagoda.

"Long time no see." Du Yu sat down beside Fu Jianzhou.

Bai Lan spoke softly, in Fu Jianzhou's voice, but his tone was very different from Senior Brother Fu: "Your demon pet is very irritable."

Du Yu shrugged helplessly: "It's just like this, there's no way."

Bai Lan smiled slightly, with a unique hazy beauty: "But it is very gentle to you."

Du Yu: "Everything has spirituality, sincerity can always be exchanged for friendship, such as me and you."

For a time, the smile on Bai Lan's face became stronger, and she said softly, "I have already practiced "The Liang Zhu"."

"Oh?" Du Yu went down the stairs, "How about I teach you another song?"

Suddenly, Bai Lan's illusory face solidified a little and became more and more beautiful: "Is it as poignant and beautiful as "The Liang Zhu"?"

Du Yu thought for a while, and spit out several words in a row: "Desolate, vast, pathetic, desolate."

Bai Lan nodded lightly: "Please."

Slowly, Du Yu hummed softly.

As early as when he stepped into Qianren Mountain for the first time, he made up his mind to teach this tune to Xixia Di.

"The Last of the Mohicans".

The humming military plane does not interfere

Bai Lan listened to the tune.

In Du Yu's low-pitched singing, she recalled the image of herself walking alone in the endless desert hundreds of years ago.

Pain, despair.

The wailing from the soul did not elicit a response from any living beings.

When the sun sets over the long river, she is the only one who walks alone.

A few short rhythms came to an abrupt end.

Du Yu opened his eyes and looked at the silent woman: "You make up the rest of the melody yourself, just like Liang Zhu."

Du Yu is very amateur, at best a hobbyist.

He couldn't hum the whole chapter, just like the original "Liang Zhu", except for the well-known essential parts, most of the movements had to be played by Xixia Di.

In Bai Lan's state of mind, Du Yu believed that she was within reach.

I saw Bai Lan lowered his eyes, his eyes were slightly scattered, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Du Yu waited patiently, and after an unknown amount of time, she suddenly asked, "What's its name."

Du Yu: "The Last Mo. Well, "The Last Clan"."

He secretly sinned in his heart, so he changed the name of the song to suit another world.

Bai Lan's voice was very low and light: "What race."

Du Yu, who has excellent eyesight, almost read Bai Lan's words through Fu Jianzhou's lips.

As for this question, Du Yu did not respond.

He stood up and patted Fu Jianzhou on the shoulder: "Condense the mental attack, we are on the plane, and there are pilots in the cockpit."

The distance of more than 2,000 kilometers can be reached in less than four hours.

When the military plane landed at the Langu Mountain-Military Airport, the soldiers who came to pick up the plane were stunned.

The roar of the plane was not small, but it still could not stop the desolate and distant flute.

When the military plane died down, the flute that hit the soul completely filled the entire airport.

Beside the runway, Lin Shiwei opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

She looked back at a row of military jeeps, as if asking for help, and happened to see the door of one of the cars opened, and a shadowy figure walked down.

The breeze swept under Yang Qingqing's feet, and the skirt danced lightly and floated forward.

Lin Shiwei immediately followed, and as the rear cabin door fell, he also saw several brothers and sisters.

"Take a break, I'll have a taste later. It's time for us to perform our mission, Bai Lan." Du Yu patted Fu Jianzhou on the shoulder, and the flute stopped abruptly.

Bai Lan's illusory face gradually disappeared.

Just before parting, he glanced at Du Yu.

His eyes were very complicated, and he didn't know whether it was resentment or gratitude.

"Master Qing." Li Mengnan came to Du Yu's side and reminded in a low voice.

Du Yu stood up with Fu Jianzhou on his back, and a group of demon soldiers stood outside the rear hatch. The two leaders were the master and the third sister.

"Master Qing."

"Master Qing!" The three of them walked down one by one, greeting them in a proper manner.

Yang Qingqing's eyes stopped on Fu Jianzhou: "It's a very artistic song."

Fu Jianzhou lowered his eyebrows and nodded.

Seeing the disciple's reaction, Yang Qingqing's heart was a little wider, and her eyes stayed on the wild silver lynx for a while, and said softly: "Let's go, talk on the road."

A group of people got into open-top military vehicles and quickly drove away from the military airport.

Yang Qingqing sat in the back seat, looking at

Following the barren silver lynx galloping beside the car, he said, "I brought it back from Qianren Mountain."

"Yes." Du Yu sat in the co-pilot, endured the gust of wind, turned his head to look at the back seat, "How is the Qing Shi, is this time going well?"

Since he didn't know what the women did, Du Yu asked vaguely.

Yang Qingqing's jet-black long hair fluttered in the wind, and she let it go.

"Brother Chuan finally broke through!"

"Haha." Yang Qingqing smiled, brushing the long hair from his lips with one hand, "He is very grateful to you, and he will find you alone after his cultivation has stabilized."

Du Yu nodded.

, I would like to have one more powerful friend.

After confirming the conjecture in his heart, he changed the subject and said, "Master Qing, our spiritual tool mission this time."

Yang Qingqing sighed: "The information that Li Jing sent to you is the latest."

Du Yu's expression was not very good: "What about the artifact spirit? Have we established a connection with the artifact spirit of Gu Zhong?"

"No, the ancient bell's artifact has never appeared. For a while, let's try to communicate with it with our artifact."

In fact, Yang Qingqing and Lin Shiwei had just arrived. Although the first brigade were all around Songgu Pagoda, they were divided into two military planes and arrived on the front and rear legs.

"I hope to lead it out." Du Yu's expression was solemn.

Don't be afraid of grievances and grievances.

For the sake of the ancient spirits, the twenty-ninth round can gather the power of the whole country in Daxia to satisfy any wish of the spirits.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid that the spirit won't show up and won't speak!

Just like the ancient spiritual tool, the Jasper Gourd, before Du Yu arrived with the Shadow Gu Pagoda, the Jasper Gourd ignored the human race at all.

At that time, the young master and the demon spirit troops explored the Hulu Mountain for nearly two months, and finally had to return without success.

The artifact spirit of the ancient artifact is undoubtedly the key to unlock!


What if the ancient bell spirit just didn't show up?

Do we have to be like the second team, at a certain moment of research and exploration, completely swallowed by the ancient bell?


Before performing such a task, teaching Bai Lan such a song does not seem to be a good omen.

(End of this chapter)

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