The sky is blue, the wild is vast.

The military vehicle was driving on the straight road, Du Yu looked at the endless grassland on both sides, and always had a bad premonition in his heart.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

But a little too beautiful, as if the road was to heaven.

Well, when you look at the world with the heart of dying, everything seems to be saying goodbye to you.

"Langu Mountain." Du Yu said softly, under the distant blue sky, there are continuous mountains dancing with dragons and phoenixes, "Master Qing, are we going to enter the mountain?"

"Yeah." Yang Qingqing replied softly, looking into the distance, her eyes were slightly blurred.

Langu Mountain has distinct layers, from top to bottom, it is roughly divided into three sections.

The top is snow-capped and white and flawless; the middle section is full of strange peaks, boulders, and dense grass forests; the lower section is full of meadows, valleys, and flowers.

The temperature in summer, combined with its unique dimension and altitude, gives Langu Mountain its distinct character.

Obviously it is a mountain range, but there are three different worlds up and down.

Du Yu pursed his lips, it was a good place to be buried.

It is true that people say that Wangshan runs a dead horse.

The military vehicle galloped on the highway for a long time, and later, Du Yu felt distressed for the wild silver lynx, so he deliberately slowed down the speed of the vehicle and made her jump into the back seat.

With the awkward temper of a tyrant, if Du Yu didn't let her come up, I'm afraid she would endure it forever.

But my own demon pet, I feel distressed~

The lynx family is full of explosive power, and in a short period of time, they can even wrestle with the dust spirit deer.

But Lord Tyrant doesn't last!

Really let her keep moving at high speed for two hours, she can be exhausted into a dog~

In fact, when the wild silver lynx climbed into the back seat of the military vehicle, the big pink tongue was already sticking out.

It's a pity that the Master was present.

Du Yu endured and endured, but still controlled his hand and did not tug at the tyrant's tongue.

"Hello." Yang Qingqing reached out to the lynx, as if to help her adjust her posture.

Because the lynx is too big, its prone posture is crooked, and a small half of its body hangs behind it.

Seeing Lord Master stretch out his hand, Du Yu can be said to be a formidable enemy!

His demon spirit floated out quickly, and it was close to the wild silver lynx: "This is my master, the person who takes care of me the most, and the person I respect the most, don't be foolish!"

Wild Silver Lynx raised his eyes, never seeing Du Yu so serious before.

Even on the top of Thousand Blades Mountain, when he reprimanded her, he mostly laughed and scolded her.

The wild silver lynx let out a "hum" and let the woman's palm fall on him.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu was relieved.

He can indulge the wild silver lynx to fry at Fu Jianzhou, but he must never let her treat Qing Shi like that.

Yang Qingqing's eyes were playful, and she saw the small movements between a master and a pet.

She easily lifted the belly of the wild silver lynx with one hand, moved into the car, and rubbed the silver hair along the way: "Your little white has been promoted to the spiritual level."

"Ah?" Du Yu was overjoyed, "Spirit level?"

Yang Qingqing: "You gathered demon souls to form, and Xiaochuan was promoted to the demon general, I benefited a lot from it.

Xiaobai was also irrigated by the energy between heaven and earth, breaking through the shackles. "

Du Yu clenched his fists: "That's great!"



The cry startled Du Yu.

You must know that his demon soul is in contact with the tyrant, and the uncontrollable joy in his heart is naturally exposed in front of the barren silver lynx.

"Haha." Yang Qingqing chuckled and turned to look at the big cat, "I seem to be jealous."

Du Yu scratched his head in embarrassment.

Yang Qingqing: "Yes, it cares about you very much. It is really rare that a wild spirit-level monster can do this."

Du Yu pouted: "She is used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and she is probably quite possessive."


"Okay, okay, not strong, not strong." Du Yu hurriedly said, "I don't want Xiaobai anymore, I don't want her anymore."

"Hmph." Wild Silver snorted coldly, turning his head to look aside.

"Ms. Yang, we're here." The soldier who had been driving quietly said suddenly.

Du Yu turned his head to look, the military vehicle had already driven to the foot of the mountain.

The snow on the mountain melted, and I don’t know how many places it passed through. A stream was formed here. Looking up along the stream, it was a small mountain pass.

"Go." Yang Qingqing floated up.

In the military vehicle at the rear, Fu Jianzhou and the others just got off the vehicle when they saw Master flying up the mountain, and the trio hurriedly followed.

"Go, tyrant." Du Yu rose and fell lightly, sitting on the back of the barren silver lynx.

Du Yu originally thought that he would be fleeting in the eyes of the soldiers' envy, how could he think that the barren silver lynx didn't move at all?

"I was wrong." Du Yu fell down, hugged the wild silver lynx's neck, and coaxed in a low voice, "Don't be angry. I'll go home and serve as a meat pad for you, can I compensate you?"

As he said that, Du Yu patted the head of the dizzy Jun: "The task is the most important, and you are obedient."

"Meow." Wild Silver Lynx finally moved and caught up.

Under the guidance of the soldiers, everyone went straight to the depths of the river valley.

Just ten minutes later, before Du Yu saw the military camp, he was the first to see Gu Zhong's figure.

It is located in a deep pit, and due to its proximity to the stream, there is already some storage in the pit.


Although the ancient bell is in the pit, its scale is not small, and it still shows half of its figure.

It seems to be made of bronze, with some ornaments carved on it, which Du Yu couldn't understand.

Even under the sunlight, the ancient bell still looks bleak, and a breath of ancient vicissitudes blows.

"Senior Yang." A young man strode forward, rushing in front of the soldiers who greeted him, and took the lead in cupping his fists and hands.

Du Yu read the information of his colleagues in the second team and knew that this young man with a split was the only remaining colleague in the second team - Zhang Tianxiao.

The young man looks 25 or 6 years old, as his name suggests, he is an optimist, and he smiles every day.

However, at this moment, his expression was extremely serious, and he hadn't laughed for a day.

Yang Qingqing nodded and looked at the ancient bell in the distance: "It is much smaller than I thought."

Zhang Tianxiao's attitude was modest: "Senior Yang, before the sudden attack of the bronze bell, the scale was very grand, like a hill.

After it became smaller, it became what it is now, with a visual height of about 30 meters. "

Yang Qingqing nodded and silently observed the ancient bell.

Under normal circumstances, Fu Jianzhou would negotiate with the military at the meeting.

But at this time, Fu Jianzhou had no intention of speaking at all, and Lin Shiwei hesitated for a moment before taking the job.

After some negotiation

, Lin Shiwei could only sigh secretly.

The information held by the soldiers is also held by everyone in the squad. People don't even know anything about ancient clocks!

"Master Qing."

"Huh?" Yang Qingqing turned to look at Lin Shiwei.

I saw the girl shook her head gently, her face helpless.

Yang Qingqing knew it, and said, "It's not too late, let's try to negotiate with it with the spirit of the tool."

While speaking, Yang Qingqing suddenly raised his hand and shook his wrist.


The crisp and sweet bell rang deep in the valley.

Yang Qingqing stepped forward, Du Yu felt nervous, and hurriedly drove the Wild Silver Lynx to follow.

Until the woman came to the edge of the pit and looked at the ancient bell at the bottom of the pit hundreds of meters away.

A red mist figure appeared quietly, covering Yang Qingqing's graceful figure.

A woman in red clothes and red robes.

This is the spirit of the bell bracelet, Nangong Ling.

It is also the big villain in Shadow Gu Tower's illusion, the leader of the mysterious organization Zhuxinyuan.

Of course, unlike Xixia Di Bai Lan, the bell bracelet shattered and fell while Nangong Ling was being chased.

Therefore, Nangong Ling had no chance to integrate his soul into the bell bracelet.

The bell bracelet is just out of habit, and it has transformed the image of the previous owner. As long as Yang Qingqing wants, she can make the tool spirit change into any shape.

"Master Qing!"

"Master Qing!" Li Mengnan and Lin Shiwei looked worried and spoke one after another.

I saw Yang Qingqing suddenly fly up and continue to walk towards the center of the deep pit!

You know, the people of the second team were swallowed by the ancient bell!

"Go back." Yang Qingqing said suddenly.

Below, Du Yu rode forward on the barren silver lynx, and even if the vertical distance was aside, he could not leave an inch.

Du Yu raised his head and said, "If something goes wrong, I'd better have someone to take care of it."

Hearing this sentence, Yang Qingqing looked down at Du Yu.

On the way to such a dangerous mission, a smile appeared on her face: "You? Take care of me?"

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "I helped you conquer the Shadow Gu Pagoda and the Jasper Gourd before, have you forgotten about the master?"

Yang Qingqing stood up in the sky, the smile on her face gradually subsided.

Slowly, her voice was serious: "Go back, this is an order."

Du Yu looked up at Qing Shi's face filled with red mist, and said, "I also have a Shadow Gu Pagoda. I can also swallow people, and I have a higher chance of talking to Gu Zhong."

Yang Qingqing's eyes were a little complicated, but when he knew that the ancient bell might swallow people, his disciple insisted on following him.

To say not to be moved is to lie.

Du Yu raised his head and said, "Let's go, Master Qing.

Even if you take the lead, if you are really swallowed, I will have to find you sooner or later. "

Yang Qingqing was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the disciples behind him: "You three, stay here."

Compared to Du Yu, who disobeyed the teacher's orders, the other three disciples did not dare to disagree.

I saw Yang Qingqing slowly float down and fly in front of Du Yu's left: "Let's go then."

She agreed with Du Yu to come, but she actually had another confidence, that is, the Bamboo Shadow Thunder Pond!

In the revelation of Bamboo Shadow Thunder Pond, Du Yu once saved her life in the Ten Thousand Army Cong.

And in that war

, her Chixiong The Forbidden City is huge, and is definitely not a heaven-level creature at this moment.

In other words, she and Du Yu are not dead yet.

Of course, the premise of all this was that the prophecy she had pinned on Bamboo Shadow Thunder Pond would definitely happen.


The barren silver lynx splashed the starting point of water, and approached the bottom of the pit step by step.


Yang Qingqing shook his wrist lightly and kept using his magic weapon, trying to attract Gu Zhong's attention.

The distance of just a few hundred meters will arrive in an instant.

Everyone on the edge of the deep pit was apprehensive, watching this scene with bated breath.

Until the two came to Gu Zhong, Li Mengnan couldn't help but reached out and hugged Lin Shiwei's arm, a heart in his throat.

"Hello." Yang Qingqing raised his palm, moving very slowly, as if expressing goodwill.

The red mist lingered on the jade hand, and pressed lightly on the bronze bell wall.

"This is the Great Summer of 997, the Prairie Province, which is different from the time when you fell." Qi Ling's tone was infinitely close to Yang Qingqing, and even made Du Yu think that the two had merged into one.

"You have a high probability of going through a period of war, but there is no more war in Daxia at this time, and the human race and the orc race live in peace."

Yang Qingqing conveyed his thoughts through the spiritual deed, and Nangong Ling helped to speak.

However, the ancient bell was still silent, like a dead thing.

After a full ten minutes, Yang Qingqing frowned slightly and retracted his palm.

Obviously, Gu Zhong has no desire to communicate.

She lowered her head and looked down, and Du Yu understood it.

Suddenly, a layer of black mist appeared on his body, and a black mist woman appeared quietly.

Seriously, such a picture is indeed ironic enough.

One is a red-robed woman, Nangong Ling, from Zhuxin Garden.

One is the black mist woman Guo Yueyao, from Shenmu Pavilion.

These two mortal enemies, anyone who knows that in hundreds of years, will join hands to carry out the mission in this form, I am afraid that they will die without resting their eyes, right?

Du Yu's black mist finger pointed on the wall of the bell, sliding gently, depicting the strange carvings of the ancient bell.

He, who reported his own family, directly showed that the Shadow Gu Pagoda also has the ability to devour living beings.

However, the bronze bell standing here simply ignored Du Yu.

After all the good words, it is still silent.

"Go back first."

"Huh?" The black mist woman looked at the red-robed woman.

Yang Qingqing turned back and said, "Go back and talk about it."

Du Yu patted the wild silver lynx, turned his head and ran away.

He was full of anticipation. It was done like this in film and television dramas, and it was often at such times that a vision would happen.


The damn bell is still silent!

It's a pity that the two masters and apprentices created an atmosphere for more than half an hour in vain


The barren silver lynx walked lightly on the water splash.

Du Yu had a thoughtful look on his face, and asked in his mind, "Little Tower, can you pull out the artifact spirit?"

"I can give it a try. Every magical instrument is born, and it needs the forger to nourish it with the soul."

The Shadow Gu Pagoda continued to respond: "So, the so-called artifact spirits contain more or less the spirits of the masters.

But Master, think about the consequences of doing so. "

Du Yu: "What?"

Shadow Gu Pagoda: "This means that we are fighting the ancient bell, which is far worse than attacking it with your demon skills.

No matter the character geometry of the ancient artifact, since you want to completely destroy it, it is the end of the endless death. "

"That's not possible, I just want to draw the artifact out!" Du Yu hurriedly responded, and accidentally said, "We still need the whereabouts of the second team!

Even a jasper gourd cannot absorb people in the morning, and it will be refined in the afternoon, and the second team still has a chance to save it! "

The barren silver lynx was so fast that when Du Yu said these words, he had already run to the edge of the pit.

After hearing Du Yu's words, everyone turned to look.

Du Yu waved his hand, bowed his head again, and communicated with the Shadow Gu Pagoda.

Yang Qingqing didn't bother Du Yu, she turned to Jianzhou and said, "I'll take you to try it."

Fu Jianzhou looked embarrassed and lowered his head slightly.


Fu Jianzhou: "She is not in the mood."

Yang Qingqing watched Fu Jianzhou silently for a long time, and she hadn't seen him for several months. She also saw the changes in Fu Jianzhou.

For a long time, Yang Qingqing sighed in her heart, walked past the disciple, and patted Fu Jianzhou on the shoulder: "Please try to ask for its help. Du Yu."

"Here." Du Yu hurriedly followed.

"Why did you react so much just now?"

Du Yu organized the language and recounted the conversation with Qing Shi.

On the side, Fu Jianzhou left silently, found a quiet place, and negotiated with Bai Lan.

As Yang Qingqing and Du Yu walked into the barracks, she shook her head decisively as she listened to what her disciple said.

She thought the same as Du Yu, it was not the time when the fish died and the net broke.

"Master Qing, you said" Du Yu frowned, "Can Gu Zhong refine people?

The shape of this magic weapon always feels like a defensive and control magic weapon. It has nothing to do with absorbing and refining creatures, right?

Are the people in the second team trapped in the clock, only a wall away from us?

Just because the ancient bell is so effective, the people in the second team can't hear the sound, and they are completely isolated? "

In the barracks tent, everyone took their seats, listening to Du Yu's analysis, they couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Especially a few people in the first team, they know the Jasper Gourd and the Shadow Gu Pagoda.

These two instruments have similar effects, one refines the body and the other refines the soul.

The shapes of the two of them are placed here. They don't look like ancient bells. They don't look like magic weapons with refining effects.

The room fell into silence.

Yang Qingqing pondered for a long time and said, "Let's sort out our thoughts, write down everything we want to say, and discuss with Gu Zhong later.

The three rounds are limited. If there is still no result, I will leave a monster out as a contact person. "

Du Yu had a bad feeling in his heart: "Master Qing?"

Yang Qingqing nodded: "The people from the second team dug in from the ground. I will go their old way and see where the second team is."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Qingqing suddenly stopped.

In the deep mountains and lakes, a burst of flutes suddenly sounded.

Li Mengnan whispered, "Brother Fu is playing the flute again.

son. "

Everyone in the first team has a great tolerance for Jianzhou.

Because they knew in their hearts that it wasn't that Fu Jianzhou treated the task like a child's play, but that he really couldn't help himself!

Yang Qingqing hooked at Zhang Tianxiao: "Paper and pen."

"Yes." Zhang Tianxiao hurriedly walked out of the camp with a soldier and quickly turned back.

A group of people gathered around the table and had a small meeting.

What Gu Zhong may care about and what he cares about, all in all, all the topics that may lead to it are recorded on paper one by one.

Time passed quickly, and just as Lin Shiwei was writing and recording, a soldier ran in quickly!

"Ms. Yang, Zhong! The artifact has appeared!"

"Huh?" Yang Qingqing's eyes widened slightly and she stood up suddenly.

At the same time, the center of the deep pit.

Directly above the huge bronze ancient bell, an illusory figure is standing quietly.

He seemed to be wearing an old sackcloth and carrying a woodchopping axe, looking like a woodcutter, looking to the southwest.

There, it was the direction the flute came from.

And this flute piece, which lasted for nearly half an hour, was exactly the piece Du Yu taught Bai Lan.

"The Last of the Clan".

Five thousand words, ask for some tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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