Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

295 Contract! Mountain and Sea Bell!

Late at night, next to the military camp.

Du Yu and a short man walked together, looking for the melodious flute sound, and walked into the depths of the river valley.

The short man was in his mid-thirties, and he was about 1.5 meters tall.

Although he is relatively thin and small, he has a rather domineering name: Qi Tian.


Qi Tian's fingertips lit a pinch of flame and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

He took a deep breath, enjoying his face, and exhaled a puff of smoke to the side.

Du Yu looked at the man curiously, the smell of this stuff choked his nose, he really didn't know what to enjoy.

"It's not a good thing, it's best not to touch it in this life." The man noticed Du Yu's curiosity and said casually.

Du Yu nodded silently.

"Thank you and Master Qing for your help, it's too timely." Qi Tian turned his head to the side and exhaled another puff of smoke.

"You have thanked me many times, Brother Tian, ​​you don't need to say it all the time." Du Yu said with a smile, "Although we are not on the same team, we are also comrades-in-arms."

Then, Du Yu added: "Master Qing said."

Qi Tian grinned and scolded with a smile: "Damn, I almost killed me by lightning! The more monster pets are summoned to resist, the more intense the lightning.

I thought that Heavenly Punishment was here again!

I almost forgot what it was like, how many years ago the gathering of demon souls happened."

Du Yu: "."

The death penalty suddenly started to attack me?

It is hard to imagine that this joking and scolding Mr. Qi Tian is a demon general.

And it's still the Royal Demon Commander Peak!

To be able to have such strength in the mid-thirties is naturally a genius among geniuses, and he deserves to be the person who was brought in by Director Shu personally.

But his temper

Well, that's fine too!

At least it's not like Director Shu Qinghe, who can become an immortal by practicing, and he can't get any emotions~

In front of Qi Tian's fingers, the spark at the cigarette butt was a bit conspicuous in the dark night.

Du Yu came back to his senses, turned his head to look, and saw Fu Jianzhou focused on playing the flute.

Senior Brother Fu should have merged with the night.

But the white jade flute in his hand exudes a faint luster, which reflects the handsome face of Senior Brother Fu.

Fu Jianzhou is in charge of Jun, and the illusory outline on his face is in charge of Beauty.

Obviously it is a man and a woman, but their style and temperament are surprisingly harmonious.

Qi Tian: "You go, I'll be waiting here."

"Okay." Du Yu stepped on the stream and walked quickly towards the opposite bank.

Until Du Yu left, Qi Tian looked at Fu Jianzhou's figure and couldn't help shaking his head.

As a member of the second team, he naturally knew the colleagues of the first team.

In Qi Tian's eyes, it was undoubtedly a huge hidden danger that Fu Jianzhou was being pinched by the spirit of the Xixia flute.

But the leaders of the bureau didn't say anything, and he didn't say much.

"Senior brother." Du Yu came to Fu Jianzhou and called in a low voice.

The flute stopped abruptly, and there was silence around the valley.

Du Yu looked at the outline of the woman on Fu Jianzhou's face, and nodded apologetically: "You have been practicing for a day, it's already very late."

Fu Jianzhou was silent and did not respond.

Du Yu said helplessly: "The mood of the soldiers is not very good.

Besides, Senior Brother Fu has to sleep too.

Bai Lan, let him rest. "

The woman glanced at Du Yu, and her illusory face quietly disappeared.

"Xiaodu Xiaodu."

"Ah?" Du Yu looked at Qi Tian on the other side of the river.

Qi Tian: "The superior tells you to return to the camp immediately."

"Oh." Du Yu turned to look at Fu Jianzhou, "Senior brother, get a good night's sleep, the Shanhaizhong mission is complete."

He patted Fu Jianzhou on the shoulder and ran away quickly.

When crossing the stream, there was a little splash of water under my feet.

Fu Jianzhou silently looked at the back of Du Yu's departure. He seemed to be watching with the naked eye, but there seemed to be an illusory outline on his eyeballs.

Du Yu ran back to the brightly lit military camp, and the soldiers standing on guard along the way all cast their eyes.

Although they didn't show anything, Du Yu finally stopped the flute sound, and the soldiers were very grateful.

Seriously, no matter how good a song is, it can't stand a single loop.

What's more, the flute sound blown by Bai Lan is not only distracting, but also distracting!

Under the cycle over and over again, everyone just feels sad in their hearts and desolate in their lives, and it is really meaningless to live.

Now the flute is gone.

They could finally catch their breath.

Du Yu was familiar with the road, and quickly rushed to the front of the largest tent in the middle. The soldiers on one side opened the tent, and Du Yu couldn't help but look stunned.

A familiar figure was sitting on the main seat in the tent.

Cheng Feng?

It is good to have teleportation, elusive!

Du Yu strode in, clasped his fists and cupped his hands: "Senior Cheng."

Cheng Feng looked solemn, as always. It's just that with a hint of admiration in his eyes, he couldn't escape King Du's eyes.

Yes, Not Bad!

Du Yu thought to himself, his friendship with Daxia Qisheng has increased again~

Cheng Feng nodded and gestured for the seat beside him.

Du Yu walked in the direction of the young master and hugged the middle-aged man beside him.


This person's name is Hu Yihua, over fifty years old, with a strong academic atmosphere, an amiable old professor, and the leader of the second team.

Professor Hu used to work at the Demon Spirit Academy, and later joined Daxia Bookstore, where he served as an official and a half-officer in the thirteenth bureau.

There are some similarities between the thirteenth inning and the twenty-ninth inning.

This side specializes in the management of spiritual weapons, while the thirteenth bureau is specifically responsible for the demon soldiers in Daxia.

For example, mountain fire knives and cold lake swords, which are magical weapons with the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, are all under the supervision of the Thirteenth Bureau.

"The mountain and sea clocks are extremely valuable and powerful. If they can be used properly, they can be called the most important weapon of the country." Cheng Feng said slowly.

Du Yu's heart moved slightly, and Senior Cheng deliberately called himself back.

Except for Cheng Feng, there were only 3 people in the barracks!

Professor Hu, Qing Shi, and this little guy.

Cheng Feng continued: "Now, Shanhaizhong is silent again, ignoring the world. This is not a good omen."

With a solitary arm, he pressed the paper on the table: "Judging from the information you reported, Shanhaizhong has lost his thoughts, and his last hope has also been dashed.

If this kind of spiritual tool enters a state of self-destruction, it will be a great loss for us in Daxia. "

Yang Qingqing suddenly turned her head and glanced at Du Yu lightly.

Du Yu knew this woman too well.

He hurriedly restrained his mind and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Seeing that Du Yu was shocked by the master, and now looked at his nose and his mouth, Cheng Feng showed a rare smile on his face.

He opened his mouth and said: "Unless it is a last resort, we cannot use force.

Shanhaizhong is in poor condition and has lost the desire to survive. It needs to be avoided from self-destruction.

On the other hand, the mountain and sea clock is extremely powerful, and the ancient demon saints can be trapped. If we are not careful, we may become prisoners. "

Cheng Feng sat down slowly and thought for a moment, "Xiao Yang."

"Mr. Cheng." Yang Qingqing stood up.

Cheng Feng: "You and your disciples have helped Shanhaizhong a lot.

Also have personal friends with Mountain Grass·Jiarong, Sea Tree·Shatang, the two of you are ready, go to Shanhaizhong and try. "

Hearing this sentence, Du Yu also stood up.

Cheng Feng: "No one knows what Shanhaizhong will do. Go ahead, the sooner the better."

"Yes." Yang Qingqing replied softly, and quickly left the camp with Du Yu.

As the tent curtain fell, Hu Yihua looked solemn on the seat: "What if Shanhaizhong doesn't go with our human race?

Every minute and every second that it exists independently in the world is a hidden danger. "

Cheng Feng nodded silently, knowing that Professor Hu's judgment was accurate.

The mountain and sea clocks self-destruct, imprison the surrounding creatures, etc., and put them aside.

The real problem is: the mountain and sea clock can open the gate of heaven!

This also means that it can release the ancient demon saint among them, causing chaos in the world!

This is the most terrifying, and the most unacceptable result of the Daxia people.

Although, judging from the information reported by Yang Qingqing and Du Yu, the mysterious monsters in the dark clouds guard the heavens, and the sea-devouring dragon turtles guard the sea.

For thousands of years, the two have been conscientious and conscientious, and have no other thoughts.

But just in case

In the dark of night, the master and the apprentice came to the edge of the deep pit.

There was already a lot of water in the pit, enough to submerge people's calves.

"Master Qing." Li Mengnan, Lin Shiwei, and the only female member of the second team stood on the edge of the pit, looking at the silent ancient bell from a distance.

Yang Qingqing: "How is the situation?"

"The spirit of the tool has been disappearing, and I don't even listen to flute music." Lin Shiwei reported in a low voice.

"Yeah." Yang Qingqing nodded lightly. Since the two came out and handed the dagger to Shan Hai Zhong, it was silent for a long time and disappeared together with the dagger.

It was late at night, and I didn't know how Zhong Ling was feeling now.

Is it better, or worse?

"Master Qing, who are you?" Li Mengnan asked in a low voice.

"Let's see if we can contract it." Yang Qingqing stepped forward and slowly fell.

Du Yu immediately followed, wading in the lake water that covered his knees, and walked forward step by step.

Yang Qingqing was not wet, and floated forward on the lake, but for some reason, suddenly fell to Du Yu's side.

The tail of her long dress was floating on the lake, and under the moonlight, she was even more immortal.

She whispered, "Want?"

Du Yu: "Huh?"

Yang Qingqing looked back and raised her eyebrows slightly, meaning it was self-evident.

Du Yu opened his mouth, and finally nodded: "Mmmm."

Only then did Yang Qingqing turn his head and move forward. The two of them walked in the lake and quickly came to the front of the mountain and sea bell.

"Try it." She gestured to the clock wall in front of her.

Du Yu stared blankly at the woman: "Ah me, shall I go first?"

Senior Cheng Feng's order was to ask Yang Qingqing to bring his disciples to try it out.

And the immortal master of his own directly let it go?

Yang Qingqing glanced at Du Yu with a smile: "Stretch out your hand."

"Oh." Du Yu suppressed his emotions, raised his right hand, and pressed it against the wall of the clock.

Now comes the problem!

What should I say?

Du Yu hesitated for a moment,

He asked, "Shan Hai Zhong, are you there?"

Yang Qingqing: "."

Du Yu thought for a while and continued: "Sorry, the Yan people didn't survive to the present age, don't be too sad, they are ordinary people after all.

When searching for their homes, I could see that they were already struggling to survive.

Jiarongcao also said the same. "

Under the moonlight, in the lake, the ancient bell was silent.

"The deceased are gone, but the human race is still there. They are not the last of your clan, there are thousands of people in Mr. Yanjiang's clan.

We all still live in the land of Daxia, and the orcs did not exterminate our dead. "

Du Yu said softly, soothing Shanhaizhong and trying to awaken its dead heart.

"When we were in the realm of the sea, we informed Shatangshu of the external situation, and it once thought that it should be relieved, and it has no meaning to exist anymore.

This is not the case, at this moment in the summer, the twin tree civilization is facing the invasion of the bottomless pit civilization"

Du Yu talked incessantly, and he spoke bitterly.

I don't know how long it took to persuade, Du Yu even felt dry mouth, but Gu Zhong still didn't respond at all.


In the silent environment, a slight vibration sound suddenly came.

Du Yu: "."


I thought Gu Jong finally had a reaction!

The result is that the phone in your pocket is vibrating?

Under Yang Qingqing's gaze, Du Yu took out his mobile phone, only to find that the caller ID on the screen turned out to be Lin Shiwei?

Du Yu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look far behind.

On the edge of the brightly lit deep pit, Lin Shiwei held the phone to her ear and stubbornly tried to connect the call.

Du Yu hesitated for a moment, but still picked up: "Shi Wei?"

"You should be stronger."

Du Yu: "Huh?"

Yang Qingqing said suddenly: "Outside."

Du Yu didn't hesitate, just clicked the speakerphone key.

Lin Shiwei: "I know, you respect all creatures very much. But sometimes, creatures have different temperaments and need a push from you."

Hearing this, Yang Qingqing was a little surprised.

She didn't know that when the master and the apprentice were on a mission in the world of mountains, Lin Shiwei outside wanted to press the mountain and sea clock against the wall of the clock and beat him.

Lin Shiwei continued: "You and Master Qing risked their lives to venture into the world of mountains and seas to help Shanhaizhong find the descendants of the Yan clan.

You brought back news for Shanhaizhong, which it owes you.

You shouldn't have many twists and turns, everything is because of Shanhaizhong"

Yang Qingqing said suddenly: "Be polite."

compared to girls

, Yang Qingqing knows that Shanhaizhong is a time bomb, it is best not to stimulate too deeply.

Lin Shiwei stopped speaking, with a hint of stubbornness in his voice: "Shancao Jiarong, Haishu Shatang, these two guardian gods of the world of mountains and seas, have all recognized you!

Shanhaizhong is just a teleportation. Shanhaizhong has no reason to refuse!

You are worthy of trust. "

Du Yu raised his eyes to look at Yang Qingqing, and the two looked at each other.

Xiao Shiwei, the fire is quite big, isn't it?

After all, the young master was listening, and the girl had never dared to be so presumptuous.

This is indeed the case.

Lin Shiwei is indeed very popular with this mountain and sea bell spirit that "eight poles can't make a fart"!

The world of mountains and seas is extremely dangerous. If the master and the apprentice cannot explain it to the mountain god and the sea god, what will the result be?

What would happen if you were attacked by two ancient monsters on the way?

Shan Haizhong almost killed Master and Du Yu in it for his own thoughts!

Lin Shiwei: "Push it, be tougher!

The mountains, seas, grass and trees all recognized it, and brought back news to Zhong Ling, you are worth it! "


A bell rang through the night sky.

Du Yu only felt his heart tremble!

There were waves of ripples on the lake surface, causing the Immortal Master's skirt to flutter.

Du Yu opened his mouth stupidly, but he had heard the "humming" sound of the Shanhai Bell, but he had never heard the pure chime of the bell!

He subconsciously retracted the palm of his hand that was attached to the clock wall, but there was actually a contract thread drawn from his fingertips?

Yang Qingqing's eyes are bright, and his heart is like a lake under his feet, with ripples.

Disciple, finally want to take Shanhaizhong into the bag.

Just because she has experienced the world of mountains and seas, she is more aware of how powerful this spiritual tool is!

Du Yu was excited, no longer hesitated, and pressed the silk thread to the left of his chest.

Lead the thread to form a contract, the master of mountains and seas!

Four thousand two hundred words, ask for some tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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