Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

296 The Heavenly Demon Saint

In the lake under the moon, in front of the mountain and sea clock.

Du Yu held Lingqi with his fingertips and pointed to his left chest.

"Silly Du Yu~"

Du Yu stopped for a moment, for fear of something unexpected: "What's the matter, Xiao Fenyang?"

Xiao Fenyang muttered, "Are you going to put Shanhaizhong into the Lingxu cave? Sister Ta is still inside!"

Du Yu: "."

Xiao Fenyang: "Sister Ta is so big, and Shanhaizhong is so big, put them together and squeeze more~"

Du Yu: "What acupoint should I change?"

"God hides the cave~"

"Okay." Du Yu moved his fingertips up and found the Shenzang Point 2 cm above the Lingxu Point.

Since Du Yu became a demon fighter, he has gained a more comprehensive understanding of the meridians and acupuncture points. After all, the acupuncture points in the body must not only carry the demon breath, but also serve as acupoint homes for the demon pets.

With the contract thread connecting the Shenzang acupoint, the giant ancient bell in front of him suddenly blurred!


Du Yu only felt a gust of wind coming, mixed with a strong energy aura, forcing him to take a few steps back.

In the Shenzang cave, Shanhaizhong settled down!

The entry of the spirit tool into the body this time is very different from the previous entry of the Shadow Gu Tower.

When Du Yu contracted the Shadow Gu Pagoda, the Shadow Gu Pagoda was in extremely poor condition.

The Shanhai Bell is in good condition, and there is a lot of energy in the body.

Du Yu's Divine Treasure Cave was not lit at first, but since it entered it, it has developed its own home.

A stream of pure demon breath quickly swept through the acupuncture points, aggressively!

At the same time, inside the cave of Lingxu.

The black mist woman stood at the entrance of the ancient pagoda, looking unhappy, looking up at the sky.

The fiery red sky was originally very calm, but at this moment, the fire demon breath that covered the sky was stirred up in waves.

The main vein that Du Yu opens is the Ren vein, which is the vertical line between the eyebrows and the navel.

The Lingxu acupoint where the Shadow Gu Pagoda is located belongs to the twelve meridians, the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin.

Until this time, a new person came to the meridian.

"Sister Ta, don't be angry, I'll clean him up!" In the red sky, a mysterious black-gold bird flew over and sprinkled layers of fire demon breath.

The black mist woman at the entrance of the pagoda quietly disappeared and gathered at the top of the ancient pagoda.

She looked up at Jinwu and said, "After all, it is the master's spiritual tool, don't be too strict."

"唳~" The Golden Crow whizzed past and disappeared into the fiery red sky.

After leaving the Lingxu acupoint and following the meridians all the way up, Xiao Fenyang plunged into the Shenzang acupoint.

The sky here is also fiery red. After all, Du Yu is a pure fire attribute.

Regardless of whether this acupoint was opened or not, in general, Du Yu's entire body was a sea of ​​fire.

"Oh, it's very beautiful!" Fenyang Jinwu flew around the ancient bronze bell.

On the top of the giant bronze bell, a tall woodcutter in linen clothes suddenly appeared.

He looked stunned and looked up at the sky stupidly.

Until Xiao Fenyang turned around and flew to the top of the bell, the woodcutter's heart was still full of shock.

"Jin, the Jinwu clan?"

"So you can talk?" Xiao Fenyang turned into a human figure and slowly landed on the bell. Those big orange eyes were full of ridicule.


She raised her head and looked at the woodcutter, as if asking her guilt from the teacher: "Du Yu just talked to you for a long time, why are you silent?"

The woodcutter realized that this ancient demon saint was protecting the master!

And his actions all along, I am afraid all fell into the eyes of the Golden Crow.

In the future, I am afraid that my life will not be better

"You bastard, don't speak again." Xiao Fenyang put his hands on his hips with a dissatisfied face.

Although Xiao Fenyang is small, his aura is soaring into the sky!

The woodcutter crouched down and looked at Xiao Fenyang: "Are you the monster pet of this human race boy?"

"What kind of human boy, you don't even know his new master." Xiao Fenyang pursed his lips, "Du Yu!"


Xiao Fenyang: "Come, read with me: Du, Yu."

The woodcutter was really obedient and said, "Du Yu."

"That's right." Xiao Fenyang nodded with satisfaction, "When you light up the acupoint home, the movement was quieter, and Sister Ta was unhappy."

The woodcutter: "The ancient pagoda of Du Yu's spiritual tool?"

"Yes, she is in the Lingxu cave. Hey, it's not right for you to be called Du Yu, it should be called Master."


Xiao Fenyang did not continue on this question, and instead asked: "You are so strange, you can bring people into the world of mountains and seas, but you don't own mountains and seas.

Who created that magical world? "

Woodcutter: "I."

Xiao Fenyang blinked: "Huh?"

The woodcutter's eyes drooped: "The world of mountains and seas once lived with me and was hidden in the clock."

Xiao Fenyang looked like a curious baby: "What about later?"

The woodcutter whispered: "In the past, most of the creatures trapped in the clock had the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth.

The master worried that they would smash the wall of the clock and escape, separating me from the world inside me. "

"It's amazing!" Xiao Fenyang opened his mouth slightly and couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Woodcutter: "Without the bell wall, the world of mountains and seas will be infinitely broad, and there will be no way to escape from the sky."

Xiao Fenyang: "That's not right! Apart from the opening of the Heavenly Gate, Shatangshu said that the ocean is coming, and Jiarongcao said that the clouds are falling.

Are these paths possible to escape? "

The woodcutter nodded: "Yes, this is the only two remaining areas in the world of mountains and seas that are connected to my body.

After the prisoners arrived, they couldn't escape immediately. They also needed to smash the wall of the bell and smash my body.

Moreover, both Haiyuan and Wuyun are guarded by demon saints. "

Xiao Fenyang: "The Zhenhai Monster Saint of the Sea Realm is a dragon turtle, Shatangshu has already told us.

What is the demon saint in the realm of mountains? "

"It's a cow. Its body shape. Well, it's weird. It can drive thunder and lightning, and call the wind and rain. I don't know its race or name."

Xiao Fenyang was very curious.

A bull that can drive lightning and strike electricity?

It sounds like a lot of fun, one day I will meet it~

But now I'm afraid not.

It is so irritable, if a thunder and lightning strikes down, silly Du Yu can't bear it.

The mountain and sea clock fell into silence.

Xiao Fenyang thought for a while, only to realize that he was in a trance, and the woodcutter

On the other hand, she quietly knelt in the same place, waiting for her to return to her senses.

"Hehe~" Xiao Fenyang smiled, took a step forward, and patted the woodcutter on the shoulder, "We will be teammates from now on!"


Xiao Fenyang: "Don't worry, follow Du Yu, you will never be wronged. Du Yu is a good person!"


Xiao Fenyang: "You bastard, why don't you speak again!"

In the lake under the moon, Du Yu's trembling body gradually calmed down.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the figure of Qing Shi waiting by the side.

"Is your body stable?"

"Yes, Master Qing." Du Yu nodded, but he felt a little regretful in his heart.

I thought that Shanhaizhong entered the body, and I could make progress in the role of Yuling.

However, Shanhai Bell was not like the Shadow Gu Pagoda, it did not give Du Yu any spiritual energy.

In this regard, Du Yu thought for a moment and figured it out a lot.

After all, spiritual energy is the foundation of ancient spiritual tools, and Shadow Gu Pagoda didn't want to live in the first place, so it became a "scattering wealth boy".

That kind of behavior also caused the Shadow Gu Pagoda's vitality to be seriously damaged, and it has not yet recovered to its prosperous state.

From this point of view, it is best to preserve the aura of Shanhai Bell.

If the foundation is shaken and the gate of heaven can no longer be opened, the fun will be great!

"Go back, don't let Mr. Cheng wait too long." Yang Qingqing said softly.

Du Yu turned his head to look and saw a group of people standing on the edge of the brightly lit deep pit.

The leader is Cheng Feng.

Including Professor Hu Yihua and other colleagues, they all naturally retreated behind Cheng Feng.

Du Yu followed the woman's footsteps and waded forward on the lake.

Looking at her back, Du Yu whispered, "Master Qing."


"Just now, you asked me to contract."

Before Du Yu could speak, he was interrupted by Yang Qingqing, "Let's talk in private."

"Yeah." Du Yu swallowed the words into his stomach.

Judging from the temperament displayed by Shanhaizhong, it is a passive type of artifact spirit.

Everything is as Lin Shiwei said, both master and apprentice are qualified to contract, the difference is who pushes the mountain and sea clock.

Du Yu looked at Qing Shi's figure, and really didn't know how to thank her.

The Shanhai Bell is extremely effective, and can even accommodate all things in the world.

Du Yu's demon pet problem was finally resolved.

From now on, Bai Yujing and Huangyin Ling will no longer have to hide in the trunk of the car with grievances, or stay at home and wait for their return.

"You are very fond of this apprentice." As the master and apprentice moved forward, they quickly approached the pit wall, and above their heads, Cheng Feng's words came.

Yang Qingqing smiled, and her figure slowly floated up: "The new generation of demon fighters in Daxia must always have a leader."

It can be seen that the two masters and apprentices have solved such a crisis smoothly, and Cheng Feng is in a good mood.

He laughed dumbly: "Among the contemporaries, Du Yu is not enough to lead the army?"

Even aside from the spiritual weapon, Du Yu is the first Zhihe disciple in Shaohai Province!

And it's officially certified.

Although he has not yet competed with Zhihe disciples in other provinces, his personal strength is obvious to all.

And if you count the spiritual tools, Du Yu originally had a shadow Gu tower, and now he has a mountain and sea bell.

Du Yu is no longer the leader of his generation, he is afraid that he will catch up with the previous generation!

Yang Qingqing stood by the pit, looking down at Du Yu who climbed up.

There was a hint of pride in her eyes, and she was generous and did not hide it.

Some things don't need to be said to others.

Since the teenager broke into her life, he has thought about her and given her more.

Cheng Feng: "Yihua, Xiao Yang."

The two captains looked at Cheng Feng one after another.

"You lead the team and immediately return to the twenty-ninth inning, with Shu

Chief meets. She organizes the overall situation and explores the home of the wild goose together. "



The research value of the boundary between mountains and seas is unquestionable.

Since Du Yu has contracted Shanhaizhong, he is naturally ready to cooperate with everything.

The two masters and apprentices explored the Yan family homeland before, but it was a hasty affair, and they did not dig deeply.

This careful investigation, I don't know if there will be anything shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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