Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

297 The sea world home?

For the next month or so, Du Yu spent all his time in the capital of Xia, Xiadu City.

This is the first time Du Yu has come to Xiadu City, but unfortunately, he has not been able to appreciate the elegance of this city.

Du Yu has been in the headquarters of the 29th Bureau, busy with the work of the Bureau, and exploring the world of mountains and seas with his colleagues.

As the new "Lord of Mountains and Seas", Du Yu can be said to be completely out of line!

He always felt that he was like the old security guard in the community.

On weekdays, when people come and go, he is responsible for guarding the door and helping to lift the electronic pole.

The security guard has been duped and belongs to yes

Having said that, although the work is similar, the community we guard is different!

This is the boundary between mountains and seas, and the status of security guards has naturally risen, and we are at least a top version!

Hmm. The gatekeeper pro+?

Fortunately, Du Yu did not always act as a security guard. Due to his special status, he was also fortunate to participate in the process of exploring the two worlds of mountains and seas.

It is worth mentioning that the exploration results of the Yan nationality homeland are gratifying!

From the mountain home, the 29th Bureau cooperated with professional archaeologists to collect a large number of antiquities.

The most valuable ones are probably the more than 20 ancient books.

There are not only children's enlightenment textbooks, but also various tools and miscellaneous books, which makes people extremely happy!

"Rhyme of Characters", "Three Thousand Words", "Book of Heaven", "Notes on Immortal Grass", "Yu Ling Za Lun".

These relatively well-preserved books will undoubtedly help Daxia fill the cultural gap.

What Du Yu is most concerned about is a book called "Wan Yaolu".

Dare to take such a name, really domineering!

And the content recorded in the book really did not put the word "ten thousand" ashamed.

It recorded a huge number of monster races, from the living area, physical characteristics to the types of monster skills. Although the words in it were obscure and difficult to understand, Du Yu was shocked!

People always say that for thousands of years, the monsters that exist in the world have been constantly changing, or they have simply become extinct without a trace.

As for how modern monsters have changed, what is the difference between them and their ancestors, how many orcs have gone extinct in the long river of history, and a series of questions, there is still no definite answer.

The appearance of this "Wan Yaolu" is undoubtedly of great reference value!

It is enough to corroborate with other ancient books that exist in the world.

In today's summer, the demon fighters and the demon beasts are undoubtedly the protagonists of the protagonists.

If the Daxia Twin Tree civilization is expanded to be interpreted as a monster civilization, there is nothing wrong with it.

And the discovery of the monster race in the early years of ancient times is the process of the world's "root-seeking"!

The books preserved by the Yan family have yet to be researched and verified by professionals. Du Yu was really looking forward to the moment when the ancient book was made public.

Some people explore mountains and seas, and naturally some people search for existing historical materials.

What made it difficult for Du Yu to understand is that such heroes as Yanjiang did not leave any names in the history of Daxia!

Even the mountain and sea clock itself, such a powerful spiritual tool, has no written records.

In the era of the raging war, there were too many blanks in Daxia.

After nearly a month of work, Du Yu finally took a vacation.

Under the leadership of Master Qing, he got on the high-speed rail with his brothers and sisters and returned to Songguta City.

Xiaducheng is very close to Songgu Pagoda, the straight-line distance is only 350 kilometers, and it takes a few hours.

there it is.

Standing in front of the house again, Du Yu couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

It's been almost a month, I don't know how the fire tung tree and golden leaves are doing.

"You may be called away at any time." Behind him, came Yang Qingqing's voice.

Du Yu turned his head to look behind, passed the long corridor, and saw the left half of Qing Shi's body at the elevator entrance.

Yang Qingqing: "Although the Yan people's home has been fully excavated, the bureau may re-explore it at any time.

And the mountain and sea clock itself is powerful, you may be called to do other tasks. "


Yang Qingqing thought for a while, and then warned: "Remember Shu Ju's words, you must not provoke the ancient demon saints in the mountains and seas.

The bureau has its own arrangements, and such tasks can only be asked by the Seven Sages of Xia. When the time is ripe, explore the sky and sea again. "

Du Yu looked serious and nodded: "Yes."

"Yeah." Yang Qingqing nodded and retracted half of her body into the elevator car, "Take a good rest."

"Master Qing, I'm going to cook for you at night." Before Du Yu could finish his words, the door behind him suddenly opened, and a bunch of branches tied his body.

"Brother Shu, long time no see! Don't, don't"

"It hurts, how can you pinch people like a woman? Are your branches chopsticks?"

"Hey~ wrong, wrong, right, I found a new partner for you!"

Hearing this, the swaying fire tung tree suddenly stopped.

Among the luxuriant leaves, Du Yu struggled to climb out and sat on the ground.

"Huh~" He breathed a sigh of relief, a ghost appeared in his palm, and patted the carpet of leaves under his buttocks.

Du Yu: "I have a spiritual tool, through which I can enter another world. From now on, I can always take you with me!"

Fire Tung Tree: "Oh?"

"Do you want to take a look?"

The fire tree branches swayed up and down, nodding.

Du Yu looked at the overwhelming branches: "You put away the trunk and branches.

, form a ball first. "

With that said, Du Yu sacrificed the mountain and sea bell.

An ancient clock the size of a palm, suspended in the palm of the hand, in an illusory form.

The fire tung tree curiously perceives the ancient bell, and also curls the four trunks and lush branches and leaves on the ceiling into a ball.

"The world of the sea, let's go~"

Du Yu's thoughts moved, and the illusory mountain and sea clock in his palm suddenly became larger, enveloping one person and one tree in it.

Looking at the exterior through the illusory clock wall, the scene in the living room is somewhat blurred.


The next moment, the ancient bell suddenly stopped.

The illusory ancient bell, as well as the person and tree inside the bell, all disappeared without a trace.

As the gatekeeper, Du Yu's movements of opening and closing the door are already very skilled.

The Spirit Tool Mountain and Sea Bell in the master state, like the Shadow Gu Pagoda, is no longer isolated from the world.

Both the bell and the tower exist in Du Yu's acupoint home, and if it is not necessary, there is no need to summon the body.

The only pity is that the gate of heaven opened by Du Yu in the living room will also be opened in the living room when he returns from the world of mountains and seas.

Seriously, it would be nice if the location of the Tianmen could be set independently.

In this way, Du Yu can achieve the effect of long-distance teleportation through the mountain and sea clock.

It turns out that he thought too much.


The firewood branches stretched out, and the leaves creaked in bursts.


The fire tung tree can stand up and become a tree!

There is no ceiling above the head, only the blue sky and white clouds.

There are no walls on the side, only the blue sea and the clear waves.

"So you're so tall?" Du Yu raised his head and looked at the 20-meter-high fire tung tree, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Before at home, the trunk of the fire tung tree could only be bent and extended around the roof, covering the living room, balcony, and half of the dining area of ​​Du Wangfu.

Du Yu had no idea at first, but now it seems that the fire tung tree has really suffered a great grievance

He raised his hand and patted one of the main trunks: "This place is called the sea world, how does it feel?"

The fire tung tree stands on the reef, feeling the wonderful world.

Although this place is called "Sea Realm", there is no strong water demon breath between heaven and earth.

There are some, but not from the direction of the sea, but from the island?

"Go." Du Yu stepped down the reef.

The fire tree branches reach to the ground and follow the owner, just like a crab that can go straight.

Well, it's much more than a crab's claws~

In particular, the opening position of the Tianmen in the clock is also fixed:

The reefs in the sea boundary are above the mountain tops in the mountain boundary.

So much so that Du Yu had to walk through the Begonia Forest again and walk towards the center of the island.

"Master, they are all demon plants." A branch of the fire tung tree rested on Du Yu's shoulder, conveying the words.

"Yes, and it's the same strain." Du Yu nodded.

As the new master of mountains and seas, Du Yu learned more information from the Shatang tree.

These crabapple trees that live on the gravel ground are actually part of the tree of the sea, begonia.

It is a bit like the state of existence of twin trees, but Shatang trees are not like twin trees, which will benefit the world.

The nutrition absorbed by each common crabapple tree is all contributed to the main body, the begonia tree.

"I said just now that I've found a new partner for you." Du Yu patted the branch on his shoulder, "It's name is Sha Tang, and it's extremely powerful!"

Fire tung tree: "."

After walking in the Begonia Forest for so long, can't I see that the opponent is strong?

As one person and one tree approached the center of the island, the two demon breaths of water and wood became more intense.

The huge begonia tree came into view, the crimson leaves swayed in the sea breeze, and it was a mess.

"Meow~" Under the Shatang tree, a giant beast stood up.

Silver lightning flashes!

"Stop!" Du Yu hurriedly stopped it, but called out the silver lightning at all.

With a "pop", Du Yu was thrown to the ground.

He grinned, his body slipped backwards, and the monster breath battle robe rubbed frantically against the sand and gravel on the ground, making a fine sound.

The wild silver lynx pressed a paw on Du Yu's chest to stabilize his figure, and the huge animal head protruded down: "Meow!"

"It's only been a few hours since we were separated, so the fire is so big?" Du Yu hugged the big cat's furry head and rubbed it dissatisfied.

"Humph." Wild Silver Lynx was also dissatisfied, turning his head to look elsewhere.

Although she doesn't know what a high-speed rail is, it should be the same as vehicles and military aircraft.

She thinks that she can also take the ride, instead of being caught by Du Yu

Drop it here.

"You're here." Shatang's branches reached out, and the crimson leaves were placed under the lynx's claws, easily lifting her heavy claws.

"Thank you." Du Yu patted the deep red leaves. In the past month, he brought his colleagues here several times.

However, compared to the troublesome mountain border, the sea border is easier to explore.

The sea is undoubtedly a restricted area.

After all, there is a sea-devouring dragon turtle in it, and I dare not set foot in the twenty-ninth round for the time being.

There is only one isolated island left, and the island is full of cookie-cutter Begonia trees. There is only endless sand and gravel underfoot, so there is really nothing to explore.

"This is my demon planting fire tung tree, with

It comes to meet you. "

"Yeah." Shatangshu is still friendly, after all, Du Yu is the new owner of mountains and seas that it believes.

On the contrary, the fire tung tree is more cowardly, so Du Yu pouted secretly.


Oh, it's only going to be in the nest!

"Shatang, I want to build a home here, what do you think?" Du Yu raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

As a prison, the scene here will remain unchanged for thousands of years, and it will naturally lead to collapse.

But in the case of unobstructed access, the blue sky and white clouds, islands and sea in the sea world undoubtedly constitute a perfect paradise.

On the other side of the mountain boundary, it is too depressing.

Although there are far more resources than the Sea Realm, Du Yu doesn't need to rely on materials to survive, he can bring in materials from the outside world.

Sha Tang's voice was old, and he had a match with Jia Rongcao: "So, my task is no longer to guard prisoners."

Du Yu said softly, "Sha Tang, I want to make this place a safe place.

I don't know when the bottomless crisis will break out and what level it will be.

No matter how the outside world changes, it is safe here. I can shelter all the people I care about here. "

Sha Tang was silent for a while, then slowly said, "This is my honor."

Du Yu patted the crimson leaf and sighed softly: "By the way, did that dragon turtle show up?"

Speaking of crisis, the only variable in the sea world is the sea-devouring dragon turtle.

Sha Tang: "The last time we fought, I told it about the outside world. After it left, it never showed up again."

Du Yu: "Yeah"

"No need to worry, I will protect the master's home. Any enemy will not step into the island."


Du Yu's heart moved slightly, this was the first time Shatangshu used such a title.

Although, Shatangshu has long recognized his identity as the master of mountains and seas.

And this month, it has been working very cooperatively, and it has never attacked a large number of researchers brought by Du Yu, but.

Du Yu twisted the leaves of the sand tang, thinking secretly in his heart.

Is it because I want to settle down here?

Or, have I given it a new task?

After hundreds of years, it finally has another responsibility and a meaning to exist?

(End of this chapter)

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