Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

298 King Du only recognizes money

Question: When you have a beautiful island, a perfect sanctuary from the world, how would you transform it?

Du Yu's answer is to make money first!

Du Yu, who finally returned home from vacation, gradually detached his thoughts from the task.

Returning to the familiar home, he realized that it was June 28th, and the new season ranking was about to begin!

In the early morning of the next day, he fed all the monster pets, grabbed a fire tong fruit and returned to the bedroom, ready to change his clothes and go to the Daxia Bookstore.

"Tsk." Du Yu stood in front of the big wardrobe, looking at the fruit in his hand, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

The fiddlehead fruit is already ripe.

It's called a red that's red, it can't see through any more~

It looks very delicious, but Du Yu can think of the taste.

"I'm afraid it will kill me." Du Yu was troubled in his heart, and suddenly he didn't dare to say anything.

Yesterday afternoon, when he took Huo Tong to visit his new home in the Sea Realm, he found bunches of ripe fruits on Huo Tong.

It is worth mentioning that the fire tung tree did not stay in the sea world, but insisted on following Du Yu back to the house.

After all, the wood and water demon breath emitted by the sand tang tree is relatively strong, and the fire tung tree does not like it very much.

Returning to Prince Du's Mansion, although Huo Tong needed to "keep his head down and become a tree", he could at least be able to walk in the nest.

And staying by Shatang's side, Huo Tong really can't be domineering, not even the barren silver lynx.

After all, Lord Tyrant threw Du Yu to the ground in front of Shatangshu, and he couldn't stop him.


The golden leaf shook for a while, and pulled out a set of black sportswear from the large wardrobe and presented it in front of Du Yu.

The humble little leaf obviously got the wrong idea, thinking that the master stood in front of the big closet for a long time and didn't want to take the clothes by himself.

"Ah, thank you." Du Yu came back to his senses, but instead of taking his clothes, he called in his mind, "Little Fenyang?"

"Hmm." The little guy's dazed voice came in his head, and it sounded like he hadn't woken up yet.

"I knew it! I almost ate it in vain again." Du Yu picked up the fire tung fruit and muttered in his mouth, "I'll give you some fruit, wake up and taste the deliciousness."

"Okay~" Little Fenyang, who had just woken up, had a soft and glutinous voice, sounding very well-behaved.

One thing to say, she's still cute when she doesn't say "Du Yu is so weak".

Du Yu stuffed the fire tung fruit into his mouth and took a bite, the fruit burst out with tempting juice.

Du Yu was so sour that tears flowed, and Xiao Fenyang was so beautiful that he hummed: "It's delicious~"

"Okay." Du Yu grinned, as long as you can taste it, even if I didn't eat it for nothing.

He quickly changed his clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

In the living room, Wild Silver Lynx was lying on the sofa, watching TV lazily.

Xiaoyan was sitting in her arms and was using the tip of her tail to point the remote control, watching TV programs.

A tyrant, a concubine Yan.

Does the picture look harmonious?

There was only one servant waiting beside him.

It's time to get a mobile phone for the two pets, and then put the phone number of the big brother in it.

Hmm. Simply perfect!

"Go, Xiaoyan, get your points!" Du Yu beckoned.

"Huh?" Xiaoyan blinked her fox eyes. She held the remote control between her two tails and handed it to the face of the wild silver lynx.

Leaning on the sofa, he jumped out directly.

"Meow." The tyrant also looked at Du Yu with an unpleasant expression.

Du Yu hugged Xiaoyan who rushed over and said with a smile, "You can't participate in the ranking, so just rest at home."

Wild Silver Lynx looked at Du Yu silently, without making a sound.

Du Yu put Xiaoyan on his shoulder and strode forward.

He used both hands and rubbed the huge cat's head vigorously: "I'm not a travel mission, you can go with me, I'll give you income in the sea world?"

"Meow~" Du Yu's hands seemed to possess magic power, and after only a few strokes, the voice of the wild silver lynx softened.

"Heh." Du Yu snorted when he saw Lord Tyrant's indulgence and enjoyment, "You better watch TV at home, I'll be back in a while."

"Yeah." Wild Silver Lynx responded in a low voice, a long tail slowly reaching in front of Du Yu's face.

Du Yu's actions were subconscious.

He picked up the long tail, his lips imprinted on the soft silver fur.

It wasn't until after the kiss that Du Yu realized that he didn't seem to be kissing Xiaoyan?

good guy~

It's not easy to learn, but if you learn it badly, you get out!

The Wild Silver Lynx had never acted like this before, and he didn't even have such an idea in his mind.

There is no doubt that she saw the interaction between Du Yu and Xiaoyan during breakfast.


Okay, if I kiss a fox tail three times at a time, it's not worse than a cat tail.

Du Yu was still thinking, when the long tail in his palm suddenly pushed him away.

"Huh?" Du Yu took a few steps back, only to see Huang Yinling staring at the TV screen, as if he disliked Du Yu and blocked her sight.

Du Yu rolled his eyes angrily, and really turned his face and didn't recognize anyone.

"Brother Shu, you and Jun Jun have a good look at the house, don't fight," Du Yu said as he walked out the door.

The branches of fire tung swayed left and right along the way, waving goodbye one after another.

Until Du Yu came to the elevator car and helped call a branch of the elevator

, which shrunk back.

In the unmanned elevator, before Du Yu could catch his breath, he only felt the tail around his neck tightening slightly.

"What?" Du Yu grabbed the flaming red tail with one hand and turned his head to look to the side of his face.

"嘤~" Xiaoyan's eyes were full of unhappiness, and the fiery red long tail held it to Du Yu's mouth.

Du Yu: "."

"Okay, okay." Du Yu held the fiery red fox's tail and bowed his head in resignation.

What to do then!

My own demon pet, get used to it~

After all, it is pointing to the number one in the sky to make money, no, it is also pointing to her achieving good results and bravely climbing the peak of the demon!

Twenty minutes later, Du Yu drove to the headquarters of Songguta Bookstore.

He made an appointment with Wang Zongying yesterday, but it was unfortunate when he came, there were still several demon masters lining up in front.

Since it was the end of the month, there were a lot of people who came to the rankings.

But other demon fighters are rushing to the rankings, Du Yu. It can only be called scoring.

Whether it is Xiaoyan or Youying, in the first and second thrones, they are all seated firmly!

King Yan is not promoted to the spiritual level in one day, and all the demons are courtiers!

It was the first time that Xiao Tai Sui participated in the bookstore qualifying competition. There were all kinds of monsters on the top 100 list, but there was no Chixiong family.

After Tai Sui is on the list, more people will know

, there is a Chi bear in the Songguta area.

"Come on, Xiao Du, it's your turn." Wang Zongying appeared at the entrance of the training hall and waved with a smile.

"Come on." Du Yu walked over quickly. He had been waiting for more than an hour. Most of the demon masters lining up in the corridor recognized his identity.

Fortunately, these demon masters were arrogant, and no one came up to sign for a photo.

But Du Yu couldn't stand their eyes. They all seemed to regard him as an imaginary enemy.

In fact, Wang Zongying wanted to arrange a queue cut for Du Yu.

Seriously, if Du Yu hadn't joined the Daxia Bookstore · 29th round, he would have already entered the arena with his head down.

The work certificate in his pocket reminds Du Yu all the time: Get your face!


Xiaoyan and Youying's tests went very smoothly. The two little guys had already participated in several tests, and they knew the process well.

Du Yu even thought that Xiaoyan was useless!

In the first few assessments, after the endurance test, Xiaoyan would pant like a dog.

But this time, she jumped off the treadmill, still an elegant fox~

Du Yu didn't say anything about this.

After all, Xiaoyan ranked first when she was in her prime, and now the basic points of her peak period have been added, and the monster pets in the back can only eat farts.

Facts have proved that Xiao Youying really eats farts.

It tried hard to catch up with Sister Xiaoyan, but it still couldn't do it.

To this end, Xiaoyan also came to comfort Xiao Youying intimately.

Interestingly, Xiao Youying was not sad at all!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Xiao Youying held a big torch and circled around Miss Sister, congratulations to her for winning the first place in a row.

Du Yu felt strange in his heart, the little guy was indeed congratulating Xiaoyan, but it seemed that the word "Du Yu" was still called in his mouth?

"Yu Yao is very good, Xiao Du." Wang Zongying said with a smile.

"They have grown up together since childhood and have a good relationship." Du Yu was very modest.

"Do you have any other monster pets to participate in the ranking?" Although Wang Zongying was asking, she already had the answer in her heart, and she was looking forward to Chi Xiong's appearance!

At least before Du Yu joined Daxia Bookstore, he completely mastered Du Yu's information.

However, since April, Du Yu's files have been taken away by the twenty-ninth bureau inside the bookstore.

Wang Zongying also knew very well that the little Du in front of him was no longer an ordinary student.

It is indeed a very wonderful thing to watch a child go up and down with his own eyes.

"Go, Tai Sui!" Du Yu's forehead surged with demonic breath, and a small fat pier fell.

"Hey!" Little Taisui put his hands on his hips and raised his head and roared.

Tai Sui had already passed the contract and knew that he was going to show his might. At this moment, he can't wait!

"Yes, this is what we want!" Du Yu patted Tai Sui's head, "Come on, our goal is to be in the top ten!"

"No problem!" Little Taisui nodded heavily and suddenly pulled out a bamboo stick.

I saw that Xiao Taisui looked bad, and looked at the staff present: "Speak, master! Who shall we hit?"

"No, we don't hit people." Du Yu was startled, and hurriedly leaned over and hugged the little guy's head, for fear that he would charge Chi Xiong away.

"Hee hee~" Xiao Fenyang's laughter suddenly came from his mind.

Du Yu explained

After a while, the little Tai Sui took back the bamboo stick angrily.

The pair of little bear paws scratched their heads, and they looked so naive, they almost killed a female colleague.

Under the greeting of Wang Zongying, the little Tai Sui ran over.

"Chong, Tai Sui!" Du Yu clenched his fists and added another sentence in his heart: For 100,000 yuan!

The construction of island homes is in urgent need of financial support!

It's a pity, because of various rules and restrictions, neither Bai Yujing nor Wild Silver Lynx can participate in the evaluation.

Otherwise, this king will be able to clean the wool of Daxia Bookstore!


suddenly in the pocket

There was a shock, and Du Yu immediately took out his mobile phone.

As a person who is always waiting for a call, the bureau has a clear requirement for him that he cannot be turned off for 24 hours, and communication must be kept open.

"Master Qing."

"Why aren't you at home?" A woman's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm here in the bookstore, taking Xiao Taisui to participate in the evaluation."

"Well." In Du Wang's mansion, Yang Qingqing was sitting on the sofa in the living room, leaning against the barren silver lynx, stroking the silver fur of the lynx with his palms.

Surprisingly, the tyrant did not refuse.

Obviously, the Wild Silver Lynx still remembered the agreement with the master at the foot of Lanyin Mountain.

She can be very presumptuous and even bully her master occasionally, but she is not allowed to be disrespectful to Du Yu's master.

Of course, Yang Qingqing is also very friendly, which is one of the reasons why the Wild Silver Lynx is relatively docile.

"Master Qing, do we have another mission?"

"No, I'm going out the door."

"You've only rested for less than a day, where are you going?"

Yang Qingqing kneaded the meat pad under the tyrant's claws and said softly, "Shan Huo Dao."

"Then when will you come back?" Du Yu stopped talking, and suddenly realized that there was no need for Qing Shi to report to him.

She called because the driver paid retired, and she was honorably employed!

"Master Qing, wait a moment, I will go back after the evaluation, at most 1 hour."

Yang Qingqing raised her eyes to look at the wall of the living room. Following the woman's line of sight, the leaves of the fire thorn quickly spread out, revealing a round clock.

"No hurry, take a good assessment." She hung up the phone and looked at the TV.

The picture on the screen is bloody, and several wolves are eating a stag.

"Like watching this?"


Yang Qingqing smiled: "Since you came back with Du Yu, you haven't hunted anymore."

The barren silver lynx's voice was rusty, with a special temperament of its own, which reminded the woman of the endless desert yellow sand: "There is always a chance."


"He will always have enemies."

Thanks to Bai Shi ㊣ Life for the rewards for many monster pet character cards, and thanks to Shi Yi ll Chen Yuan for the reward, the bosses are very generous, thank you for your support! (`) Compare the heart

(End of this chapter)

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