Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

813 A small steamed bun

The next day, in the morning.

The warm winter sun has already risen high, shining on an isolated city in the north covered with silver.

However, the sunlight cannot penetrate the dense golden leaf curtains and cannot shine into the master bedroom of the house on the 16th floor of Xishu Garden.

In a dark room, on the big bed, the girl was lying on Du Yu's body, pillowing her head on his chest.

That strong heartbeat sounded like a good lullaby, accompanying her to a sound sleep.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Lin Shiwei slowly opened her sleepy eyes, feeling her heartbeat in her ears accelerating.

Sometimes, it is not good to be too strong. Even the changes in the heart can wake up a sleeping person.

When Lin Shiwei woke up, her cheeks were slightly red, but she quickly adjusted herself and looked up.

Sure enough, Du Yu had woken up.

From the accelerating heartbeat, she already knew the answer in advance.

Lin Shiwei whispered: "Congratulations."

Du Yu: "."

You asked me to say this, how should I respond?

Same joy?

Sounds kind of polite

Lin Shiwei noticed Du Yu's thoughts and couldn't help but smile and give Du Yu a rollicking look: "I'm talking about your promotion."

"Oh." Du Yu finally reacted.

Lin Shiwei looked away and rested her head on his chest again, but she heard his heartbeat beating faster.

The kind that jumps wildly!

Du Yu's expression was a little unnatural. He had never thought that he would advance last night.

Obviously, Du Yu's hard work all day long was very effective. Just last night, he was promoted from the Spirit Controller, Xiao Cheng Stage, to the Spirit Control Master, Dacheng Stage.

It’s a bit like the fairy world!

But this is obviously a fantasy world of monster control, right?

Well, it can only mean that I am very hardworking and never forget to practice.


Where can I find a demon master who works so hard?

Hanshu, Hanshu, if I can't chop you down, I won't be sorry for my persistence!

"Are you hungry?" Lin Shiwei whispered, "I'll give it to you."

"I'll do it, you rest." Du Yu interrupted her and rubbed her short hair with one hand.

Afterwards, Du Yu got up and got out of bed.

Lin Shiwei looked at Du Yu's back, as if she had recalled something. Her face was red, she picked up the quilt with one hand and covered her head.

At the same time, Du Yu, who was in the bathroom, took the toothbrush from Huang Jinye and suddenly froze in his movements.

It’s broken, King Yan!

It seems like I promised Xiaoyan last night that I would hold her to sleep?

Good guy, I'm quite coaxed now.

However, it’s not a big problem~

After all, it was Lin Shiwei who agreed to Prince Yan, so Xiao Shiwei should be the one to coax him.

Du Yu's mood immediately improved a lot. He quickly washed up and rushed to the kitchen.

Songguta City has been "closed" for a long time, so don't even think about fresh fruits and vegetables.

Du Yu looked through the various cans in the cabinet and had the urge to go out and buy breakfast.

As for where to buy it.

Of course, I opened Taixu Ax and went to another city to purchase.

"Yeah." Du Yu frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then motioned to Huang Jinye to bring him his clothes and mobile phone.

He was ready to go wild and go out to buy some fresh ones.

If you think about it carefully, Du Yu is indeed very disciplined.

He has astonishing means of reaching the sky, and he can travel through the twin tree world at will, play and enjoy life.

However, it was rare for Du Yu to act recklessly because of personal matters, just to buy breakfast for his girlfriend.

"Senior brother." As the call was connected, Du Yu spoke first.

"What's wrong, junior brother?" Li Jing's voice was very serious.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay." Du Yu said quickly, "Are you in the bureau?"


Du Yu: "Then help me look at the gate. I want to go to the capital."

"Okay, you can come on time in three minutes." Li Jing hung up the phone, walked to the office window, opened the window directly, and jumped down.

Three minutes later, a space crack slowly tore open from the gate of Bureau 29.

Du Yu walked out wearing a black down jacket, a hat and a mask.

Li Jing stepped forward and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"I told you it's okay." Du Yu smiled, "There's nothing to eat at home, I'll buy some breakfast."

Li Jing:? ? ?

It's no wonder that my junior brother doesn't cause much trouble to others on weekdays, and rarely does anything happen.

In addition, Du Yu's status was extremely high, so it was impossible for Li Jing not to pay attention to him.

Li Jing never expected that Du Yu would wield the world's top spiritual weapon, Taixu Ax, just to buy food?

"Hehe." Du Yu smiled sheepishly.

Li Jing also smiled and pushed up the rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose: "It's already past ten o'clock, why don't you have breakfast?"

"Ah." Du Yuxin muttered, "The child is still young, and it is the time when his body is growing, so he wants to sleep."

Li Jing: "."

You are 21 years old, and you are still...well, that's right.

Twenty-three is still running around, maybe the little junior brother can really grow taller?

Du Yu changed the subject and asked, "Senior brother, why are you so nervous? What happened?"

You know, Du Yu made it clear on the phone that it was okay.

"Yeah." Li Jing's expression turned serious, "It's not peaceful in the west recently."


Li Jing: "It's the East Persia, Gaosoumo, and Asa Empire."

Du Yu's face also became serious: "Why is there no peace? Has the Han tribe integrated into human society and caused trouble everywhere?"

Li Jing shook his head: "Our people have joined forces with the Asa Empire and are still working hard to investigate the possible existence of the Han clan.

What I'm talking about is not peaceful, it's about the bottomless pit. "

Du Yu: "Oh?"

Li Jing: "In the past half a month or so, East Persia, Gaosoumo and Asa Empire each added a bottomless pit."

Du Yu's expression changed slightly: "Why didn't you notify me?"

Half a month, three bottomless abyss?

Li Jingdao: "It's not what you think. There is no Youhan army behind the bottomless gate."

Du Yu frowned slightly: "Is it an ordinary bottomless abyss?"

"Let's go." Li Jing patted Du Yu's shoulder, "Let's talk while walking."

The two brothers walked towards the gate, and Li Jing also told Du Yu in detail about the situation in the west of Daxia Continent.

After finishing speaking, Li Jing sighed: "I thought there was some communication between you and the twin sacred trees, so I came to the bureau."

"No." Du Yu shook his head, "I have been practicing with great concentration recently. I was promoted to the Great Spiritual Master Dacheng Stage last night."

Li Jing looked at Du Yu suspiciously.

If you advance, you advance. Isn't this a good thing?

Why are you so shy?

Du Yu stuttered, then changed the subject: "The Shadow Gu Pagoda is a real artifact! I cultivate spiritual energy, and the small tower helps me cultivate demon breath, and nothing is wasted."

"Very good." Li Jing felt no jealousy in his heart, only blessings and instructions, "Keep it up."

The whole Daxia, and even the whole world is counting on his junior brother.

Du Yu nodded: "Senior brother, you said that the bottomless pits are clustered in the west. Is this intentional by Han Shu?"

"I don't know." Li Jing sighed heavily, "I hope this is a coincidence. If not, then the Netherfrost Tree is looking for a breakthrough.

Compared with Daxia, the scattered small countries in the west of the mainland are not strong overall, and their ability to resist the bottomless pit is also very limited. "

"Strength, strength." Du Yu murmured, full of desire.

He has worked very hard and has achieved some results, and he also has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

However, this damn world would give him a slap in the face from time to time and cast a dark cloud over his head.

"This porridge shop is good. It has everything. It's very clean."

"Hey, okay."

Ten minutes later, Du Yu bought breakfast, followed Senior Brother Li back to the 29th Bureau, and opened a spatial rift in a deserted corner.

After saying goodbye to his senior brother, Du Yu stepped into the crack with wind and fire under his feet.

Since there was someone at home, Du Yu didn't dare to open any cracks, so he appeared outside the balcony window on the 16th floor.

The Golden Leaf sensed its owner's return, and immediately stretched out its stems to help open the window.

"Where's Shi Wei?" Du Yu asked in a low voice.

Golden leaves wrapped around Du Yu's arm: "The mistress is still in the bedroom, do you want me to wake her up?"

"No, just call me later." Du Yu took off his coat and hurried to the restaurant.

He put the steamed buns and poached eggs on the plate, served the millet porridge, and arranged several hot and cold side dishes one by one.

"Huh?" Du Yu suddenly felt his body tighten, and someone hugged him from behind, with a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"What are you thinking about, so absorbed?" Lin Shiwei pressed her face against his shoulder and asked softly.

Under normal circumstances, with Du Yu's perception ability, it was impossible not to notice her arrival.

Du Yu smiled and didn't hide it: "I miss Hanshu."

Lin Shiwei felt helpless, are you really honest?

"Where's the breakfast?" She sat on a dining chair nearby and looked at the sumptuous meal.

Du Yu: "I just went to the capital to buy it. Hurry, eat it while it's hot."

A smile appeared on Lin Shiwei's face: "Don't go to so much trouble next time, it doesn't matter if we don't eat."

"Eat, eat, eat more." Du Yu sat down on the dining chair, "Eat well and go on the road."

Lin Shiwei picked up a small steamed bun and looked at Du Yu with a strange expression.

Du Yu took advantage of the situation and told the girl the news he had just received.

Only then did Lin Shiwei realize that there was such a message behind Du Yu's so-called "thinking about the cold tree".

Du Yu said: "I'm thinking of equipping Han San with a holy weapon as soon as possible. It would be better if we can find more holy weapons."

There is no doubt that every holy-grade demon weapon is extremely powerful in combat!

If the holy soldiers scattered in the Ashes Continent can be brought into the Twin Tree Realm and used by everyone in the Qingmen.

That will undoubtedly greatly improve Daxia's overall strength!

Who would dislike having too many holy soldiers?

Even if it is not used by Qingmen, it is still an excellent choice to use it as a "guardian saint" for Daxia and fight against the Youhan Realm together!

Lin Shiwei nodded gently, picked up the steamed dumplings with her long fingers, and took a bite.

Golden grease flowed down the corners of her mouth, making her

The thin lips are even more attractive.

Du Yu pursed his lips, it should be delicious, right?

He endured it again and again, and said: "I still have to practice for a while before I can take a step forward in controlling monsters.

The matter of cultivating demons can be left to the Shadow Gu Tower for the time being. I want to go to the Ashes Continent as soon as possible. "

Lin Shiwei: "Huh?"

Is this what you mean by "eat well enough to hit the road"?

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "If the bottomless pits that appear in the west are really the layout of Hanshu, then it will be difficult for us to go to the Ashes Continent again."

At least until this cold tree is completely destroyed, it will be difficult for everyone to go to the Ashes Continent to experience it again.

Just from the perspective of fighting against Hanshu, the combat power of everyone in Qingmen is the best in the world.

Until then, they need to guard this continent at all times and cannot wander around.

"I'll go with you." Lin Shiwei responded simply.

A smile appeared on Du Yu's face, and he secretly thought that it was true.

All I get from her is support.

Du Yu took out a tissue and gently wiped the corners of her mouth: "Okay."

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