Du Yu said that he wanted to go to the Ashes Continent as soon as possible, but there was a lot of preparation work to be done.

For example, asking for instructions from Qingshi, reporting to the Twin Trees, or finding Han San.

When traveling to the Ashes Continent, Holy Minister Han is of course an indispensable member!

However, at this moment, Jingchen is carrying Han San, who knows where he is?

Of course Du Yu supported Jingchen's ambition to explore and conquer the mountain world, and let him roam the mountain world.

He also only gave Han San one task - to mark the place along the way.

Otherwise, one person and one horse will really get lost.

"Fen Yang?" Du Yu drank millet porridge, thinking about Little Golden Crow.

"Huh?" Xiao Fenyang responded timidly and whispered, "Are you okay?"

Du Yu was a little confused, why am I cured?

Little Fenyang nestled in an independent acupuncture point - Baihui point, and whispered softly: "Are you ready to be shy?"

Du Yu's face suddenly turned red.

Such a scene made Lin Shiwei very confused and wondered what was wrong with Du Yu.

Du Yu stuttered: "I, I."

"Stupid Duyu, I've hidden it well!" Little Fenyang pursed her lips, "Isolate yourself from the outside world like other demon pets~"

Du Yu looked ashamed: "Thank you."

"Hehe~" Little Fenyang floated out, tilted his little head, and looked at Du Yu playfully.

Lin Shiwei finally realized something, and her face turned red.

General Lin has never been a shy person, but the problem is that Fen Yang is still young, even though the Golden Crow Holy Saint has been reincarnated countless times and is already hundreds of thousands of years old.

But the reality is that the little Golden Crow demon is incomplete and in the form of a cub.

Xiao Fenyang blinked a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at the two of them: "Shameless~"

Lin Shiwei's face turned red and she lowered her head.

Du Yu apologized repeatedly and promised to inform him in advance next time and report it to the Holy Spirit of the Golden Crow.

"No, no, no." Xiao Fenyang smiled, "I can just go into the acupuncture points and sleep at any time~"

The sky in June, the face of burning sun.

When Xiao Jinwu said the first sentence, he was still smiling, but when he said the next sentence, he became fierce.

She looked at Du Yu and said, "Smelly Du Yu, please give me some delicious food!"

"Eat it now!" Du Yu stood up and went to get the maple syrup, "By the way, Fen Yang, can you help me contact Han San? Let him and Jingchen return to the mountain world and the top of the mountains."

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Fenyang asked curiously.

It can be seen that she is really well hidden and isolated from the world.

Otherwise, Xiao Fenyang should have heard the conversation between Du Yu and Lin Shiwei just now.

Du Yu told Xiao Fenyang about his trip to the Ashes Continent.

"Looking for the holy soldiers?" Little Fenyang nestled into Du Yu's arms, "What a good idea~"

It is certainly a good decision to recruit a few more holy weapons to strengthen the team, improve strength, and jointly fight against the cold world.

Du Yu spread maple syrup on the poached eggs and took a bite.


This is too painful. Wait a minute!

Du Yu looked down at little Fen Yang in his arms: "Don't you already have a true body?"

"Oh, right~" Xiao Fenyang looked confused.

Immediately, a palm-sized crow flew out.

The black feathers and dark golden lines make the little bird look very mysterious. The feather crest on her head is like a "black gold crown", which adds a touch of nobility to the Burning Sun Golden Crow.

Lin Shiwei picked up the dinner plate and handed over another poached egg.


Little Golden Crow pecked the poached egg, and the tempting yolk flowed out of the soft-boiled egg.

Du Yuxiao looked at this scene and felt relieved, finally no longer having to suffer.

"Yu~" Little Golden Crow opened his little wings and was very happy, "Duyu Duyu~ let's eat together."

Du Yu: "."

Little Fenyang: "Don't stop, eat quickly, eat quickly!"

Du Yu: "Okay."

"Ha." Lin Shiwei couldn't help laughing. She asked for a table knife from Golden Leaf and cut the soft-boiled egg into pieces so that Little Golden Crow could eat better.

Both the girl and Little Golden Crow enjoyed this breakfast and had a great time.

Du Yu was the only one who suffered and tasted all the bitterness of the world.

Fortunately, King Du had tasted the sweetness of love for the first time, which could slightly offset the bitterness in his mouth.

After breakfast, Du Yu went to the Sea Realm to report the situation to Qingshi.

At that time, Yang Qingqing was meditating under the Emperor Xiu tree in the Seven-foot River and Mountain Picture.

After hearing about his disciple's plan, the young master thought for a moment and approved the action.

On the one hand, Du Yu and others had the experience of traveling to the Ashes Continent. They had traveled thousands of kilometers and remained unscathed with the help of Han San.

Secondly, Du Yu is right.

If we can really find some holy soldiers overseas, the overall strength of the team will be qualitatively improved.

From a national level, this trip can even enhance national strength to a certain extent!

After all, when you reach the level of "Saint", both weapons and monsters are capable of destroying heaven and earth.

If the bottomless abyss that appears in the west of Daxia Continent is really the layout of Hanshu, then Du Yu's move can be regarded as a good remedy.

At this point, Du Yu returned with Qingshi's approval and advice.

To Prince Du's Mansion.

"What did the young master say?" In the living room, Lin Shiwei was wearing a black nightgown and nestled on the sofa.

That lazy and charming look was very different from his usual domineering look, which made Du Yu feel a little distracted.

"What?" The girl looked at Du Yu. She was holding a small golden crow in her hand and was still combing the little guy's down.

Little Golden Crow liked the girl's care very much. Her little head kept rubbing the girl's palm, as if she was sleepy again?

"Qingshi agreed." Du Yu moved and sat on the sofa.

He took the mobile phone from Huang Jinye and said casually: "Let's go in three days. I'll tell Meng Nan."

"Yes." Lin Shiwei leaned slightly, leaned on Du Yu's arm, rested her head on his shoulder, and continued watching TV.

It seemed like a monster food program was playing on the TV.

"Du Yu?" When the phone was connected, the girl's voice was a little nervous, "What happened?"

After all, the two parties just talked on the phone last night, and Du Yu was not someone who liked talking on the phone.

Not only does he not like to make phone calls, he doesn't even answer them. A satellite phone is like a decoration in his hand.

Du Yu: "I plan to go to the Ashes Continent in three days. Let me tell you in advance."

"Ashes Continent? What are you doing there? Hmm." Li Mengnan paused and said, "Let's talk about it when we meet. When you have time, let's go to Langao City.

It’s time to make a wish and wish you a safe journey. "

"Good idea, I can do it anytime." Du Yu suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Lin Shiwei.

Lin Shiwei said softly: "You go with her, I won't go."

Li Mengnan obviously heard something and said, "Give the phone to Shi Wei."

"Oh." Du Yu handed over the phone.

"Yes." Lin Shiwei rested her head on Du Yu's shoulder, listening to the phone and playing with the little golden crow in her hand, enjoying herself very much.

She does look a bit like an empress.

Du Yu was very curious and didn't know what she was saying "um". He listened carefully, but Lin Shiwei lowered the call volume?


"Yeah, yeah." Lin Shiwei responded several times and then hung up the phone.

Du Yu looked at the girl helplessly, wondering what was happening.

Lin Shiwei: "Go directly to Taoyuan Realm, she will be waiting for you under the peach tree."


"Yeah." Lin Shiwei turned her head and lightly pressed Du Yu's cheek, "I'll sleep a little longer."

With that said, the girl picked up the little golden crow, got up and went to the master bedroom.

Du Yu couldn't help scratching his head as he watched the empress go back to her room to rest.

What, it’s so mysterious.

He turned off the TV, stood up, changed into his down jacket, walked to the center of the living room, and picked up the Taixu ax in one hand.

This time, Du Yu stopped at the same place for a long time.

Because this was his first time personally wielding an ax and going to other spiritual weapon worlds.

This is not traveling within the Twin Tree Realm, so of course it must be treated with caution.

Du Yu closed his eyes tightly, and the related scenes that appeared in his mind made him feel as if he was actually there.


After half a minute, Du Yu tore open the transparent curtain in front of him and broke into it alone.

The next moment, he had appeared in the sky outside Qibao Temple in Taoyuan Realm.

At the foot is a tall peach tree. On the lush branches, white and pink peach blossoms dance in the wind, exuding a faint fragrance.

Under the peach tree, there was a tall, snow-white figure.

At this time, the girl was standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the world that belonged to her below.

"Not bad." Du Yu weighed the Taixu ax and murmured in his heart.

The goals that everyone had set in the past were now achieved.

No matter Du Yu encounters any danger, or wants to seek help, find a way, find someone, etc., he can directly come to the other party's spiritual weapon world.

"Hoo~" Following Du Yu's thought, the cracks in the space quietly healed and disappeared without a trace.

He slowly fell to the edge of the cliff and called out: "Mengnan?"

"You're here." Li Mengnan looked up, with a smile in his beautiful eyes.

She was wearing a white woolen coat, showing off her tall figure, and a loose scarf around her neck, perhaps used as a mask to cover the lower half of her face.

Today, Li Mengnan did not tie up her ponytail, but wore her hair long and shawl.

The peach petals swaying in the wind fell on her body, bringing with it an indescribable artistic conception and beauty.

You know, Du Yu just came from Gui Shiwei, and now he is looking at Shen Mengnan.

This black and one white are really different styles and distinctive features.

Du Yu walked through the fluttering peach blossoms and landed in front of the girl: "Long time no see."

Li Mengnan snorted: "Since you are worried about me, why don't you come to Taoyuan Realm to see me?"

Du Yu was a little embarrassed: "Teacher Li said that after you started practicing, I didn't dare to disturb you.

Besides, I know you are in Taoyuan Realm, so I don’t have to worry. "

Li Mengnan pursed his lips and said, "Let's go. I still want to go."

Of course, the two of them would not take regular transportation to Guanzhong Province, as that would be inconvenient and might cause unnecessary trouble.

Du Yu looked a little embarrassed: "Wait a minute, I have to replenish my spiritual energy first."


? "Li Mengnan looked at Du Yu up and down with a scrutinizing look.

The girl's appearance made Du Yu think: Are you okay?

Du Yu looked uncomfortable. He had fired Taixu Ax twice in the morning, and he came again before his spiritual energy was replenished.

Taixu Ax suddenly said: "Master, there is no need to be so polite. Taixu can help you. This is what I should do."

"Thank you." Du Yu said in his mind and picked up the Taixu ax.

Li Mengnan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you okay again?"

She really meant it!

Du Yu said angrily: "When will this king not be able to survive?"

"Bah!" As he spoke, Du Yu tore open the transparent curtain.

"Haha~" Li Mengnan looked at Du Yu with a smile and followed him into the space crack.

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