Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1608: : Tiger General

A few nine-fold immortals rushed from the front side of the battle line nervously, only to see that I used the ten-fold immortalization realm cultivation base and immediately fled back, but they seemed to see me stopped in place like a murderous **** and suddenly stopped moving. Don't turn around to see what I'm doing.

"Promoted? Transforming God?" One demon cultivator grabbed the other and pointed at me.

"No, it seems that the previous strength was improved in another way. The current promotion is the promotion to the transformation realm! It is absolutely impossible to be the transformation of the gods, because I have seen that the transformation of the gods will attract the terrifying scene of the realm! Only so!" said a seemingly old monk, as if he had actually seen it.

I took a breath of air, it seems that the Transcendent God Realm is really more than Nangong Fantasy? In other words, the cultivator of the God-Transforming Realm he saw was Nangong Huan?

"Who have you seen to advance to the Divine Realm?" I asked faintly, turning my eyes to the old man.

The old man trembled, and quickly said: "I...in the mountains of a dojo where I live...I found a humanized **** in a difficult-to-access mountain... The specific situation is not clear, we juniors, How dare to watch the predecessors survive the disaster?"

"Friend Chu, we take advantage of his promotion and his condition is unstable. Let's go quickly! We can't leave if we are late!" A monk gave the old man a hand.

But another monk said in a cold voice: "We have only killed some soldiers and humans, but have not done much. The immortal crystals we obtained are worthy of making a living. The Kyushu War is such an important stage, and we are seeking wealth and wealth. This human has killed a whole army, and some are in the process of being promoted. When the cultivation base is changed and stabilized, the state will definitely be unstable, and the strength will be greatly reduced. Why don't we work together to kill him now?!"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, haven't you seen the ghost next to him?" A monk glanced at the surrounding monks, compared each other's strength, and immediately cursed the monk who had just given the bad idea.


Before I finished speaking, an aurora shot directly through the monk who said that he wanted wealth and danger, and the other monks fled in a swarm, and several of them sent out communication symbols and other things, so be alert. Other monks, or request reinforcements.

"All killed! Don't keep one!" I angered.

Immediately afterwards, the three ghosts flew out together with the prisoner cow and began to harvest the lives of these monks. In the war, there were no innocent people. Since this meat grinder is put on, they either kill others or kill others. dead! And they are all monks who exchange cultivation resources by harvesting the heads of human beings and soldiers. If these people don't kill, who do they kill?

For a while, ghosts cried and screamed, screaming again and again, and I also began to absorb the surrounding hostility, and the surrounding fairy air currents, impacting the transformation of ten-fold immortals!

Ghost Dao never lacks ghosts who protect the law. A few ghosts naturally occupy all directions to defend against enemies from all sides. A group of soldiers saw that all the monks died in a flash, and they all fled. I told them In terms of it, it is tantamount to being like a demon.

The shouting of the army quickly came from the opposite camp. The soldiers on Zhao Yu's side in Zhongzhou also started to act. How could they have let go of the enemy’s defeat? A large group of monks came first and killed the past. !

Behind the drums also blasted into the sky, the monks were in the sky, and the soldiers stepped on the ground with consistent footwork on the drums!

"Emperor Xia fights personally and breaks the enemy thousands of miles!!"

"Emperor Xia fights personally and breaks the enemy thousands of miles!!"

The mountains and plains will soon be filled with troops from Zhongzhou, all shouting slogans loudly, morale like a rainbow like a sword, unshakable, all enemies that can't escape along the way are chopped into meat sauce!

It seems that Zhao Yu's army already knew that I was here, so he raised his slogan and did not hesitate to face the enemy!

I don’t know where Zhao Yu is the general. This time I was so decisive to respond to me. When I go back, Zhao Yu can be promoted to him. I thought to myself that I would continue to attack the realm of cultivation!

I rushed into the transformation realm and attracted a huge momentum. The black energy was soaring into the sky. Because of the power of the domain, a terrifying black pillar was formed. Soon, a large group of soldiers and monks from Zhongzhou all surrounded, naturally. For me to protect the law.

Everyone formed a circle around me, and a member of the tiger floated awe-inspiringly in a position one head lower than me. As for other monks, they didn't dare to fly farther than me. This official act made me dumbfounded. .

Because I have already accumulated enough advancement strength before, this time with the subsidy for practicing the **** pill, it is not difficult for me to attack, and it can even be said that it is natural. After all, it is different from the next realm of transformation, which is just a breakthrough in a small realm. Will not attract too exaggerated scenes.

"Congratulations to Emperor Xia for reaching the top of the tenth immortal!" The tiger will see me succeed in the promotion, and immediately led a group of generals to kneel on one knee, and a group of monks from Zhongzhou Honzhou and Lanzhou handed over to congratulate me.

I feel that my body strength has increased tremendously, as if my eyes on everything have become clear, I know that I have indeed succeeded in the promotion. A pair of red eyes swept around, and I also saw a trace that is heavier than immortality. The breath was all around, and it suddenly became clear in my heart that promotion was not all due to my own efforts, luck was also in it.

"Who is coming?" I asked the tiger faintly. Now that I am communicating with him as Emperor Xia, we can't be too polite, otherwise the subordinates feel that I am easy to talk and lead to loose discipline, which will lead to catastrophe. If you are serious, he will also take it seriously.

"The final general Tian Huer! I have seen Emperor Xia!" The tiger general said loudly. When I looked at this temper and body, I knew that it must be the fierce general under Zhao Yu's hands. Of course, I can't help but praise such a fierce general. At the same time, I also asked him to take advantage of the victory as soon as possible to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to escape, and I myself went back to the base camp. After all, the stingers were basically killed for me. Now all those who are escaping are all miscellaneous soldiers, relying on the group under Tian Huer. The monk group should be able to solve it by themselves.

Now the Zhongzhou War has long entered the strategic mode of mind and nature, the army is naturally the basic of the basics, but because after the Kyushu War, the immortal turbulence has completely disappeared, and it has begun to evolve into the cooperation of the army and the monks, which is also to decapitate the enemy. Action, or an anti-beheading action against the enemy.

I went back to the big camp. There were three to five battalions here. Obviously, there were at least a hundred and tens of thousands of troops. It can be seen that this Tian Huer must be Zhao Yu's general, otherwise he would not be able to bring so many troops.

When we arrived at the handsome account, the guards and think tanks all came out to greet them, all kneeling to the ground, and the voices shook the sky, showing that everyone was very excited about my arrival.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Tian Huer’s scout team methodically passed reports one after another. Most of the content was about which strategic points the troops had won, how many enemies were wiped out, etc. It can be seen that the victory is also mine. As expected.

"Are there any new findings on the news of Master Jing Yun's disappearance? Let the officials of the intelligence department come to see me, regardless of life or death, I have to hear about him!" I asked the chief assistant next to the think tank.

Everyone was full of shock and shock, but this is inevitable. After all, Jing Yun has sealed the king, but now he is still alive and dead. Which senior official dare not to mention this matter? Now when I ask, everyone is even more pale, looking at the first assistant of the think tank, as if they all hope he can answer seriously.

The head of the think tank thought for a while, then pointed to a large map of Western Central State, drew out an outline, and said: "Xia Huang, the news to us from outside is the same as what Xia Huang said, but according to the official Thoughts, and recently studied their previous attack routes, the lower officials felt that it should be King Jing who was just besieging him and had no choice but to advance and retreat. They may still survive in the enemy-occupied area. Emperor Xia, please look at them. Line of attack."

I followed his gestures and saw a less-than-signal attack arc advancing towards the flag belonging to Jing Yun, and Jing Yun's flag kept retreating towards Xiao Tian Ting, and then, it was about to retreat to Xiao Tian Ting. When he was on the side, the Beifu army from the northwest corner burst in behind him, blocking Jing Yun's route. This was the cause of the annihilation of Jing Yun's army.

Looking at the direction Jing Yun should be roughly, I pondered.

But just about to speak, a cultivator swooped down from the sky far away, shouting all the way: "Report! It's not good! It's not good! General Tian... General fell into the trap of enemy beheading! Dead!" "

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