Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1609: : Lei Huang

"What? General Tian was killed in battle?" A group of generals all stared in sorrow, their expressions were sad, and even those who did not command the leader burst into tears on the spot, and there were also female generals crying.

I sighed. I wanted to wait for Zhao Yu to come just now to give this Tian Hu'er a good compliment, but after a while, he was killed in the war.

Although I am the emperor in the true sense of Zhongzhou, I don’t understand the situation and terrain of the battlefield here, and I don’t know the layout of the soldiers. Therefore, in this case, it is more reliable than speaking, so the first assistant of the think tank is only But after sighing for a while, he immediately uttered the words "The main general sacrifices, the second general will take his place!" Then Tian Huer's sister was assigned to temporarily take the post of commander-in-chief, and she could no longer chase the enemy, but Let the army retreat.

The scout took the order and immediately flew to pass the order.

In fact, it stands to reason that the tiger in the field just now is also the cultivation base of the Nine Layers of Immortals. All of them should retreat single-handedly, and they should be able to survive for at least a period of time in the encirclement. But this time, the beheading of the opponent was successful. Fang morale is a huge suppression.

"Whose ambush was hit? Tell me where the other party's beheading operation cultivation base is." I calmly said to the scout. The scout trembled and wanted to salute. I didn't bother to watch him finish. A set of actions, with a wave of hands, he was forcibly pulled up with fairy qi.

The scout immediately said, "The other party has two ten-fold immortals and several nine-fold immortals. They should have come for assistance, and they are coming for you, Emperor Xia!"

"So that's the case, I'll go and see." I sighed inwardly, this tiger is desperate to fight a war, I don't know how to recover the results, but because I saw me greedy meritorious work and broke into the enemy's ambush circle. , But I won’t say anything about it. After all, this doesn’t affect him from becoming a hero of the army. Soldiers in the army always worship such a tiger.

"Emperor Xia can't go to strange risks in person, think twice before doing this!"

"This matter will eventually go!"

The think tanks and the left-behind generals all persuaded me to play for me. I waved my hand, and the whole person shrank the ground and disappeared. I went directly into the battlefield. In the battlefield, corpses were everywhere. Although they are elite, they are not seven or eight. The cultivators of the heavy immortals are mostly three-four-fold masters, while the seven-eighth-tier ones are mostly generals or members of the cultivator group.

In such a battle, the monks’ salaries are all based on military merit, so no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless, but it has also attracted a large number of monks' desperation, and there are even super casual cultivators like Jiuzhongxian and Shizhongxian. , Specifically hunting down low-level monks to seize training resources.

Moreover, in addition to hunting the opponent to receive revenge according to the opponent's cultivation base, seizing the opponent's legacy has also become an important source of resources.

Tian Huer should have come across the monk who came to hunt me, but died in the battle. While feeling guilty in my heart, I also wanted to see who would hunt me.

After a few consecutive shrunk jumps, I came to the place where the scout proved Tian Huer's fall, but when I looked around, there were no traces of the monks except for the fighting, which made me a little upset. I'm late.

I shook a glance, and instantly appeared in front of the highest cultivation level in this place, an eight-fold immortal general, and a sword was placed on his neck: "Where are the monks who killed our leader just now? Up?"

The demon cultivator paled, and tremblingly pointed to the direction of our barracks, and said, "They were yelling about what to take the head of the emperor of Zhongzhou when he was promoted and his cultivation base was unstable. Many monks gathered along the way and went to the base camp of Zhongzhou soldiers..."

My face was ugly, and with a wave of my long sword, he cut off the root of his arm, and then separated the ghost ghost Gu, and continued to stand here: "If I can't find it, you will die without a burial place!"

The demon Xiu's face suddenly turned pale, and he fled back, at an ridiculously fast speed. I sneered, a sword flew out, and immediately cut off his head. It seemed that he was also lying.

I scanned the demon cultivator who was not daring to move, and asked, "Where did the monks who besie Tian Hu'er go?"

"The general killing the enemy, he called out that sentence, and halfway, he took a few of his brothers and ran back to receive... the reward... the reward is enough for him to spend more than a few years, how dare he go find it? You are in trouble... The monks who went with them to join in the fun got caught in your ambush, and all died in the battle. We were fighting and retreating all the way to here." A Seventh Immortal General said on the spot.

I nodded, thinking it was more reasonable. The monk is different from the master. The master will attack the city and regain the lost ground. He has the responsibility and hard bones. They will all go and conquer at the command of the coach, but the monks are not the same. Although they are greedy, they know what they can do, and then do what they can’t do and run away.

These people killed Tian Hu'er, of course they went back to receive the reward first, and after staying for so long, who didn't know my cultivation? Who wants to offend a ten-fold fairyland monk? It also encourages some people who have no merit in the interests of the heart.

I continued to shrink the ground, all the way, the Yaozu retreated, but at the same time greeted the anger of the Zhongzhou soldiers. This typical way of leading troops came from Zhao Yu. The leader died, the second general replaced him, and the subordinates avenged the boss. If the second general or other generals can kill the enemy, it will be taken for granted, or pass the second general to the higher position, so it brings the fighting style of being bold and not afraid of death, which is consistent with Jing Yun’s steady and steady fight, Ruan Qiushui's flexibility is completely different!

This led to Tian Hu'er's death, but a scene of landslides and tsunami attacks, which is probably rare in other homes.

The first I visited was a base camp of the enemy, and these monks came to meet the enemy even more, maybe it was a handsome camp. After all, the more I go northwest, the more large camps I encounter, but Since no monks of the Nine-fold Immortal or even the Ten-fold Immortal were detected, I was unwilling to continue going north, and naturally I did not forget to perform the decapitation in the middle, and asked about the location of the bigger handsome camp!

In the middle of the night, after spending a day and night, I finally came to a gorge and mountain stream. This place is usually easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the sky is far away. Underneath is a ten-mile company with monks everywhere. It seems that it is the enemy commander. Camp location! In addition, it hasn't been long since I got close, and the first wave of monks who checked me came! This makes me affirm my judgment!

This group of monks flew to me, and the monks in the lead were directly from the Nine-layered Immortal, followed by a group of monks from the Seven- or Eight-layered Immortals, all of them monsters.

Seeing me as a human being, the people in front were planning to ask a few words, but when they saw me showing a cruel smile, these monks flew towards the base camp without thinking, and took out the talisman halfway through. The paper came to light, with the intention to summon other daoists to help.

"The Wizard of Silence!" After chanting the spell, I let out a clear roar, countless red lines of blood rushed straight at these monks, and then the sound of choking swords and explosions came, and all these monks fell on the spot!

This killing immediately caused the entire camp to blow up, but this was exactly the effect I wanted. Watching the monks popping out into the sky, and the soldiers gathered and retreated, I knew that they also had to deal with the monk war. Experience too.

"Come here, didn't you find me Xia Yitian? Today I am here!" I said in a cold voice, and with a big wave of my hand, the three ghosts flew out, and then the bound immortal ring also appeared in my hand. And flew into the sky under the guard of the three ghosts.

The head coach in the local area was thin, but he was a cultivation base during the entry period of the tenth immortal. Seeing my self-report of his family, he smiled lightly: "I didn't expect Emperor Xia to come here personally, so I was flattered. Under Leizhou Leihuang Han Zizhong's Sun Yun, the commander, was thinking of rushing into the small heaven to get the head of Emperor Xia. Since Emperor Xia came alone, it would have saved Sun Yun a lot of effort."

Except for the seven or eight immortals, there are forty or fifty elite-level monks at or above the nine-fold immortal, one in the late ten-fold immortal, and there are also three ten-fold immortals in the entry period. No wonder Sun Yun is so arrogant.

Lei Huang Han Zizhong sent five million elites to Zhongzhou, and there were four great generals under his subordinates. Two of them came this time. This Sun Yun is one of them. His status is equivalent to Zhao Yu’s position in my place. It's also a handsome guy!

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