Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1634: : Zhan Yu

The news from Xiaotianting talked about the beast tide, as well as the situation of the Beifu Army, Yunzhou and Leizhou demon races. After the beast tide was eliminated by the big demon, the group of dragons had no leader, and most of the army was driven to the bottom of the sea, but still A small part of them hid in the mountains and places full of immortality in Zhongzhou, and simply could not leave. The losses caused by this beast wave to Zhongzhou are also innumerable. I am afraid that they will not be able to recover without decades of effort.

The Beifu Army lost the support of Yunzhou and Leizhou Monster Clan, and retreated from the northwest to the Inner Xianhai. Xia Ruize returned to Jiedao, controlled most of Jiedao’s affairs, became the leader of himself, and Heizi became As for the vice-master of Jiejiao, why Heizi behaves like this is currently unknown.

As for Gong Meiqin, after retiring from the position of deputy master, he took Tie Zhenping and another group of intercepted monks and fled into the inner sea of ​​immortality. The current whereabouts are unknown. It seems that they are also contacting the scattered monks in Kyushu and start a new stove. I thought it coincided.

Leizhou and Yunzhou have now formed one body. The army is now being repaired because of the war in Zhongzhou, and the current forces are the weakest.

After Yun Bingxin and the Queen Mother of the West have become the leaders of the Monster Clan organization, they intend to revitalize the Monster Clan, but they are also very impressive. However, the base camp on the Wanzhou side reported that the space crack was broken by the Qilin. The Qilin has escaped into Kyushu. Currently Song Wanyi Brought a group of monks to hunt down, but the information is currently unknown.

As for the inner sea of ​​immortals, the abundance of Dream Immortal Grass has allowed the cultivation of **** pill to expand the scale of refining. It has been distributed to the level of elders. Now, under the leadership of several elderly people, the entire island has gathered countless sects and established a new The Tianyi, ready to make strong adjustments to the order of the Kyushu War.

At present, Tianyiyi has three monks in the realm of transforming the gods, namely, grandma, master of sword demon, and Nangong Huan. It seems that Sun Chongyang said that the harmony is good, and I don’t know if it is a beautiful man or something. .

In addition to the fact that Tianyi now has Zhao Qian and Zuo Lian, the cohesive force has become stronger. Many Kyushu casual practitioners have come here, wanting to obtain asylum, and joined Tianyi, Zuo Lian escorted grandmother to the island. After that, I lived well on the island and finally ended my life of displacement. So I also feel a sense of belonging to Tianyi right now, which makes me very pleased.

However, the flip of luck has made me extremely worried about Hua Ke. After all, if my luck is good, it means her luck has deteriorated. There is no doubt about this.

As for Senior Brother Hai, there is no second news yet, which also worries me. Two of my disciples are also following his ass. I don't want them to have trouble.

I thought about it, sent a piece of talisman paper to Yuanci, and asked where this guy went first. If I find the book of Heaven-Smiting Luck, my luck will be completely changed, but it happened to this guy in half a year. It passed, and no news came back.

As a result, Yuanci is also a host who doesn’t like to reply to messages. It’s not that time he doesn’t pay attention to you at all. I can only helplessly continue to cross the border of Lanzhou to the east, but as soon as I arrived outside Lanzhou, Yuanci’s communication symbol came. News, I was delighted to take out the array and read the information inside.

"Come to the blue ocean, big events gather."

This is the eight-character message Yuanci gave me. The communication symbol can convey a lot of characters, but the longer the distance, the more lost. But after countless explorations, I found that as long as it is within eight characters, no matter how far away it is Will not be lost, so I often use eight characters to describe important things.

I was amazed, what happened to this blue ocean? In addition to Brother Hai, Yuanci was also led there. Could it be that Hua Ke and his little nephew were also there? Otherwise, why is there no news in Kyushu?

The azure blue sea is the sea outside Kyushu. There is nothing else besides Kyushu. Therefore, even the map of Kyushu is listed as a place unexplored. Only a vague cloud sea is drawn. Just looking at the map can make People have an endless sense of unknown.

And the moment I arrived at the azure blue sea, I deeply felt a bit of anxiety, because if I changed to another sea, it would only have a sense of vastness and breadth, but this azure blue sea is too vast, but it is always The appearance of the dark clouds covering the sky, the strong fairy atmosphere, even I can't see through, how can it make people not anxious?

I stretched out my hand to provoke a splash of sea water. I sniffed the smell of the sea water, and found that the sea water was smelly, but it was extremely clean. I looked towards the bottom of the sea, and it was blue. Even a deep place swam fish with a clear view.

It seems that in addition to the dark clouds in the sky, the blue sea is also well deserved. I hurriedly sent a communication talisman and reported my position, and then let Yuanci come to me by himself, or I would go. Find him.

As a result, Yuanci didn't intend to rush to me, but gave me a general direction and his location, and let me find him by myself.

I hesitated in my heart. I had no other choice but to continue on my way, and naturally I had to contact Brother Hai, but after I sent the news that I was in the blue ocean, Brother Hai did not answer me for a long time, making me a little bit confused Find them.

Looking at the endless sea, I can only believe Yuanci's words, all the way eastward, with black eyes.

Yuanci used to say that he was going to Lanzhou, but now he is in the blue sea. Something should have allowed him to enter the sea, so it must be no problem to go to the east center and chase his footsteps.

After half a month on the road, I finally met the first living person in a sea area. This is a young female nun. Seeing me, she was not so surprised, just like ordinary monks, she routinely bypassed That's it.

It was so easy for me to see a living person, how could I let her leave, and immediately stopped in front of her.

"I don't know what the seniors are doing? Why stop me?" the female cultivator said vigilantly.

"Girl, I'm not malicious. I'm looking for a place called Zhanyu Island. I don't know if the girl knows?" I quickly asked, this female nun also has the cultivation of Nine-fold Immortal, but I was still very worried when I saw me.

"Huh... I was scared to death. It turns out that the seniors just asked for directions. Zhanyu Island is nearby. My uncle is the pavilion owner of Yubao Pavilion on the island. If seniors want to go to Zhanyu Island, juniors can lead the way. "The female sister said quickly.

"Great, thank you girl." I quickly thanked, and I was relieved. After all, the sea was drifting for half a month, and the surrounding area was empty and there was nothing. It was really boring.

"You're welcome, please come with me, senior." The girl was pretty, she didn't look like a bad person, and when she mentioned Yubao Pavilion's uncle just now, she had a proud expression. Obviously she was also afraid that I was a bad person and wanted to take her. My uncle came to calm me down.

Because there is still some way to go, so along the way, I inevitably talked to her about the situation of Zhanyu Island. This island is a mountain range created by the fission of the seabed in ancient times. Therefore, the entire island is long and wide, with a radius of at least four or five. In Baili, because of the gathering of immortal spirits, many immortal families gathered for cultivation. Over time, sects and various bazaars rose up, forming a small town and a gathering place of sects.

As for the name of Zhanyu Island, it is named Zhanyu Island because the island is full of green vegetation, such as jasper placed on the surface of blue water, and there are many small lakes.

And her name is Zou Wei, and the Yubao Pavilion she is talking about is a small chain store on Zhanyu Island. Now there are three branches on the island, mainly selling some monks' goods, which is quite powerful. She is also a store. The employees here, this time they just came back from delivery elsewhere, and happened to meet me again.

"Senior Xia, I didn’t expect you to come from the mainland of Kyushu. It was the first time I heard about it. In fact, we sea people have been yearning for this Kyushu for a long time. Once the turbulent flow of immortality disappeared, many islanders began to travel to the mainland of Kyushu. Immigration over there, but in terms of the number, it is estimated that even a little ripple in Kyushu will not be aroused, because I heard from my uncle that there are too many people in Kyushu to count." Zou Wei and I got acquainted with each other and opened it. Chattering.

"Kyushu has a large population, and the demons and humans live together. It is almost the same as your Zhan Yudao. By the way, have you ever seen a bald monk? Is an outsider in your Zhan Yudao?" I asked quickly, because Zou Wei said It was the first time I heard that the mainland of Kyushu came to Jade Island, so I was confused.

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