Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1635: : False God

"Bald-headed monk...I don't know. The island is relatively large. It may be in the north or the south. How can one find it so easily? If he goes out often, it's better to say that if he is practicing in the cave, it will be difficult to find." Zou Wei told me.

"Well, that's the case, there are other small islands near Zhanyu Island? Will your foreign population be listed?" I asked quickly.

"There are other islands, and other islands also have foreigners. They must come in and need to be managed. Otherwise, what should I do if bad guys come in? But don’t worry, seniors, as long as you report the name of our Yubao Pavilion, I guarantee you can Smoothly entered the island." Zou Wei said quickly.

"Thank you Ms. Zou, then." I hurriedly thanked me. Zou Wei was also very happy to see me, a ten-fold immortal realm cultivator, being so polite, thinking that I shouldn't be a bad person, so she took me all the way to Zhan Yudao.

After about half a day, we finally arrived at the legendary Zhanyu Island on the sea covered by immortality. The island is really beautiful and there are many monks. I let out a sense and even noticed a few breaths close to me. , And found out that I was coming, and I was ready to move.

This is also normal. Even overseas, there are few monks in the Ten-fold Immortal Realm. On Zhanyu Island, which may not have a gathering place for monks in a radius of thousands of miles, it is inevitable that strong people will gather here. In order to protect the island, they are also responsible. The responsibility of protection.

The three ten-fold immortal cultivators quickly gathered together, and the speed was quite fast. I ignored them, but directly lit the last charm that summoned Yuanci.

And not surprisingly, the breath of Yuanci soon appeared in my range of perception.

But Yuanci is not yet the tenth immortal entry period. Before he arrived, the three major monks on the island had already arrived in front of me.

These three have two female cultivators and one male cultivator. They are all cultivators who are about to enter the Divine Transformation Realm. Seeing that I have the same level of cultivation as them, they dare not ask to be big, so they quickly introduced themselves and asked questions. The reason I came.

After I listened to their self-introduction, Yuanci also came and helped me explain it along the way.

Roughly speaking, they came to live temporarily for a few days and added that they would leave after missing. The three monks saw Yuanci’s introduction and Zou Wei’s assurance, so they didn’t say anything, so I remembered a name. Then I was allowed to enter the island.

On the island side by side with Yuanci and Zou Wei, I found that the development here is quite good, the roads are clean, the houses are lined, and the surrounding fairy air has also nurtured the monks on the entire island, and one of them makes me very concerned, so I can’t help but Asked: "There are several fairy spirits on this island, which can be felt from a distance, but who is occupying it?"

"It's not a big deal, it's the three guardians on the island you've seen just now. They each have a school. After the turbulent flow of the fairy qi disappeared, they moved to the place where the fairy qi emerged on the island. , Has been so far." Zou Wei said.

And Yuanci smiled and said, "I said one day, how come you got here, they all became domineering? In fact, these three are pretty good at talking, and they all have unspeakable concealment. They are also working hard to cultivate and attack the gods, and you don’t I underestimated this sea area. In fact, there are still a few islands around, which are also places with strong immortality. There are also immortal air on them, and there are old monsters sitting on the town. At present, they are fighting fiercely on the islands, and they are all competing with luck. Assaulting the Divine Realm, hehe, how else would you let you run around here in the Tenfold Immortal Realm? It’s just that there is no time for extra branches."

"Oh, how about rushing to the Divine Realm? Fighting for resources?" I immediately smiled.

"Isn't it? Each island has one or two fairy spirits. There are three ways here, and each one is only a trace. Do you think it won't be broken?" Yuanci said with a grin.

"That's true, but the sea is so big, and the spirit of the fairy is not scarce to this point. It's a big deal to go far away. Is there something for them to keep?" I shook my head and gave up a forest with a tree. No one is stupid, and obviously there is another condition that will make this happen.

"It’s ambition to get it, but there are some things they can’t give up, such as pseudo-god, and in this sea area, there was a **** who avoided the chase and punishment of the **** in a special way. I got down and lived in an ancient city under the sea in this sea area. Of course, although he can exist in a special way, he is actually not much different from dying. The people don’t know, but how can we monks know? Actually tell the truth This remnant soul can also be regarded as a **** that exists in this sea area. The people go fishing and hunting, and they are also protected by this god. Therefore, he is very respected by him in various places on the island and worshipped in temples. How would you ever think about it? Want to fight him? So the monks didn’t care about this remnant soul at first, but after the Battle of Kyushu, how could you not bring him in front of everyone’s sight?” Yuanci described, and did not intend to hide in front of Zou Wei. Tucked.

Zou Wei seemed to know about this, and then nodded: "Yes, a few islands, now I am thinking about how to obtain this pseudo-god, so that it can have a certain divine power like the true God of Kyushu. Ri soaring, sheltering some colleagues."

"That's not it. Therefore, the battle for several islands began. It seems that when I didn't come, I had fought back. It was dark and dark. Later, after everyone refused to accept anyone, the Seagod was afraid that the creatures would be charred, so he gave the conditions. , Let the strongest lead this sea area, whoever is the first, he sacrifices himself and gives the godhead to someone. That's why there is the previous paragraph, and there is such a quiet sea area." Yuanci said.

"Hehe, it's a group of ungrateful guys for their lives, isn't this going to make a lot of noise?" I said.

"The uproar is not enough. Anyway, the aboriginal people on a few islands are fighting, other outsiders, even if the purpose is clear? You can't grab it, right? You dare to grab, the monks on several islands will all deal with you. Right?" Yuanci asked me back.

"It's true, this **** seems to have feelings for this sea area. Of course, he has to choose an inheritor among the aborigines. It is also a sacrifice to give the monks a way to survive, but the false gods can't protect many people. "I immediately shook my head and said.

"In fact, let alone the false godhead, it is said to be false, but in fact it is no different from the true godhead, and the scope of protection is even greater. After all, it used to be the true god. It is not a problem to shelter hundreds of people, so the contenders How could you give up?" Yuanci said.

"Except for the monks on the island, there must be some ideas outside, right?" I asked quickly.

"Well, this is also one of the reasons why I called you here, because an island is different from an island. This is a slightly inner sea area, so I don't know the situation and information on their outer side, but I can be sure Yes, some outsiders have mixed in, but the cultivation base is too low to attract attention." Yuan Ci said.

"So that's it." I looked at Zou Wei, who was also curious, and said, "But I don't think there is anything."

"Female donor, if you don't go out of the door, how can you know these secrets? But I don't know that the poor monk can count the world without going out." Yuan Ci laughed.

Zou Wei gave Yuanci a white look, with an expression on a stick. Yuanci didn't mind, shrugging her shoulders cheerfully.

"By the way, didn't you go looking for that book? Why did you come here?" I wondered if he was a little bit careless.

"One day, I said you could be smarter? Speaking of which, don’t you know? You want me to find the host of Xiyuan Temple, but this old thing has a book of luck. Where do you want me to find it? He? After all the investigations and calculations, I only figured out that he has reached the blue sea. As for other things, I have no clue!" Yuan Ci pinched the center of his eyebrows.

"You mean... when he comes to the blue sea, he will definitely know about this pseudo-god, and no matter how far he cultivates, going to the God Realm is inevitable, and the current pseudo-god is a good opportunity to lead the snake out of the hole?" I quickly thought along Yuanci's thoughts.

Yuanci looked at me with a grin and said, "It seems that you are not stupid. This pseudo-god is almost the only way to fight for the true God. How could that old guy not try his luck?"

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