Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1645: : At the helm

The monks such as Shan Ting are all peaceful monks on the island. Although they usually have the opportunity to fight and fight against foreigners, they are not life-and-death battles. They are still incapable of dealing with these bully sects in the deep sea. I roughly know their strength. With the help of the prisoner cow, the three monks such as Shan Ting have performed their due level. The slaughter battle of the same rank in this battle has increased. With little experience, at least I won’t see the same level get frustrated in the future.

Stained with the blood of this group of invaders, several of them were very ambitious, and Shan Ting said with some excitement: "This time the six major factions are trying to invade our ancient **** sea area. This time, I finally suffered a lot. What a great deal!"

"Yes, these guys, one step can't let them step into the sea area of ​​the ancient city!" Another male repairer clenched his fists. It seems that they still have a lot of nostalgia for the sea area of ​​the ancient city where they live, after all, no one wants to leave their homes.

"Actually... it's better not to kill people... but they invade, and no one is willing... the people still want to protect." The female sister nodded and said, looking at her hand that was once stained with fairy blood. Also a little confused.

After seeing that the three major cultivators had the lives of the six major factions in their hands, I said: "Now everyone is on the united front, and I have also taught the six major factions a lesson. I believe that even if they come, they will weigh whether there is enough. His fate fills the abyss of the sea in our ancient city!"

"Yes! If they dare to come, we'll kill them as well!" Shan Ting said ambitiously, and the other two nodded firmly.

The battlefield was cleaned up, and the twelve monks with more than ten tiers of immortals gave us a good harvest. After dividing the treasures equally, Shan Ting and others first planned to go back to talk about this to fellow daoists on other islands. Anyway, now everyone It is no longer possible to retreat. After all, the six major factions now have so many cultivators dead. If they are weak, they will surely provoke a counterattack. It is better to be tough to the end and have everything under control.

Shan Ting and the other two great monks also have some juniors and juniors under their hands. They have five or six of them, and they also have the cultivation base of the tenfold immortals during the entry period. By all accounts, there are eight or nine tenfold immortals on Zhanyu Island. These are also considered unacceptable. With the underestimated combat power, plus the monks on the other three islands, at least there is still a battle against the six major factions.

After we notified the four islands that we had killed the vanguard brigade of the six major factions, Gushan Island, which led the four islands in the ancient city waters, was unavoidably surprised. The four of us were urgently called to a meeting in the center of the ancient city waters. It seems that the four island leaders also Can't sit still.

Before, they planned to let us receive the Vanguard Brigade, but we didn't expect us to kill it all. This is like stabbing a hornet's nest. We must explain it face to face. After all, the communicator can only convey one-sided news.

Shan Ting was very worried, frowning along the way, and the other two monks were even more upset, feeling unreliable.

"We killed the twelve tenth immortals of the vanguard. Will Mishima want to arrest us now and let us blame it? Our four islands are all members of the ancient **** sea area, but the four islands are not originally counted. It's so harmonious. After all, the distance is too far, and we don't usually communicate. When we gathered for a meeting, Xia Daoyou also saw it. The expressions and manners of the three islands all regarded us as the fourth brother of Zhan Yudao." Male Xiu said with some worry.

"Friend Li Dao, then do you mean... we escape as the best policy?" The female cultivator felt even more unreliable, and even gave birth to a life-saving mentality.

"Escape... where to go?" The monk surnamed Li shook his head in confusion, and Shan Ting immediately became a little angry, and said: "Dao Fellow Li Xuan and Luo Xiaobing, if you want to leave, you can leave now. I believe you are leaving. After that, the spirit of the fairy will have people who are willing to choose!"

Shan Ting's words fell silent, and the two of them were shocked, and they dared not say anything.

"Don't be surprised by Xia Daoyou, when this happens, everyone will inevitably have this kind of mentality of worrying about gains and losses." Shan Ting quickly apologized to me who was meditating on the ghost.

"It's okay, it's normal to be afraid, and it's not normal to be afraid. After practicing for so long, you can't careless about life matters." I smiled and said, and I didn't bother to care about it.

Soon the late ten-fold immortal monks of our several islands found a location in the middle of the four islands and started a meeting. The four islands are within a few hundred and thousands of miles apart. They are Gushan Island, Linghu Island, Genting Island, and Zhan. Yudao, it didn't take much effort to meet the four forces.

Gushan Island is the largest, with a site of nearly a thousand square miles. Although it has many mountains and a small city, its cultivation resources are also quite abundant. There are as many as five in the Tenfold Immortalization Stage this time.

Linghu Island and Genting Island are the second place. There are four monks in the Tenfold Immortalization Stage. According to the number, there are more than here on Zhanyu Island, and I heard that they still have masters sitting on the island. And out, we can see that they are powerful.

"Who came up with the idea to kill the six major factions? Who did it first? Why do you want to kill! Do you want to mislead us!" Gushan Island is dressed in green robes, I heard Their cohesion is stronger than that of Zhanyu Island or even the islands, and they belong to only one school, so every time they appear on the stage, they show a strong courage. When they come over, they are regarded as polite to us.

Although Shan Ting's expression was a little frightened, she, who had been tainted with the blood of the vanguard, no longer had the low sigh she had before, instead she looked at me and intended to make me speak. Luo Xiaobing and Li Xuan also had me as the head of the expression.

"Hehe, I really don’t know what your peace of mind is. I just said that according to the previous proposal, first choose the person who owns the godhead, but you Zhan Yudao want us to wait for the six major factions to come over. I finally understand now. You are going to provoke them! Set fire to your body!" Another monk on Gushan Island also mocked us.

"Let you receive it on your behalf, but you Zhanyu Island received it in this way, intending to kill the four islands of our ancient city or what?" The other islands are also salted. Linghu Island only Gushan Island has its head, so it has always occupied the old The second position.

The youngest Genting Island, like Zhanyu Island, stood in a neutral position, but this time I didn’t plan to stand on our side because I was hungry. The expressions of the four great monks looked a little helpless and felt that we were too impulsive this time. , Pulled all four islands into the water.

"Okay, let’s just say a few words. Everyone got together to discuss this matter. Since the six major factions have offended Zhanyudao’s people, we should let them find a way to remedy it. I also have to help. After all, they are all part of the four islands in the sea area of ​​the ancient city. You can't watch Zhanyu Island get into trouble and ignore it, right?" An old man on Gushan Island stood up.

This old man is called a full-faced beard and his eyebrows reach his chin. He looks old-fashioned. Shan Ting introduced me to Liang Qiusi, the head of the Ancient Immortal School of Gushan Island. He is also a great monk in the field. Before I came, He is the substantive helm of the ancient city waters.

It seemed that when I was talking, I looked at him with a sneer, Liang Qiusi was a little unhappy, and said: "I saw Xia Daoyou before, and the old man felt unreliable. You, an outsider, did not know where to pick up our ancient gods. God’s orders, scams everywhere! Now it is such a catastrophe, now our four major islands have a meeting, do you dare to come here to continue cheating? Do you think our four major islands are all very good? Are we in a desperate situation? What conspiracy and tricks can we accomplish ourselves?"

"Head! I suspect he is the person sent by Outland Kyushu! He wants to occupy our four islands! Don't you guys take this dog! Is it still up to him to continue doing evil here!" A monk stomped on the ground angrily. The momentum is amazing.

"Yes! I said that he doesn't look like a good person! Do you know now? With the order of God, he is here to split our four islands!"

"We can live here for generations, but when he comes, we are in such a dilemma. He is the culprit!"

As soon as Liang Qiusi instigated, dozens of great monks on the three islands all accused me, which made Shan Ting and others' complexions slightly changed, not knowing what to do now.

I looked at the monks on the three major islands and couldn't help laughing.

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