Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1646: : Overhead

"Do you think that humility can make the six major sects talk to you well? Since ancient times, weakness has only attracted more violence. Is it possible that Dao Fellow Liangqiu has lived for so many years and still can't understand this truth? "I coldly scolded Liang Qiusi, and these words immediately drew accusations from a group of monks.

"Friend Xia Dao! Speak clean! The head of Liangqiu is enough to be your grandfather! How dare you talk to him like this? Weakness will lead to violence, but in the face of the strong, if you don't do this, wouldn't it be your own death? Huh?" Gushan Island is still quite united on the way of the Lord and the Patriarch, and it is naturally difficult to understand what I said.

“If you want to talk and surrender, it’s better to just give up the godhead. The source of the contradiction is here, so why do you have to be polite with them when others fight for it? Are you afraid of death and want the godhead? Let the islanders raise it, not the position that I won?" I looked at all the big monks with a sullen face.

"We provide protection and the islanders support us. Isn't that right? Fellow Xia Dao, you shouldn't stand up and talk without backache, we are also risking life and death!" The monk on Linghu Island immediately jumped out and accused me.

"I don't know what kind of life danger this monk is risking? Is he not afraid to face the six major factions, and with his own flesh and blood, dare to fight the life and death of the six major factions? Or? Facing the bullying of the six major factions, but at this moment, I was born to accuse me of humiliation, which caused my life to be in danger?" I laughed gloomily, and the Tai'a sword instantly unsheathed, step by step towards the monk on Linghu Island: "I dare not face Liu The massacre that the big faction is about to come, but dare to face me directly, because I feel that I am weaker than the six big factions, and want to find a righteous commanding height?"

The monk on Linghu Island saw me draw his sword, took a step back, and pointed to me: "Xia Yitian! You deceived so much! Fellow Daoists, have you seen it! He is a model of our den! Never believe him!"

Liang Qiusi instantly arrived in front of the Linghu Island monk, and also drew out the long sword: "Friend Xia, what are you doing? I can't tell us, so just draw the sword? You know, we are facing a dozen of us. A great monk in the Tenfold Immortalization Stage! Not in your own home! Can do whatever you want!"

"It's a dozen tenfold immortals, but what about it? Is there any difference between Zhanyu Island facing the tenfold tenfold immortals of the six major factions? I dare to kill them all, don't I dare to kill you? All killed!?" I said coldly!

And Liang Qiusi immediately shouted angrily: "Xia Yitian! Don't be aggressive!"

"Since I'm afraid of death, it's better to go now, lest the god-like wars waste more time on martial arts, the monk from Linghu Island, do you stand up first and dare to say that you don't intend to get the god-rank?" I passed Liang Qiusi in an instant. , Shrank directly in front of him, and the sword had reached his front door!

The black air wave blew the monk's hair down, and the cold air blowing on him made him sweat in cold sweat, and said shiveringly: "Xia Daoyou, if you have something to say, everyone wants to get the godhead, but I don't have the strength to grab it. Right, I just want to be a patron of the godhead..."

"Then say that I am afraid of death and want to be protected, but if you are so afraid of death, if I have the godhead, I would definitely not want someone like you? If so, what are you doing here? I count By the third, you can get out of the ancient city sea immediately. If you are a little late, my flying sword will not wait for you." After I finished speaking, the prisoner cow on the shoulder flashed a chilling light!

"Friends of Taoism! Help me!" The Linghu Island monk immediately called for help, but he didn't mean to run away. He still had a little thought, and wanted everyone to target me collectively. After all, no matter how great I am, I am also great. Not enough power of the masses, right?

"Xia Yitian! Do you dare!" Liang Qiusi was furious, and immediately chased behind me. I shot my sword in an instant, and with a bang, the two swords directly collided together!

But the Tai'a sword was too sharp, and Liangqiusi's sword fell off a small piece on the spot, which made Liangqiusi lose face!

"What's not to dare? If you don't leave, then die here. Without you, I still know how to arrange this battle. It's better than leaving you here and a surrender to the enemy halfway, which indirectly kills the island. Good for the people!" After I said, the prisoner New suddenly shot out and took the monk on Linghu Island!

Everyone exclaimed, and they were preparing to stop and besiege me, but the prisoner cow was too fast, and the man’s weapon was blown away with an instant bang. This guy screamed loudly before, but he was afraid of death. After cutting off the weapon, he flees back suddenly!

Prisoner Niu didn't give him any chance at all. As soon as he saw him flying out, it penetrated his body in a flash and swept into countless blood holes!

This person fell on the ground, turned into a soul powder on the spot, and dispersed with the wind!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Liang Qiusi was also full of unbelief, and said angrily: "You...you not only kill the vanguard of the six major factions, but also your own people!?"

"Fleeing and surrendering, what's the difference with the enemy!?" I looked at Liang Qiusi gloomily. Liang Qiusi's face was pale, so angry that he was so angry, and said angrily: "Okay! One day in summer! Today our four islands break with you. I won't cooperate with you anymore! We won't admit your order!"

"Cooperation? I never thought of cooperating with you! If your great **** entrusted me to help you, you feel that with your current mentality of betraying the enemy at any time, I will let you get involved in the godhead? Once you get the godhead, you can To protect the islanders and not run away? Dare to face any threats?" I asked coldly.

These words immediately stunned all the monks, and Shan Ting gritted his teeth and stood behind me: "You Daoyou Xia is right. We were born in Si and grew up in Si. How can we leave the island and find another way out because of any danger. If you ignore the heart of death, you might as well stop fighting for the godhead. It will only chill the hearts of those who dare to face the danger and desperately protect the sea area of ​​the ancient city!"

Luo Xiaobing and Li Xuan hesitated and stood behind me silently. Obviously, they were also thinking.

Liang Qiusi was ugly, regardless of his expression. After I said this, the three monks on Genting Island also came behind me. One of them said: "If you don't report your death, you can't guard anything. Outsiders are still so, let alone We who have lived in the waters of the ancient city since childhood?"

"Xia Daoyou is right. I have long seen Wang Shouliang that he is sneaky and not a good person! If it hadn't been for the evidence that he was collaborating with the enemy, I would have done it! But it's not too late to kill him now, well done!" It seems that there are still discerning monks, I thought the three islands are full of raccoon dogs!

"I will count the three for you who are not coming now. If you are afraid of death, get out quickly. If you don't roll, I'd rather use your life to exchange all the creatures on the island from being brought by you. The disaster!" I looked coldly at the remaining monks who were mainly Liang Qiusi.

Liang Qiusi lifted me up, with a vicious look in his eyes, and said, "We Guxian sent tens of thousands of disciples, and there are only a dozen tenth immortals. Do you Xia Yitian think that you can swallow us in one bite?"

"I can't wait to kill each other now?" I frowned. This Liang Qiusi is indeed a great evil. It is good for him to get the godhead, and it is logical to continue to be the boss. What if he can't get it? If the security is not complete, he will start a civil strife, and it will be possible for life to become charcoal.

As a result, Liang Qiusi was not a monolithic one. A female nun hesitated and immediately said to Liang Qiusi: "The head, when you are born in the sea of ​​the ancient city, you will die here. If the six major factions attack, I am willing to fight with my life!"

After an accident, Liang Qiusi quickly said: "Elder Yu! Please think twice. I have never said that I will not contribute to the sea area of ​​the ancient city!"

"The head should think twice, and hope that he should not put his own interests as the most important thing, do something and not do something, the godhead is small, if the six major factions are only for the godhead this time, why do they come here? The slaughter of the four islands in the sea area of ​​my ancient city, isn't the leader still obsessed with it?" The elder Yu shook his head and finished, and he flew to my side.

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