Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1655: : Xiancheng

I was shocked, and suddenly remembered what Zou Wei said, is this a fairy city? If so, if I go in, won't I be able to ascend to the immortal day and achieve extraordinary immortality? Or even if you can't become a **** or immortal, it's good to take the plants and trees on it and come back. It's like the dream fairy grass. Isn't it also the reproduction of a dog's tail grass that fell from the sky?

The dog's tail grass is still like this. I picked two groups of fairy mangoes and pomegranates. Wouldn't it be possible to eat them and have infinite power? Sure enough, there is a wordless heavenly book, this kind of luck is different, it really has nothing to see!

Thinking of this, I, who was occupied by the greedy heart, immediately leaned over to the vague fog and looked for the entrance to the fairy city. You must know that since it is the ruins of the fairy city, it was once a place of residence. Maybe there are people living in it. What do you light up? Since there are people, then I have to find the door to enter, or it would be bad if I told the gods and immortals inside that I was rude.

Entering the mist, I followed the white lights all around, but I suddenly found that the more I entered, the smaller the detection range I could detect. I thought to myself that the defense level of this fairy city was not low. The city has done this similar shielding array to isolate others from discovering secrets, which is normal in such a fairy city.

This made me even more convinced that I immediately continued to move closer to the light. I broke into the fog and searched for it. When I looked for it, half an hour expired. As a result, the light was faint, as if I approached, it immediately followed away. Yes, it won't end.

But the more I went into it, I found that I was gradually surrounded by the lights, and my heart was stunned. Could it be that I was already in Xiancheng and didn't know it?

Then I looked under my feet and flew under my feet. When I fell, I was touched by the water, or the sea?

"Prison cattle, protect my distraction, look around." I stood on the water and summoned a substitute ghost Gu, and the prisoner cattle had already appeared as Chaos Iron.

As soon as Sun Dong died, the sword-fighting flower lantern lost its function, and the prisoner cow returned to the chaotic iron, and the sword-fighting flower lantern naturally fell into my hand. Now the little lantern is hung on my belt and is attached to the keychain. Like.

But don’t underestimate this thing. It’s made to restrain flying swords. When flying swords come close to it, they will be held up immediately. Even Chaos Iron is no exception. And this interface is better than Chaos. I have never seen the powerful Feijian.

The prisoner cow followed my distraction and went out, while myself, chasing the beacon in the other direction, but before this had gone far, the daughter-in-law gently pulled the corner of my clothes! I looked at the water, Dao Pao daughter-in-law was already standing behind me, and seemed to feel a little danger.

I looked around, but still didn't find anything, but at this moment, I was chasing the beacon for a long time, suddenly approaching me, my face turned pale, could the house fly! ?


There was a loud noise, and the Shuji technique appeared in another place. I found that the white lamp had splashed in the place where I was standing, and under the water, a huge body was quickly diving into the water!

Long? ! Or a snake? !

The huge scales have changed my face slightly, this one-eyed dragon is probably not a good kind!


Just when I was thinking about what the other party was, the light on the substitute ghost Gu suddenly flashed, and the breath of the substitute ghost suddenly disappeared! Seems to be wiped out for something!

The prisoner cow also launched an attack at this time. As soon as I looked around, the beacon lights that had surrounded us were moving towards us very fast!

I instantly understood that these beacon lights are the eyeballs of cyclops or snakes. They just don't know how to shine. Now they have surrounded me, and here, it is not a fairy city at all!

With the conclusion, I immediately flew outside, because it was close to the surface of the water, so I could see clearly what was underneath, but just like this, the sudden appearance of a ruined turret under the water subverted my senses again. ! Here, it seems to be a cold pool of ruins!

There are ruins under the water! ?

That is to say, is this a city ruin? From Xiancheng? Was this group of one-eyed dragons destroyed?

Thinking about it this way, I was suddenly a violent soul. Needless to say, how deep the blue sea is. It’s not surprising that the sea rises occasionally. Then this is probably a near water area. When the water rises, it is normal that the house is under the water. So it was originally a city, or something like a gathering place.

Looking at the many rusty things under the water, I suddenly felt that this place was destroyed by these cyclops? Otherwise, if it is an abandoned city, then the original owner of the things should remove these things!

It's just that this city, how could it float in the middle area between the sea area of ​​the ancient city and the islands of the East China Sea, but the two forces have not been discovered for a long time?

Just when I was puzzled, the one-eyed monster dragon attacked me again. I sneered and summoned the Tai'a sword: "Those who are wise and interesting will get out! If you don't leave, don't blame me for slaying the dragon. !"

I thought that these beasts had sages, and after hearing my cry and the displayed pseudo-deity power, they would choose to escape, but I didn’t expect that these dragons and snakes had no sages at all. In a flash, the next moment, half of the dragon's head was cut through a hideous hole, and under the severe pain, the dragon was still biting at me!

And it seemed to smell the **** smell, dozens of huge dragon snakes chased me again, these dragon snakes are only between the nine-layer immortal and ten-layer immortal, but there are only a large number. As a pseudo-deity monk, I am here The speed is naturally much faster than them, and it is no problem to kill one with a sword.

I continue to slaughter these dragons, which look more like snakes and not dragons. The same is true on the prisoner cow. It is very intelligent, so it is of course easy to find the weaknesses of these dragons. A sword flies away and the dragon’s head opens After the flowers, the dragons fell down soon, and there were fewer and fewer'lights' now!

After three or four hours, the results of our two battles were huge, the monster dragons quickly disappeared, and the sky slowly dawned. In the dim light, I could see the appearance of these dragons clearly.

The smallest of these dragons are two or three meters thick. Each is one-eyed and has huge eyeballs. After the sword is opened, the white liquid flows all over the floor. After sniffing, the fishy smell is abnormal, but it makes me feel a faint spirit. The breath touched its core, a white bead was in it, and it felt like a fairy spirit, and it was extremely hard, even the chaotic iron took a few strokes to split in half, I collected them all Get up, let's see what Han Shanshan can think about in the future.

In addition to the core of these eyeballs, I also collected a lot of demon elements from them. I put them in the bag. The demon elements have little effect on me now. Even Zhu Xingba, who killed Ten Thousand Demon Valley before, got The demon elements of the gods are still useless.

After killing all the dragons here, I called the prisoner cow back and started to check the condition of this land.

As the sky gets brighter and the situation under the water becomes clearer and clearer, I flew over the water and found that the buildings here are very weird. They don’t look like the architectural style of ancient cities or Kyushu, and they are launched into the water. After looking at it, I found that this island is actually a floating island without roots!

In other words, this is not a fixed mountain range, but a floating city floating from nowhere!

I was stunned for a while, how could such a heavy island just float over here?

After swimming for a while, I found that the place where the fairy spirit of the floating island spread out was a recessed place, similar to the bottom of the cold lake, so I dived into the water at the center of the floating island. After sneaking in, I found that there are several huge stone gates in the center of the floating island. These stone gates are constantly spewing out fairy spirits. Obviously, there should be something inside behind the stone gates!

Could it be that this fairy city was originally a treasure trove? This aroused my endless curiosity!

However, when I sank deeper and deeper, the bottom of the funnel-like lake suddenly opened a huge eye at this moment!

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