Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1656: : Slavery

My heart jumped, and my wife was also at this time, pulling the corner of my clothes violently, and I flew directly into the sky without thinking about it!

At this time, the sound of a landslide and a tsunami came from the bottom of the lake in the heart of the island, and immediately a huge dragon rushed out of the lake. This guy is bigger than all the dragons I have encountered before, and the color is even more strange. The darkness is different, this one is completely pure white, but that eye is scarlet in the white!

In the Lower Realm, when fish mutated and produced rare albino offspring, they lacked melanin, so their eyes were white with reddish colors, and now this water dragon is obviously an albino water dragon. It's as gorgeous as other Baizi, and it's faster!

When the albino water dragon flew out of the lake bottom, the spirit of the fairy spirit burst out from the bottom of the lake. Obviously, the albino dragon king was sucking the spirit of the fairy spirit underneath, and he was about to enter the realm of **** transformation!

Once it enters the Transcendent God Realm, even the Flood Dragon is afraid to shock the horrible existence in this sea area, fortunately it has not yet entered the Transcendent God Realm!

That flood dragon seems to be different from other flood dragons. This one-eyed flood dragon is more intelligent. It seems to know my cultivation level, so when it rushes to deal with me, it also keeps a distance. It uses water attributes and frost to attack and launch giant eyes. Main streamer attack!

I don't have much feeling for its beautiful color. I thought that although this kind of albino water dragon is rare, it can't be kept in a cage. Besides, this water dragon is still going to transform the gods. It is a curse to keep it! Therefore, Tai'a sword did not show mercy either, and must pierce its eyes every time!

Its eyes are the source of energy, and the power of the fairy spirit is also stored here, and the eye core of this albino water dragon should be different from other water dragons.

But what I didn’t expect was that the speed of this dragon is actually very fast, swish, just like electric light, every time it flashes behind me, if it weren’t for my shrinking technique, I’m afraid it would really have a chance to be confused. !

It is necessary to kill this dragon. If I don't kill it, I can't find out what is hidden under the lake. It will definitely occupy the entire floating island. Even if it escapes now, it will come back soon.

After a battle, I discovered that this albino water dragon is completely different from other water dragons. It is extremely smart, not only capable of fighting, but also a skillful tactical attack. There is no chance, nor will it make unnecessary attacks.

I frowned and tried to communicate and said, "You are about to cultivate to a perfect level, don't you want to just kill me?"

The albino water dragon looked at me without making a sound, but still stared at me without giving up his vigilance.

"You killed all the creatures on this floating island. I killed you all, and you deserve it. No wonder I, now you are the only one left in your clan. If I didn't guess wrong, you just hit the **** Isn’t it a critical moment in the realm? Hehe, how else would suppress the spirit of the spirit and not emit it? It seems that you did not expect that the spirit of the spirit would be so much that you can't suppress it?" I sneered, this albino Jiaolong's eyes narrowed slightly at this time, as if he understood what I meant.

The leading albino dragon is not a good kind, it must have understood what I said, but it didn't answer me for a while.

"I ask you one last sentence. If you don't answer, don't blame me for killing you! Why do you want to kill all the creatures here?" I looked at this white dragon, and my arrogance exploded in an instant, and the black wings were also on me. Appearing behind him, the power of the pseudo-deity realm was brought into full play at this moment.

As if feeling the threat of my strength, the albino dragon's eyes were half-squinted, and then said in a low voice, "Blame them, not us."

"To be clear, you kill them all, do you blame them?" I frowned, and the albino water dragon seemed to realize that I might let it go, and immediately said: "They eat us, enslave us, me and me Friends of course, we must fight back."

"Hehe, they enslaved you, so they should have the power to enslave you, how can they kill you all?" I asked, if it is enslavement, it should have the ability to enslave, or shackles, or something that makes them unable Rebelling, but something is wrong right now, it looks like they killed the creatures here.

"The aura here made my companions mutate! They went crazy and killed all the people who enslaved them." The albino water dragon said without hesitation.

"Mutation?" I was stunned, thinking of the crystal nucleus in the eyes of the Flood Dragon I killed before. This thing carries the power of the fairy spirit, and there is also a trace of evil spirits in it. According to my many years of understanding of the evil spirits, What Albino Jiaolong said was probably true.

After the Battle of the Pure Realm began, the turbulent flow of celestial qi disappeared, raising the level of the original strong celestial qi by several levels and turning it into the celestial qi. Some monsters or other races are more sensitive to the celestial qi. The sensitivity will evolve faster than the average race, and of course it does not rule out a race like a one-eyed flood dragon.

And being enslaved for many years has also caused these one-eyed flood dragons to give birth to resentment. After they encountered the spirit of the spirit and transformed them, they went crazy overnight, killing the race that once enslaved them here, and turned them into The owner here finally lost control of the island and floated onto this land.

"We got aura overnight. Because of the transformation, the things that could have controlled us failed, so we killed them all and occupied this place." said the albino dragon.

"What did they enslaved you for? What place was this once?" Enslaving Flood Dragon, what kind of race it is, it is so powerful.

"They will raise us, and if they are strong, they will work for them, run errands, and do everything. If they lose their function, they will eat us. Like me, they used to be the playthings of their royal family. They play and perform," said the albino dragon.

I was stunned for a moment, and when I looked at this albino dragon, I knew it clearly. If I regard it as a pet of great ornamental value, it is indeed the best in the breeding category.

"I'm going to the bottom of the lake to look for evidence that you were enslaved, and by the way, I also want to check the previous situation here, don't you mind?" I asked immediately.

"I mind, the bottom of the lake is mine, it doesn't belong to you outsider. If you know the reason, you can leave quickly." Albino Jiaolong replied decisively.

"I'm afraid it won't work. If I find the reason for you, I don't mind killing you." I said coldly. If the facts do not match what it says, I should kill it.

"Then there is nothing to say." The albino water dragon is very intelligent, perhaps because it has been trained as a royal pet, and I don't know who once belonged to the royal family. If it is under the sea Isn't it the Dragon Palace that floats up?

"Prison cattle, stop it, don't let it go." I took out the immortal bounding ring and directly covered the entire island, and then flew into the water, looking for evidence of their enslavement.

This albino dragon seems to be right. I found a lot of evidence of enslaving them in the remaining buildings and homes here, like huge chains, some strange controllers, and some treasures, but the corpse What, should have disappeared with the current while the island was moving.

And among the rocks in the ruins, I did find some bones. These bones are not human, but some low-level monster race. As for the high-level ones, they should have long since turned into soul powder and flew away.

The albino flood dragon knows how powerful the prisoner cow is. After all, the prisoner cow is a real dragon, one level higher than it. Even the prisoner cow can use domain power to control the chaotic iron. No matter how strong the albino flood dragon is, no domain subsidy will work. Unleashing domain power, it is very difficult to avoid the opponent's huge body.

So the albino dragon looked at me looking for traces, but did not dare to leave.

It didn't ask me what I wanted until I flew up.

I was quite happy, after all, this floating island has no living things, but all the dead, including some priceless things!

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