Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1689: :messenger

Because of our confidence in our own strength, Xiaojiao and I did not deliberately dodge, but took the initiative to meet each other, thinking that this shouldn’t be the just-promoted six major factions or ancient **** sea monks. If you are promoted, you need a solid cultivation base of the month. According to the time difference, it should not be the monks who went back to bring disciples and grandchildren to the Jade Island.

Sure enough, after the two breaths met me head-on, I saw that the two of them were not monks in the sea of ​​the ancient gods. I decisively told Xiaojiao to stop, and then asked inexplicably, "Two seniors, are they? Are you looking for it?"

Two monks, one man and one woman, the man wearing a white robe, about thirty years old, Danfeng's eyes, there is a shallow round moon on the center of his eyebrows, looking like the owner of the godhead, but without the light of the godhead, I was quite surprised, after all, the owner of the Godhead can be seen from a distance.

The woman was wearing a black robe, she was only a bit shorter than the man, with double eyelids and bright eyes, but these were not important. The important thing was that she had a moon wheel on the same eyebrow, which was no different from a man.

I frowned slightly. If I said that I had lost the Godhead, it would probably be like this, but it would be possible to lose the Godhead after death, but these two are really alive!

"Are you the Xia Yitian that they said?" The man asked coldly, his expression a bit arrogant, as if he was a superior posture, and the woman was the same, but did not speak.

"I am, I would like to ask the names of the two seniors Gao, what can you advise?" I secretly felt that something was wrong, and faintly felt that these two seemed to be related to the investigation atmosphere of the entire ancient city.

"Are you the last person to see Lu Yi?" The woman asked, but did not tell me her name. It seems that in their eyes, I don't deserve to know.

And they actually mentioned Lu Yi, which made me a little surprised. I remember that in front of everyone, Lu Yi's name was hardly mentioned. They actually knew that they were sent from above to find Lu Yi's messenger?

"Why do you ask?" With a stunned look, the man's Danfeng eyes suddenly narrowed, and he said coldly: "We have been here for more than half a month. People here have naturally asked. Since you and Lu Yi have had it. The promised thing, then where did he go, you should know?"

"Of course he entered the six realms of reincarnation." I know that I can't keep it, just to buy some time and get more information. The man's words at the moment also reveal the fact that he has come from the gods. Otherwise, who You will know Lu Yi, who can set up such a large area around him, waiting for me to come.

"Entered the Six Paths of Reincarnation? Huh, no wonder Shenguang couldn't track him in the end. It was really cheap. This kid sneaked into the Kyushu world as a tortoise for hundreds of years, and finally entered the Six Paths of Reincarnation! God's coffin, you can never turn over!" The man gritted his teeth and looked at the woman: "Deputy Yu, it seems that he really said it well with the superior. Then Lu Yi was afraid that he would take it away from the God Burial Coffin. Enter the Six Ways, what do you say now?"

The woman glanced at me coldly, and then said: "Since Lu Yi has committed suicide in fear of sin, the godhead is about to be taken back, and I heard that the godhead has been transferred to a girl named Zou Wei, and this girl was hidden by the child in front of him. If we have the map of mountains and seas, then we naturally have to get the map of mountains and seas, and then take back the godhead."

"Hehe, those Kyushu islanders also said it was a paradise, but didn't know it was a mountain and sea map." The man nodded with a sneer, then turned to me, and said, "My child, the mountain and sea map is the personal treasure of the priest of the upper world. Now we have to take it back according to the rules, and the children who have obtained the Godhead must be returned to us, do you understand?"

I originally wanted to think of a way to flicker in terms, but I didn't expect that these two were really envoys, and had already figured out the ins and outs, and there was no chance of flickering at all!

Of course, Shanhaitu cannot be given to them. The treasures in it are too much to count. Once given to them, I will suffer a heavy loss. Even Zou Wei will be killed. After all, the only way to capture the Godhead is to kill the opponent.

And looking at these two, I am afraid that they are not kind. If I am willing to let them come back full like this, then I am not Xia Yitian, so I immediately said: "What mountain and sea map? How do I know there is such a thing?"

The two chief and deputy envoys looked at each other, and both got the solution from each other's eyes, but I didn't even think about it. I slapped Xiaojiao's head and drove it to the outskirts of the sea. There was no way to escape. do?

As a result, the two didn't chase me at all. The woman said lightly: "Your friends are all on the island, what's the use of running away?"

"Yes, I have escaped far, and I will come back after all. It is better not to escape, and everyone sits down and talks. Since we are from above, we also know that it is not easy for you to get these things, and it is normal not to give it to us. Let me talk about your conditions. If they can be resolved within their powers, we don't mind taking more time." The man said coldly.

My face changed slightly. I don't know what medicine the two gourds sell. Obviously, there is an absolute way to let me take orders, but instead I want to give me conditions?

I stopped temporarily, but I was also quite jealous. The mountain and sea map is in my sleeve, but I don't want to give it to them, and Zou Wei can't give it to them to kill, but avoiding the slightest, I still said:" The mountain and sea map can be returned to you, and the godhead can also be returned to you, but of course there are conditions. First, I want to retrieve all the things that belong to me in the mountain and sea map, but because of the huge quantity, I have to return to my territory to be able to Take it out. Second, the godhead was indeed transferred to Zou Wei by Lu Yiyi, but if you want to get back the godhead, you can't let her have something to do. If you can do this, the mountain and sea map and the godhead will be returned to you! If not, It is better not to talk about this condition!"

The two envoys glanced at each other again, and seemed to see the embarrassment in their own eyes. Deprivation of the godhead is not so easy. I believe both of them will definitely be difficult to do.

Sure enough, the man said: "The first question, we can promise you that things will be placed on Zhanyu Island. It is your business where you like to move, but the second question cannot be solved like this. After all We have not deprived the ability of the same god, so when we take the mountain and sea map, we will also take away the child who has the godhead. Then the **** will be taken back by the god, and the child will be free. Do you understand? "

"Hehe, okay, since you all indirectly dilute and reject the conditions I mentioned, how about we solve this problem from another angle?" I sneered, which is almost the same as not agreeing to me!

"Hey, our conditions are good enough and perfect enough, my child, don't have to be an inch. We could have gotten back these two things without talking to you!" The man smiled sullenly, revealing a murderous intent.

"Sheng Zhengshi, we can listen to his suggestions and don't have to have unnecessary disputes. After all, this is not our site. Have you forgotten that we made repeated guarantees with the person above to get down?" The woman's voice did not hesitate. It seems that facing me is a trivial matter, and facing the managers of Kyushu is a big deal.

The man snorted and said, "Well, if that's the case, let's see how he solves this problem from another angle! But if you talk about some unmarginal conditions, even if you want to offend the snake, you will not hesitate! "

The woman nodded and motioned to me again.

I took a deep breath. It seems that these two have discussed with the managers of the Kyushu Realm. They can’t make a fuss here. This may be a point that I can use. However, at the moment, I have no idea. I can only say: "Well, since Lu Yi has been hiding in this sea for hundreds of years, and you can't find him, how about waiting for a while? Once the battle of the pure world is over, I will take the mountain and sea map. I will return it to you, including the position of God in Zou Wei's body, and I will also return it to you. The harm is to wait a little longer, but the advantage is that everyone is harmonious and wealthy. What do you think?"

After I finished saying this, the two chief and deputy envoys both sullied their faces at the same time!

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