Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1690: : Fu Yin

That was making me reach out from my sleeve, and I instantly withdrew very far, but he just pulled out a volume of papers, raised it casually, and told me: "Plain text order, let us come down to arrest Lu Yi, even if we can’t catch him. , I have to be ordered to take back the position of God, how can you limit the length of time at will?"

The ambassador waved his hand and said angrily: "Bargaining, not at your own discretion!"

I frowned and said, “You don’t want things to be a big deal, do you? God’s position, let’s not talk about it. After all, I have refined the mountain and sea map anyway, and there are a lot of treasures and people in it. It's private property. People die for money and birds die for food. You say you take it back and take it back. How can it be so cheap?"

The deputy envoy became a little dissatisfied, and shouted sharply: "Is that nothing to say?"

"Yes, if you want to grab a mountain and sea map, you must have nothing to say!" I immediately refused, and the ambassador was already very angry, but at this time, I watched them look at each other, and then it seemed that the two of them were in private. What was said here, and even argued, but in the end it seemed to calm down.

That Zhengshi said: "In this case, the mountain and sea map can be taken back to the place where you want to put it down with you, but the position of God, you must hand it over to me now!"

"I want to be beautiful! Neither the **** position nor the mountain and sea map can be given to you immediately. You can't separate the godhead, so this matter can only be avoided!" I saw that the two seemed to be hesitant and arguing in it. There must be something hidden in thinking about it. It’s just that I didn’t see clearly what was said in the plain text just now, so I’m not sure, but at least they dare not use strong. This is the reason why I dare to speak up.

"Finding death!" The two chief and deputy envoys both gritted their teeth together, after all, no righteous **** would have made me so ashamed of such a fan.

The conditions of not being able to get off the stage made them very embarrassed, but seeing that they were immediately ready to grab it, and with some lack of confidence in my heart, I immediately called to a halt: "Wait! You guys think about it first. If you tear your face this time, believe me. If you don't believe me, I blew up the mountain and sea map for you!"

"It's exploded!? Do you dare!!" The Zhengshi almost roared, and the deputy also showed a worried look on his face, and said: "How easy is the map of mountains and seas to be destroyed!?"

"Hey, do you think I'm stupid? Faerie spirit weapon, naturally can be destroyed with the same fairy spirit weapon, I have a fairy spirit sword here, can you say it can be ruined?" I pulled out that one from the waist The azure blue stone sword, the strong celestial spirit waved out from the inside out, this immediately made the eyes of the two chief and deputy envoys stared!

Seeing that both of them looked wrong, I immediately sneered and said: "This map of mountains and seas is just a connected array of a world, but inside it is a world of its own. I ruined the array, at most it was left to this world. Falling in the boundless chaos, but the people inside can survive, plus there are nine large formations that shield you from searching, I see how you find the inheritor of the gods you want, so if it makes me anxious, I don’t mind making such a move! Are you going to continue to force me or let me arrange things properly and give it to you?"

The two principals and deputy envoys showed their vigilance towards me. If the formation is destroyed, they will indeed get nothing, including the godhead, they will not be able to bring them back for business!

Although the Zhengshi was angry, after listening to my words, after a heated voice transmission discussion with the deputy ambassador around him, he finally laughed: "Haha, I have to say that you are the most difficult thing we have ever seen. Immortal, in that case, let us go to the designated place with you. After you shake out all the things hidden in the mountain and sea map, you are willing to hand over the mountain and sea map and the gods to us?"

"It's true, after all, people want a face and a bark, and they say that it will be returned to you. There will be no falsehood. Hehe." I sneered, thinking in my heart how to solve it, not to mention that the gods must not be handed over. I'm also thinking about it. After all, that thing is too helpful. With this picture, how many people can be brought to the gods? It's just a picture in hand, I have the world!

Moreover, from their words, they unconsciously put the mountain and sea map on the **** position. I am sure that the mountain and sea map must be much more important than the **** position, and in the plain text, perhaps the two tasks are only for the lower realm to get the **** position back. And there is no such thing as finding the mountain and sea map, or to find the mountain and sea map, I am afraid that it is only a collateral condition at most. After all, it is a long time ago, and the superiors are afraid that there is no guarantee that the mountain and sea map will be lost or damaged, so I just want to get it back as soon as possible. The position of God is only, but the two envoys probably want to use this loophole as an entry point to take the map of mountains and seas as their own.

In addition, the secret dispute between the two of them also made me very confused. If it is applied to the mountain and sea map, it will be clearer. After all, there is only one mountain and sea map. Of course, the uneven distribution of the spoils must be discussed, or bartered. Or what conditions were offered to form a dispute, and there was a more enthusiastic state of mind, it is very likely that he had persuaded the deputy that Shanhai Tu would eventually belong to him.

But in the world of mountains and seas, it seems that there is nothing related to the realm of gods. He is a righteous god. Is it because there is still a secret in the world that I don't know.

The question I hold in my heart is definitely not enough to let me think about it. It seems that I still have to find Si Xiaoxian. She knows all the treasures well, and maybe I can ask her with a mountain and sea map to know what to do!

"Hehe, I can indeed give you a place to put things inside. However, this place must be in Kyushu, otherwise you will be wronged by the time, saying that you have to go to the top to shake things out, then what can we do? There must be restrictions. We are ordered to come down. There are only three months of your lower realm time. If the time is approaching and you can’t get these two things, then we are going for nothing?” The deputy envoy is not stupid, and immediately restricted time and location.

"Three months? Okay, just three months, the location is in Kyushu!" I gritted my teeth unwillingly.

"No, we have been waiting for you here for a long time, and now we only have about two months. Even if you find a way to deal with us and destroy our clone, the righteous **** who comes down next time will not It's so easy to talk! So it's better not to have any inexplicable hope." That just made the little Jiujiu in my heart guess.

"Two months? Okay!" I was stunned. If it were two months, the time would not be enough. It takes only two months to get to Nei Xianhai. At least the previous speed is like this. Now Xiaojiao can't be fast. Where to go, it can only be counted as one step.

"The gentleman said, hurry up, boy, go and do your business." That Zhengshi said coldly, and then waved his hand, the detective aura of the entire surrounding sea disappeared in an instant, my heart shuddered and I immediately understood This is a slightly diluted area. Although the sense of suppression is not strong, it is a good way to detect the enemy, but the sea area of ​​thousands of miles is amazing enough. At least I can't do this, but can do this. , I'm afraid it's definitely not much, it's definitely a fairy level.

After coaxing the two righteous gods, I immediately flew back to Zhanyu Island. Before I arrived on the island, a group of monks had noticed that my breath had flown over, and the ones who flew in the first place were naturally Shan Ting, Luo Xiaobing and others. , Including Yuanci also flew over.

Seeing that I was okay, everyone was relieved, and Shan Ting said: "We asked two righteous gods, and I don’t know who is so bad. It actually exposed everyone's affairs in the sea area of ​​the ancient city. That’s why they are here to wait. Waiting for you."

"That is, while enjoying Fuyin and betraying you, it is really unacceptable!" Luo Xiaobing also said bitterly. After she said, the group of monks in the back hugged me.

I waved my hand and said, "Even if you don't tell me, I can't hide it. It's okay for the time being, just two more tails."

Everyone looked at the men and women floating in the sky, their expressions a little dignified, and they were afraid that they had their own ideas. They might think that the matter of the godhead was out of play, so many cultivators had decided.

And Yuanci shook his head and said, "Even the Zhengshen has come down. One day, I am afraid that this trip is going to be a big trouble, and the Godhead should not be able to keep it, right?"

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