Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2114: : Break the door

In addition to merchants, Si Xiaoxian, Chi Sheng and a few first-class gods, the leaders of the gods, and Xu Jianjiao and others also came along. This is related to the establishment of a government in Tuming Mountain, which is not sloppy.

Not to mention, although the ghost path is barren, as the ghost emperor Tu Ming, I still get a lot of rewards and Dao artifacts. Just like the black cloud carrying hundreds of people now, it is also something that can only be used at the level of the ghost emperor. It is said that Dao Qi can bring tens of thousands of elite soldiers and generals at a time, and it is a super Dao Qi used for emergency attacks.

In addition, I took advantage of this period of time to refine the two Dao Swords of the Worry Cloud Devil, so now I don’t lack Dao artifacts, but the two swords need to be re-refined, so I temporarily Handed over to Si Xiaoxian for research.

Sitting on the cloud, I forgot my eyes, the red clouds rolling in front, these are the characteristics of the starry sky, and the two great gods, Si Xiaoxian and merchants, stood by me, chatting with me.

"This red cloud is so incompatible with the front, I really don't know where it came from, and how the ghost road collapsed to this extent, Shang Tianguan, what do you think is the cause?" I sighed deeply, feeling the ghost. Tao has been sad for thousands of years.

"Master, war will always bring such a cruel side. The collapse of the ghost road originated from the war. It was the war that made this place what it is now. How could it be so terrible in those days?" Must say.

"Oh? You mean the war caused the ghost road to collapse, so the sea of ​​blood invaded here, causing this place to be polluted?" I was shocked. The merchant is a wise man with a lot of skill.

"The sea of ​​blood is overwhelming, and the ghosts are completely stained. According to my guess, there must be a lot of broken places, and I can't return to the sky..." The merchant said, pointing to a large area in front of which is full of red clouds.

"Official Shang Tian, ​​now that I know this is the reason, I don't know if we can make up for this day? If we make up for the sky, won't we be able to avoid the erosion of the sea of ​​red clouds and blood?" I asked quickly.

"The old minister is incompetent. Although I can guess the cause, there is no solution. I want to ask the next God, I don’t know if there is a solution?" The merchants looked at Si Xiaoxian, and I too Looking at Si Xiaoxian eagerly.

Si Xiaoxian thought for a while, then looked at the space that was immersed in a sea of ​​blood in all directions, and revealed a trace of helplessness: "One day, this is not a scene created overnight. Thousands of years have passed. According to my understanding of space , If there is a sea of ​​blood squeezed, once the space collapses, the collapsed area will not break open due to the squeezing, but will also expand, and the sea of ​​blood will leak in more and more. Moreover, where does it leak from? Come in, we don’t know, after all, there is a miasma of space everywhere! Moreover, even if I have a way to make up the space, but you said so many places and locations, how can we make up? Even if it has been patched up, how to clean up this sea of ​​blood that has melted into the ghost road?"

The merchants and I looked at each other for a long while and were speechless.

"What do you do then? Waiting for the sea of ​​blood to burst and rush down all over the sky, making this space a sea of ​​blood?" I said immediately.

"It's not that exaggerated, at least there are still some years. In a few thousand years, it is estimated that the scene you said will be there." Si Xiaoxian slowly shook his head.

"A sea of ​​blood for thousands of years, but in a hundred years, I am afraid that it will be absolutely immortal!" As the prime minister, the merchants have a strong sense of worry and crisis, so they quickly made an assertion.

Of course I know that the merchants are exaggerating, but think about it, the fact is that this is actually the case. The sea of ​​blood is acting as a barrier and is devouring ghosts. When the fairy qi is getting weaker and weaker, the chaos will not be far away. After all, some ghosts Ghosts and gods can get true immortal gas discs, but some do not? They will definitely find some desperately, so natural disasters are terrible, but so are other disasters!

Chi Sheng stood by and listened to the three of us talking about the ghost way, his eyes were not as firm as before. It can be seen that he is also worried about the future of the ghost way. For a hundred years, he said that it is not long for a 7th heaven super-grade immortal family. long.

Along the way, Si Xiaoxian and I asked again about things in this world. After all, if we don't do it, this world will soon become a dead world.

"I don't know who else can repair the sky. After the sky is repaired, how to purify this area, but I know that there must be a solution to this in the Liushentian! Maybe my sister is here, there must be some way Right..." Si Xiaoxian said.

"Han Shanshan is still in the God's Court, and I can't contact them at the Burial Coffin at the moment. Even if I want to go back, it's hard for me to go back, and they know that we are in the Ghost God Realm, so we should be busy running away. After all, the God's Court is moody and cannot be estimated. I’m in a bad mood, so what can’t you be careful about?” I smiled bitterly.

"Well, it is true, the heart of the **** emperor is hard to guess. If there is no slack, you will endure the anger of Tianwei, alas! I also felt that I could use my thousands of credits to exchange a word of advice and promise, but I did not know it ended up like this." The merchants smiled helplessly.

"Since you are here, don't worry, my sister will definitely be able to get through the difficulties." Si Xiaoxian consoled us in turn.

The merchants and I both laughed, and then we started to talk about cultivation, and even things like refining tools. This Chi Sage was very interested in these things, and occasionally we got stuck in the key points. The guy can add one or two, he is also a genius, but there are many things that everyone knows, he actually asks three questions, which makes us surprised.

However, we didn't plan to study the identity of Chi Sheng. When we came to the realm of ghosts and gods, everyone had undoubtedly started from scratch, and it didn't matter who he was.

A few days later, after a long journey, we have reached the Tuming Mountain area.

You must know that all the ghost emperors in all directions need to move within the control of the big ghost emperor, so the opening of the space is still very close to the atrium, and the current ghost road is no longer suitable for most living beings to live, and most of them can survive. There is no lack of the ghost emperor control area of ​​the fairy disk.

And now the second-grade immortal discs are also rare in the gods. The ghost road is even more difficult to find. I heard that there are only some in the early stage of the messenger's tribute, and most of them are assigned to the ghost emperor. Yes, you can get single digits.

The Eight Great Ghost Emperors commanded the Eight Great Ghost Army, and the Immortal Qi Disk that they could get was the best among all officials, and the Second-Rank Qi Disk that could be received could still be counted clearly with fingers, which shows that this world is not mixed up.

I entered Tu Mingshan this time, and brought a thirty-year-old third-grade immortal gas plate, which is considered to be quite a local tyrant. Of course, most of this is the share of the daughter-in-law, and the ghost emperor Tu Ming is locked in Tu Ming. In Mingshan's warehouse, it can only be received by Tu Mingshan.

Tu Mingshan is a huge interface. The control range of this interface is very large. There are as many thick carts as the map alone. There are more than 100 active planets that can survive creatures, which is better than Biqing. The world is dozens of times bigger! It is also much larger than the second-grade world of Shenting!

Because of the gods who led the way, we didn't spend too much time entering the **** city of Tuming Mountain, where Tuming Mountain is located!

Tu Ming Mountain is vast, and the most eye-catching thing is a mountain. The mountain can't even see the border. This is because we are standing in Jiewu. If we are in it, I am afraid that we don't know that we are in this mountain!

"Lord, it's not easy, the one in Jiewu who doesn't guard the door! I opened it with a token, but it's useless! The inside is blocked!" Sun Dongshi ran over and said to me.

I froze for a moment, and my face turned ugly: "Is this the ghost of Tu Mingshan who gave us the power? It's a mess, you go and break the gate!"

"Master, I...I can't do it! I can't break it!" Sun Dongshi hurriedly complained.

"While going, I didn't call you!" I kicked him away, and then looked at Chi Sheng: "What else to look at? Didn't you hear it? I smashed the door open!"

Chi Sheng didn't expect that I would really use him for miscellaneous purposes, so he snorted, but after all he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only fly forward.

After a while, Chi Sheng, who had condensed his power, really hit it, but to my surprise, I didn’t know if the gate was really crisp or Chi Sheng was powerful. When it hit the third time, it was easy to give Broke it!

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