Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2115: : Leading

"Okay." Chi Sheng said to us displeased, I smiled, and patted his shoulder when passing by: "Good job, have you ever thought of continuing to do this in the future?"

"Huh! Don't be proud! When you settle down, I will find you again!" Chi Sheng said bitterly, and I shrugged and flew into Tuming Mountain with Si Xiaoxian and merchants. city.

As its name suggests, this Tuming Mountain is terribly quiet below, and the black air is billowing like an endless abyss. Of course, flying a distance below is not all dead, but there is still a lot of yin wood in it.

A huge shade of wood stands tall with dense leaves, and there are many birds and animals, but these animals and birds are all black, it is just moving soot, but every world has I'm used to seeing my own unique flora and fauna.

I went to the cities with the officials who led the way, but found that these cities were surprisingly quiet. I pulled the officials who led the way and asked: "What's the matter? Are you Tuming Mountain uninhabited?"

"This... this is not... Holy Emperor, have you always dismissed most of the gods here? That's why there is no official..." The official post was on behalf of Tu Mingshan to lead the way. It seemed that he had just said what was in his heart.

I frowned and asked, "Are some of those who haven't been dismissed? Can't it keep the entire Tumingshan fairy city running?"

"Emperor Hui Sheng... Those who have not been dismissed, apart from their respective assignments to other sectors, some went to the atrium to do errands, so there are not too many officials here... As for the soldiers in the barracks, how can they be qualified? Living in the Immortal City of Tuming Mountain? Mostly stationed in other interfaces..." The official continued to explain.

"Very well, except for soldiers, there is no one serving here? Why don't they come to meet the emperor?" I was quite angry.

The official's face changed slightly, and then said: "They may not know that the Holy Emperor will arrive today..."

"Hehe, there are those who can't come and they are all dismissed!" I sneered, it seems that these gods can't cry without seeing the coffin.

"Ah? This... I'm afraid there are other reasons, so please ask the Holy Emperor to be accommodating!" The official looked scared, and seeing that I was determined to be like this, he quickly said: "Holy Emperor, think about it, here Even if hundreds of gods are removed from office, they are all high-level officials, and there are thousands of small officials, how could they not come? Something must have happened..."

"Huh?" I looked at him suspiciously, and then at Chi Sheng: "The messenger, you go to inquire about the news first, if you have any questions, report me quickly!"

Chi Sheng was trembling with anger, but when he saw my fierce light in his eyes, he snorted again, and asked about the location of the fairy city, and then ran to look at it as quickly as possible.

I took a large group of troops, but it was also leisurely, anyway, now Liushentian can threaten my gods, it is already rare.

After a while, Chi Sheng came over with an unhappy face, and said: "I have asked, a group of small officials have been tied to a group of dismissed Dao ghosts in the mountains, and it seems that they are going to be given to the original Emperor Tu Ming. Apologizing, there are only some ordinary guards and ghosts who can't reach Jiewu. They say they don't dare to welcome them without official positions, and just wait there in a hurry."

I was stunned, and secretly said that all the officials were missing to greet him, but when Chi Sheng reported that he was about to return to the team, I stretched out my hand to stop him, and then asked, "Why? Just ask for clarity, but not ready to solve it?"

"I...what do you want?!" Chi Sheng said angrily. He felt that he would come back to you non-stop, and he was dispatched again, which was aimed at him on purpose.

"Are you uneducated? Didn't I ask how you are going to solve it? I don't understand? I can teach you if I don't understand!" I frowned and sneered, which made Chi Sheng gritted his teeth, but saw me breaking the casserole. After asking the question, he said angrily: "It must be Dragon Slasher who is deliberately making things difficult! If it were me, he would be killed with a stick!"

"Hehe, they have the home court advantage, and they killed him with a stick. I think you will be beaten if you go." I thought this dragon occupies a geographical advantage, dare to make things difficult for me, he must have his own ability, I I heard that if Yishan Mountain Ghost went outside, it would only be better than his own Ghost Emperor, but in his own den, he could be very, almost invincible. With Chi Sage's strength, it is estimated that he could not beat Dragon Slash.

"What? You said I can't beat Dragon Slash? Ha ha..." Chi Sheng's smile was stiff, but seeing me with a serious look, he said, "Dare to bet!?"

"Bet? Or the previous bet?" I asked with a sneer. Before he said that he won Zhanlong, I removed Zhanlong's official position and replaced him.

"Of course! I single-handedly caught Zhanlong and came to see you! The place of the ghost of Tuming Mountain is mine! How?" Chi Sheng squinted his eyes and said fiercely.

I suddenly laughed and said, “I’m fine, but when I’m a mountain ghost, I’ll never be able to walk out of the mountain in the future. Power, I don’t think the mountain ghost is suitable for you... It seems that the miscellaneous profession is more suitable for you, right?"

"What?!" Now Chi Sheng is a little depressed, he has never thought about this, after all, he thinks that the mountain ghost is also an ordinary official position, who should be changed?

"Hey, why else do you say that the snakes are so powerful? Of course, they are in the nest, and they won't get up after they go out." I looked at him contemptuously, which immediately made Chi Sheng quite unhappy, and said, "This mountain ghost, I It's not right! You are clever on the other side!"

"The other is clever? Okay! I was about to say who can bring Zhanlong over to me, and I will appoint him as a high official. Unexpectedly, you will lose this opportunity for meritorious service. It seems that you really only like to mess around?" I almost didn’t laugh out loud in my heart. The talented person is proud of things, because what he gets is not proportional to what he wants. This chi sage seems to be rebellious, but in fact he is very face-saving, a few grades weaker than him. , Now they are all commanders, he is still in the miscellaneous stage.

Seeing me slinging Chi Sheng in a trick, Si Xiaoxian's eyebrows were circling, and my heart was probably smiling, and the merchants were also watching the excitement there, quite the smell of sitting on the Diaoyutai.

"Which generals are willing to catch Zhanlong and come to see me?" I looked at the first-grade fierce generals of the original gods.

"Lord! The minister is willing to do his best!"

"My lord! I waited until I made an inch of merit, and I won the lord's blue eyes, and canonized the post of 100,000 captain! How can I shrink back! This time the arrest of Zhanlong, the original military order!"

"Lord! I want to go! Otherwise, sleep and eat!" The three generals immediately raised their hands and begged me to give them tasks.

"Okay! Let the three of you go together! Be sure to take Zhanlong!" I saw the three generals enthusiastically signed up, and they immediately clapped their hands to let them go. As a result, Chi Sheng was immediately stimulated: "Wait! Me! I go!"

Chi Saint immediately stopped in front of the three, which made the three hundred thousand captains all look angry, but this Chi Saint was extremely powerful, and they just dared not speak.

"You go? What are you going to do? Didn't you ask me to ask you to be smart? So I changed my mind. I found three hundred thousand captains, and I'm more sure than yours, right?" I'm sinister laugh it out.

"The three of them...definitely can't beat that Dragon Slashing, and I beg you...I am sure that the Holy Emperor will hand over the task to Chi Sheng! I will definitely be able to take this Dragon Slashing!" Although Chi Sheng is still unwilling and unconvinced, However, in order to be able to serve as an official, at this moment, I can't worry about losing my face.

"Your mother Chi Sheng! We won't be able to beat Dragon Slash!?" A hundred thousand lords were furious, and immediately went to grab Chi Sheng’s shoulders. As a result, Chi Sheng was already on top of the fire, and his hideous expression went straight back. Suddenly, the captain 100,000 was shocked and retracted his hand, directly pressing on the sword.

This kind of brutality from the instinct of a beast would be shocked to anyone, no wonder the captain was so vigilant.

"Okay, you are going to take Dragon Slashing, I have no objection, but let me tell you first, even if you take Dragon Slashing, your official position will not soar like a rocket. If you want to complete the task, first give it to you. Do you want to be a leader?"

I looked at him up and down, if I wanted to change people immediately, this made Chi Sheng frightened and angry, but this time he didn't dare to get a little entangled. He fell on one knee and said loudly: "Leading !"

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