Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2126: : Extravagant hope

When leaving the post world, the ghost emperor Fengyu and the ghost emperor Dutu also followed. Everyone wanted to come and received a message from the envoys, and besides the three of us, the ghost emperor Baodui and the ghost of Qizuka followed. Emperor Luo, ghost emperor, our six ghost emperors set off from the post boundary to the atrium.

As soon as I arrived at the atrium, I saw that the entire atrium had been illuminated in the past two days, making the entire palace look like a New Year, and the big ghost king assassin also wore a new black yellow robe. Looks mighty.

After the six of us arrived, the big ghost emperor briefly said something, and led us to a huge red carpet floating in the air, and flew straight to the outside of the palace.

This red flying carpet is like a red bridge. It is magnificent just by looking at it. I fly on it, and it is no different from walking on the road.

However, such a luxurious welcoming ceremony, I think at least the level of welcoming the daughter-in-law is used, but it is now used on a group of tiger wolves, which is really uncomfortable, and the daughter-in-law and sister returned at the time, and they did not have this style.

The red carpet is very long. We have flown a long way without seeing the end of it. This is also very depressing. This big ghost is so pitiful, after all, he is now a master. Talent is.

About half a day later, I saw a group of envoys floating in front of him.

And the ones leading the way are Luofu Ghost Emperor and Taozhi Ghost Emperor. These two are now leading the envoy to walk slowly on the red carpet, their expressions are quite happy, and they are constantly talking and laughing with the envoy. .

I saw a trace of frustration on the faces of the other ghost emperors. As a result, it would be difficult for them to win the gambling game. Luo Fu and Tao Zhi obviously had the advantage of being near the water.

There are a lot of envoys. Looking at it this way, there are at least four to five thousand. Even the big ghost emperor frowned when he saw it. This should be because he got the news in advance. If he just saw this number, it is estimated that he will jump and scold his mother. Up.

And I should be the most surprised of all the ghost emperors, after all, I am the only ghost emperor without eyeliner.

The envoys walked on the red carpet, but behind them, they all brought their own huge battleships!

These three super battleships really shocked me, because I have never seen such a big battleship. At first glance, it seems that the space battleship Han Shanshan described to me is almost the same!

The largest of them is equivalent to a super-large fairy city. It has red and black as the main color, and the mouthful of the giant cannon also shows the terrible magic! In addition to being a fairy city, it is also a terrifying war fortress!

The other ghost emperors around me were equally shocked. It seemed that they had never seen this battleship either. This time I am afraid it is here to show off.

Being able to drive the warship here also demonstrates their absolute strength and also proves that they have the ability to conduct decisive battles across the world. This alone is scary enough!

"That's terrible, the battleships are here. How can there be such a thing over the years? That's enough..." Fengyu Ghost Emperor exclaimed.

"This Blood Demon battleship is really a Big Mac. I didn't personally experience the Six Gods and Heavens Wars back then, but I heard about its activity on the battlefield later. Seeing it right now, it really deserves its reputation." Dutu Ghost Emperor also said in surprise.

I also took a breath of air. This battleship is definitely a super-grade Taoist weapon. After all, using a small fairy city as a battleship, it is equivalent to bringing a city of gods over, if they lead a first-grade Taoist body. The immortal, that equivalent has the ability to destroy at a distance!

But now the blood demon battleship seems to be loaded with some materials, it seems that in addition to the fairy qi plate, they are already imperative for the construction of the minesweeping array.

In addition to the Gorefiend battleship, the other two worlds also brought their battleships over!

The bow of the battleship of the Demon God Realm looks like a blood-stained demon head, hideous and terrifying, but the battleship of the Demon God Realm is not so terrible. The head has his eyes closed tightly, and the edge of the tortoiseshell hull has several pairs of wings vividly. These wings seem to be alive. They will occasionally stir during the flight, but don’t look at it a little cute, with half of the turtle shell on it. The positions of the are all pillars like hedgehogs, I am afraid that these things are shot out, absolutely no less than the cannon of the Gorefiend battleship!

And in the center of the huge thorn word, that is, above the flying stone tortoise shell, is the fairy city. Now it is all filled with supplies. It seems that the mine-sweeping array is really discussed by all three realms.

"This warship of gods and ghosts is indeed, as stated in the data, carrying a fairy city with living creatures. Even though this monster looks good, it is actually very ferocious, and to some extent it is far better than some The battleship controlled by the gods, because it is a super-quality untransformed ancient monster!" Fengyu Ghost Emperor explained.

"Living creature? Such a big one?" I was so shocked that I didn't expect the warship of the Demon God Realm to be so wonderful. It's like the giant tortoise I stayed at the north pole of the earth, but my one can't fly. It only has wings to fly, but it is also an ancient monster of super grade!

"Haha, big? This one is not big enough. I heard that there are many such ancient monsters in the Demon God Realm. The gods of their Demon God Realm have armed them to their teeth, especially the end under the Demon Lord's seat, which is the real giant. Ba, it is said that the **** tortoise is as big as a realm! It can carry all things, can carry all the people, and destroy a realm!" Fengyu ghost emperor said with a smile.

Both the Blood Demon Warship and the Demon God Warship shocked me deeply, and such warships are also available in the God Court. As the Six Gods Heaven, apart from the mysterious Ancient God Realm, the strongest world, the Blood Sea Warship of the Human God Realm. I can guess what the situation is!

After the Gorefiend battleship and the Divine Turtle battleship came into my eyes first, the last one, which was placed behind the two battleships, slowly opened up, belonging to the ancient immortal world, and it shocked my nerves!

That battleship, in a certain sense, cannot be a battleship, because there is no fairy city on it, but a sword formation! This sword formation is composed of a huge sword, which is placed horizontally and vertically, in various shapes, and it even seems that each one can be disassembled separately to form a separate sword boat, which makes people feel the coldness at first sight!

However, the sword composed of such a sword formation should be more agile, at least more agile than the Blood Demon Battleship and the Demon God Battleship!

"There is no warship in the real sense of the ancient immortal world. This set of mobile orbital devices has a name called Wan Jian Zhao. It can be disassembled and combined into a sword formation. It has various uses, and the key is that its power is far from all warships. Come on! This is not just for carrying goods, but a super destructive weapon! I heard that a small planet, in front of it, can't hold it for long!" The ghost emperor Fengyu is also very knowledgeable, and the introduction is like a treasure. .

The Three Great Warships directly robbed the envoys of the mission, and our ghostly gods, each face is as earthy, because it is very simple, there is no battleship in the ghostly way, only the large array of eight mountains connected together, it is simply It is the ghost in the mountain, completely unable to look up in front of the three interfaces.

"We ghostly, before... are there any warships?" I still asked curiously.

"Hehe, how can there be none? It's a pity, wasn't everything destroyed during the Liushentian war? Although we have the technology and a lot of materials for building warships, how can there be so many fairy gas disk resources to waste here? Above? Our battleship is actually a bit weaker than other houses, but it is quite mysterious." Fengyu Ghost Emperor sighed.

"Back then, the ghost road faced the gods, and it was lucky to be able to fight the immortal world. Now the battleship is just a luxury for us." Dutu Ghost Emperor said, shaking his head.

"Who is the design drawing?" I hurriedly asked. If there is a drawing, it is of course the best. As for the fairy disc, you can find it slowly. If you can copy one, it will be quite a morale incentive for Ghost Dao. Big, this is also part of the revitalization of ghosts.

"Of course it's on the side of the Great Sage Emperor." Feng Yu glanced at me, not understanding why I asked this.

I didn't bother to tell him more, after all, he wouldn't believe it.

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