Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2127: : Diaoman

After I wanted to ask the Great Sage Emperor for the design drawings of the Ghost Dao battleship, I naturally had my own Xiao Jiujiu in my heart. I looked at the Great Sage Emperor. At this moment, he was walking towards the envoy, and his face was quite happy. Emoji.

On the contrary, the envoy did not show a very happy look, and there was a trace of arrogance in his eyes.

The three groups of envoys have distinct camps. On the Demon God Realm, they are all dressed in red and black official robes, and most of the envoys of the gods are chosen by heart. There are many handsome men and beautiful women, and the road ahead is open. , Not the princess of the magic road I have seen before, but an old man whose eyes are like torches and his lips are forever pressed!

This old man should be wearing a royal-level official gown. In this respect, it is not very different from the gods, but the colors seem to be mutually exclusive. The gods are mainly white gold, and this magic way is mainly red and black. tone.

Because I was unhappy with Princess Modao, I couldn't help looking for a woman who was as tall as her. After all, today is not a secret meeting, so I shouldn't wear a hat.

Unexpectedly, the magic princess was not in the delegation! This made me very curious: "Why does the princess of the magic road go back?"

"Hey, go back? Don't you know what the finale is?" Feng Yu glanced at me with disdain, and then snarled at the Gorefiend battleship.

I immediately looked at the blood demon battleship, and sure enough, the palace master of the magic road, wearing black neon clothes and a red cloud on the skirt of his sleeves, just came out of his palace, and the two female guards were anxiously please The way she came out, it really was that the emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuch.

Not to mention, the appearance of the princess of the magic road is indeed very marked. The melon seeds have fair skin on her face and her lips are very attractive, because it is coated with a layer of red rouge, which makes people think about it at first sight. The scarlet eyeshadow is also extremely gorgeous, and the entire image is created with a strong eye-catching ability.

As for the Demon God Realm, they all wore mainly white, but pink official uniforms, which symbolized cleanliness and beauty. Regarding their beauty and beauty, they were indeed as beautiful as their official uniforms, far more than the Demon God Realm. It's like a group of vixen coming out of the painting, and it is difficult to remove anyone's eyes when they touch them.

And unlike Princess Demon Dao, who was fifteen or six years old, this prince of the Demon God Realm is already in his thirties, but it is this golden age that gives him an extremely handsome face, a mature temperament, and a deep feeling. Binoculars have become the characteristics that fascinate sentient beings, even men can't resist such charm!

I dare not look at the handsome men and beauties in the Demon God Realm. After all, I have no resistance to beauties. What's more, the women inside are all beautiful and devilish, and there are always times when they can't keep the pass.

I followed the big ghost emperor all the way, and I focused my eyes on the envoy of the ancient immortal realm. The situation in the ancient immortal realm was too normal. In front of it was also a respected super official who led the way, and followed by a The successor to the great world!

I have no interest in high officials, so just like the Demon God Realm, I swept my eyes directly on the successor of the Ancient Immortal Realm. This successor is a young boy, probably in his twenties, but don’t look. In this way, the Taoist cultivation has reached this level, and it is no longer a problem to maintain the image in the ideal state that he feels. Therefore, this young boy does not know how many years old it is an old monster!

And because everyone didn’t use their power, their strength was unknown. This young man was also harmless to humans and animals. However, when I observed him, he suddenly looked at me. In my heart Yi Lin, at the moment of eye contact, he also saw a deep touch in his eyes!

It seems that this lamp is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. He found me at a glance, but I have a thick-skinned face. After he looked over, I looked at him even more unscrupulously. This young man was carrying a pure white sword. A piece of white jade pendant is hung around his waist. These are extremely powerful Taoist artifacts. It can be seen that being able to be a successor is armed all over the body. Moreover, the successor represents the same strength. Without strength, it is basically. No chance with the successor!

What's more, I also heard during the previous gossip that this ancient immortal world's Immortal Venerable is very powerful, a super sword immortal, and his successor, how could he be so bad?

In addition to the successor who attracted my attention, their clothing also attracted me. The situation in the ancient immortal world is different from the other two worlds. They did not wear official clothes, but wore a kind of sect-like clothing. This kind of clothing is shallow. The blue one only left white lines on the edge of the robe. It looked very simple and elegant, and it felt like a fairy.

Soon the great ghost emperor led us to the front of the three major envoys. Without any hesitation, the great ghost emperor bowed and bowed his hands at ninety degrees. This level of respect was almost impossible to kneel down.

"Every **** is here to come to my ghost road. It is a great honor for my ghost road. I also invite you to go with the emperor to the palace, and the emperor will clean up the dust for you!" The big ghost emperor said politely.

"There is a great saint emperor Lao!" The prince of the Demon God Realm answered first, and then, the Demon God Realm also uttered a voice, followed by the Ancient Immortal Realm.

There is also knowledge in this, because the strong, usually have the right to speak first, of course, the specific strength gap between them, the current ghost road does not have much intelligence.

"Hey! Why didn't you bow just now? Why did you just arch your hands?" When I was thinking about the strength of the three worlds, I suddenly screamed and pulled me back from my thoughts. I saw it, that Princess Modao didn't know when she floated down from the Blood Demon Battleship, she was looking at me at this moment!

"What do you look at! You are talking about!" The princess of the magic road angered, and then stopped in front of me, sweeping me up and down.

I frowned, and then said, "What? Didn't you bow? Which one of your eyes saw I didn't bow?"

"You are bowing! But why are you just bending over a little? Are you looking down on our envoys?" The magic princess pointed at me and said.

Her words immediately made all the members of the envoys look at me, and the prince of the Demon God Realm, as well as the successor of the Ancient Immortal Realm, also cast their eyes on me.

I am the Eight Great Ghost Emperors. How can I say that I am at least equal to their princes in the official position. Even if she is her successor, it would be rude to scold me directly, so I said: "What does it mean to bend down a little? Bow, everyone bows to each other, why don't you bow?"

When I asked, everyone was embarrassed. This big ghost emperor came and bowed ninety degrees, and all the ghosts of us also bowed. On the contrary, the envoy's big thorn was received, and it felt a little high. Up.

"We? Why do we need to bow? Hey, Great Sage Emperor, this is the one I told you last time. Didn't you ask you to remove him? Why is he still standing here?" This savage princess suddenly Looked at the big ghost emperor.

"Withdraw me? Haha." I sneered, and then looked at the big ghost emperor.

Now the big ghost emperor was embarrassed, and quickly said: "The princess does not know anything. If we are not wronged by the Holy Emperor from all directions, we cannot be dismissed..."

"What?! Then, didn't the saint emperor directly kill you Wan Ren personally? Why can't this one? I tell you, if you don't withdraw him today, we will turn around and go back!" The princess continued to play her temper.

It seems that the envoys all know about my new ghost emperor. This information is estimated to come from the ghost emperor Luofu and the ghost emperor Taozhi. These two are standing aside now, all of them are showing unpleasant colors at me. It looks like me. Little details have become mouse **** in their minds.

"This... Tu Ming is the new saint emperor. In terms of rules, it may be a little strange. If it provokes the princess's unhappiness, I will punish him when I turn around. How about we return to the palace first?" The big ghost emperor bitterly. Said, his eyes glared at me involuntarily, and he had already scolded me ten times or eight times.

"Are you planning to turn big things into small things?" The princess looked fierce.

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