Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2169: :extreme

"What did Shanshan ask you about?" I said softly. In fact, the child was rough on the surface, but his heart was not as determined as he thought, and he didn't know what kind of environment caused it.

"She... she didn't ask anything!" Jing Xiaoman murmured, I cried and laughed, touched her head, and said, "If you don't tell me, who knows what happened? Didn’t Han Shanshan’s kindness be wiped out? Although she met you peacefully, she asked me to listen to your thoughts, isn’t it because she cares about you and loves you?"

Jing Xiaoman didn't understand the truth, but didn't want others to know her real fragile heart, so she always rejected her with appearances. After crying for a while, she finally said: "I...I rarely leave the house... But I didn't miss home, you know..."

"Why? Your father is Demon Venerable. You should also have relatives who take care of you. Isn't it the mother who loves you?" I stunned.

"Why do you think that other people's homes are the same as yours, my home...you deliberately, right?" Jing Xiaoman stood up and looked at me a little unhappy.

"Why did I deliberately?" I smiled bitterly, and I changed from squatting to sitting, sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking at the floating clouds in front. There is no big difference between day and night. The starry sky can be seen at night. No exception during the day.

"My family is really different from yours. Ever since I was a child, I have never dared to imagine that, as Sister Shanshan said, there is no dispute, no fight, no contradiction. Men and women live together. It can't be this way, let alone other intrigue..." Jing Xiaoman gradually calmed down, watching me sit down, but she didn't dare to sit on the floor, so she hugged her knees and squatted beside me.

"The Demon God Realm is terrible, right? The title of successor brings you tremendous pressure, right?" I sighed. Legend has it that the court struggle in the Demon God Realm is fierce, whether it is a usual political struggle or a private conflict. , Are all resolved by force, once a female stream like Jing Xiaoman is involved, the tragic degree can be imagined.

In addition to her young age, she actually has a first-class Taoist body. Under such a strong force, what is the suffering behind her, whoever thinks can make her back chill.

In the previous battle against that white tiger, she was weaker than a super-grade, one-grade one, she actually thought not of a powerful enemy, but regarded herself as food and put it into the mouth of the white tiger. She understood the idea of ​​beasts, and also Know what to do! If you change to Li Nianjun, can she do this? Maybe it will, but it will never be so risky and extreme as Jing Xiaoman!

Jing Xiaoman is self-willed, but it doesn't mean that she has not experienced too much life and death. She is a contradictory body. When encountering the most dangerous moment, she can give her life without hesitation, even if she finishes crying and walks to the dark!

Driving her flagship, crying weak enough, she dared to die together, how can such a character say that she is afraid of death?

"I am a concubine child. I have two older brothers and one older sister... My older brothers and sisters are very powerful... So when I was young, I never thought about becoming a successor..." Jing Xiaoman said lightly.

Mozun is surrounded by queens and concubines. The queen is an eldest woman, and the child born is a concubine, and the concubine is the heir of the concubine. The essential difference is still very big, and the successor must naturally be selected from a group of children. Out of the best.

Jing Xiaoman was able to stand out and become the heir. The hardships are enough to make people feel heavy. I thought for a while and said, "Lingyue King is your grandfather?"

"Yeah..." Jing Xiaoman nodded, and there was a hint of understanding in my heart, no wonder the Lingyue King would call her Xiaoman instead of princess.

"He treats you very well, right?" I asked, because King Lingyue didn't show any disrespect to Jing Xiaoman because of his superior strength. From his eyes, I only saw spoiling and compromise.

Jing Xiaoman nodded again, and then said: "Devil God Realm...I only have him as a relative, and the rest are dead..."

I was shocked and quickly asked: "You said you have two brothers and one sister... What about your mother and concubine..."

"Hehe, participating in the successor's war, not only himself, but also the relatives and partners around him may be plunged into the abyss..." Jing Xiaoman's eyes were faint, as if there was a blazing flame, following the wind. Piaowu, I looked at her and waited for her to continue.

"Everyone fights on the molten fire of the Demon Realm. There is the battlefield. The loser will force the winner into the molten fire and burn nothing, because there is only one who can walk out the door alive... I still remember that time, the eldest brother followed After the third prince entered, he never came out again. The third prince was slightly injured. He walked out with a sword and raised his arms and shouted. Those eyes looked at our family as if they were looking at ants... The second brother was not irritated. In the ensuing battle, she never came out of the Molten Demon Realm..." When Jing Xiaoman talked about these things, there was still no fluctuation in her expression, as if she had taken it for granted, but what made her despair and fear so much. ?

"The weak and the strong eat, the law of the Demon God Realm has never changed." I said calmly, the ancient emperor and prince heirs fought the battle to seize the protagonist, and the tragic degree was not much worse than this, so the Demon Realm Molten Fire should be considered very for the Demon God Realm. It's normal, even for the intrigues of the ancient war of conquest, this kind of duel is even more fair and straightforward, without too many conspiracies.

"Hehe, if it's just like this, maybe it's fair, but since then, the third prince has been watching us..." Jing Xiaoman clenched her teeth tightly. Even now she is infinitely close to the throne, but she is still An expression of hatred.

"Perhaps after your elder brother, the second brother challenged him again, so it is normal to focus on you." I thought for a while and said, eldest brother failed, second brother avenged him, and third sister and Jing Xiaoman will naturally give him Be included in the list of potential enemies.

Jing Xiaoman smiled coldly and said: "His mother and queen set up a trick to kill our mother and concubine. My sister and I can only move out of the palace and take refuge in our grandfather Lingyue King... But that The three princes have not yet planned to let our two sisters go..."

I was shocked, and I had already fled to King Lingyue. I didn't think that the three princes hadn't planned to let the two sisters go. It can be seen how devastated they were back then.

"Don't you care about the devil?" I thought about it, but the tiger poison doesn't eat its children, it's normal for the mother to protect the children.

"He doesn't pay attention to our two girls at all... and the third prince saw this through, so he was so unscrupulous. He teamed up with the big prince to deceive King Lingyue from the capital, and then tried to deceive him. My grandfather’s side room took our two sisters out, but my sister and I were really innocent at the time. We were lured out of the city by that side room..." Jing Xiaoman had tears in his eyes, as if he had returned to the past.

Even if she didn't go on, I knew the result.

"The grand prince and the third prince, along with the other princes, a group of family dandies, surrounded us, but deliberately let go of my grandfather's side room and guards... only our two sisters were left..." Jing Xiaoman Yao Shaking his head, tears fell down.

I touched her head with a face that didn't need to say anything, and she looked at me pitifully, and threw herself in my arms for a long time: "Woo... they caught my sister... the prince and The third prince let the beasts... tortured her sister to death... They watched with their own eyes, and I will always remember their smiles and the humiliation of my sister... If it wasn't for my age... they... even me I will let it go..."

"Don't say anything, it's too painful, just let it disappear in the river of memory..." In my heart, I was deeply distressed by the cruelty the child experienced.

Jing Xiaoman didn't stop, and continued gritted his teeth and said: "Grandpa knew that after the accident... he turned back and rescued me from the abyss, but because there was no evidence, he was helpless in the face of the queen and the huge force behind her family. ...At that time I swear, I must stand in the supreme position...Kill them all righteously..."

I took a breath of air, because after she said this, she still shivered in my arms. Those were the extremes of hatred and fear.

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