Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2170: :petal

"After experiencing all kinds of things, grandpa never dared to let me leave the place where he could sense me. I didn't have a grandma, so he killed and expelled his side room, protected me wholeheartedly, took care of me, and I... I also practiced hard. In order to become my successor and revenge, I kept climbing up step by step..." Jing Xiaoman’s delicate hands just held onto my clothes, as if only me was safe here, as if I Here is her grandfather's embrace.

"I even remember that in the first battle, it was still trembling, but the happy feeling after killing the opponent... It was the flames of revenge burning... right?" Jing Xiaoman said excitedly.

"Have you killed that group of beasts?" I sighed. Jing Xiaoman undoubtedly experienced countless things. Her savageness did not form in a day or two, because she did not believe in anyone except his grandfather, so she It will not be good to anyone, even beating and scolding, or even alienating, it is almost impossible to enter her circle, and since she is not a person in her circle, of course she will not be polite and will hold eternal hostility!

"I started from the weakest, one by one, step by step, either outside or in the Molten Demon Realm to torture them. I chopped off their limbs and tortured them again and again, just like they tortured back then. Like my sister, you say... My sister is so good to me, how can I let them go? I want to scare them and make them frighten..." Jing Xiaoman said coldly.

I didn't speak, even if these beasts were replaced by me, I wouldn't be half-hearted, so I continued to listen to her.

"Grandpa gave me all the resources he could get, everything he could use, just to get me revenge and let me kill! So last year when I was in front of the three princes, I was an advanced first-grade Taoist body, He was terrified... He was terrified, because he sent countless assassins, and he didn't kill me... Finally, like a trapped beast, he forced me to the edge of the cliff!" Jing Xiaoman left my chest, Those eyes are the harshness of revenge, the pleasure of revenge.

I smiled faintly and stretched out my hand to wipe the tears on her cheeks, trying to give her a touch of human warmth when she lost her humanity.

When Jing Xiaoman was sensing my body temperature, he couldn't help turning aside his head. The faint and fierce light in his eyes still flickered horribly: "Grandpa is trying his best to contain the queen's family, and I absolutely Will not be defeated in this life and death struggle!"

"Yes... I killed him, in the presence of the demon lord, in the presence of the queen, desperately, and killed him like the beasts before. I still remember... all the gods watching the battle outside the Molten Demon I couldn’t say a word, the whole scene was terribly quiet, and I still remember, threatening me to do the same cruel act as the last one, killing my queen’s shocked and resentful face, I held her The third prince, standing opposite the boundary wall, kills her son like a beast with one sword and one sword!"

"The devil did not punish you?" I took a breath of air in my heart, Jing Xiaoman's courage is really too great, and his heart is as firm as a rock!

"Hehe... Daddy laughed, he was very happy. He likes to watch his children fight, as long as it's not against him, as long as he doesn't listen to him, he is happy to see it!" Jing Xiaoman sneered, that kind of smile was like Crawling out of hell, it was cold to the bone.

I am in a complicated mood. This Demon Venerable seems to be absolutely a pervert. He would smile when he watched his son give his daughter a big deal!

"And what caught the queen off guard was that after the duel, Dad met me in person and praised me as a good boy. He also gave me a lot of rewards, and said he liked watching I was killing people in the Molten Demon. He was so excited. He liked me to torture his children. He told all his officials that he just wanted to see me die in the Molten Demon! Not outside!" Jing Xiaoman's mouth twitched. Next, the excitement and enthusiasm for revenge in my eyes shocked me!

"You..." I uttered the word'you' for a long time, but I didn't know how to continue. This father and daughter were too crazy, the demon venerable actually liked watching his sons struggle and fight on the death line. Torture his own daughter! How sick is this!

With the promise of Demon Lord, how dare other courtiers let Jing Xiaoman die outside? So apart from killing her in the Molten Demon, there is no other way!

Jing Xiaoman stepped in, but if he didn't say anything, he killed the three princes in a blockbuster. The other heirs reacted, but they couldn't deal with it. They could only challenge her honestly, and only in the duel of the successor. Opportunity to start!

"Later...Many of my father's heirs challenged me again. They exhausted their tricks and methods, but how could they beat the me that the Lingyue King had cultivated with all the power of the family? I might cut them off, or Soak them in the molten fire alive! They have males and females, but what about them, I killed them all! Kill them so that they never dare to challenge me! Every game, daddy will be there and be inexplicable When I laughed, I felt that finally someone admired me, it was my dad...So for his smile, I became more crazy...because I know that I don’t have to do all kinds of ways to kill his son, he is right My favor will also end... But Tu Ming, don't worry, Dad is now favoring Zhenglong for me! Because the most exciting time away from him was only in the New Year last year... At that time it was me and Da The prince's decisive battle!" Jing Xiaoman recalled.

My face changed slightly. The reason why Jing Xiaoman survived was the deity of Demon Venerable, but vaguely, she also began to feel that her deity was disappearing, because the pleasure of killing Demon Venerable’s son would eventually follow. Nothing can be killed, or the old tricks are diluted, when the devil does not like it anymore?

After the climax of the plot has reached a certain level, how can the next climax that is a little flat?

This is exactly what Jing Xiaoman worries about most, so when she killed the prince, and when she reached the highest peak, she also vaguely perceived and confirmed her thoughts. Therefore, she had never failed after the first battle and went on a mission. The Queen no longer wanted to go back. She knew that after she went back, all that was left was to kill, or continue to ask for the favor of Demon Lord, and the position of Demon Lord was still far away, and she didn’t know when she would kill her. !

People always get bored, especially when she killed the eldest prince and avenged herself, but also lost the goal of revenge. From then on, can she still be able to kill other opponents?

She is still a child, and she has no motivation, how can she keep going round and round? Even if she has a heart of iron and stone, can her kind of hideous hatred attract Demon Lord? The answer is no, so she didn't dare to go back. She didn't have much interest in the position of Demon Venerable. She stood at the top position now!

Without hatred as the driving force and without the survival instinct, she may not be able to fight again when she meets the same opponent, but now I see her, scared, shivering in my arms like a little girl, She who is so scared and has no support point, I am afraid that she will be easily defeated by the same level! At that time, others will use the same methods she used to kill her!

I can't imagine a majestic and charming Jing Xiaoman, torn to shreds in full view, it would be too cruel.

"I am too late for the eldest prince. His pieces of meat, like flower petals, fall in pieces. After being contaminated with molten fire, they burnt completely. Daddy is so happy that even the saliva in his mouth flows unknowingly. After coming down, those fanatical eyes seemed to be godless, but they were concentrated on his own son..." Jing Xiaoman's smile was pale and indifferent. I know that it is the tranquility after the storm, and I am afraid that the wind will not It blew again, because her hatred had already left with the storm.

"What's next..." I asked calmly.

"I beg my father to withdraw from my successor..." Jing Xiaoman's flat smile turned into a wry smile.

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