Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2214: : Kidnapping

Although these casual cultivators look correct, they have their own characteristics in their dresses. They are definitely not the dress of the fairy league. The clothes of the fairy gate are neat and uniform, that is, the ranks have strict signs, and the casual cultivator did not join the fairy league. , You are scattered outside, of course wearing casually.

And they dared to encircle me for a casual meditation, obviously because the other party is not afraid of my order, plus my godhead has been removed from the book of conferred gods in order to prevent accidents when leaving the ghost and **** realm, so Now I am in a state of no official position, so the other party may also come to question me out of curiosity.

"Hehe, I don't know where the Daoist fellows are in casual cultivators, but they appear in the area managed by our Cangxian Pavilion?" Two beautiful women in casual cultivators asked first.

"Wandering in the wild, passing here to the ghost and **** realm, how many people will not give me a loan?" My Taoist body is in a delicate state, showing a semi-transparent state, the injury is not light, just come to a Yipin San Sin can clean up me.

And the shoulder bag that I often wear on my body, I don’t take it after the first-grade Taoist body, because for me now, a sword is enough for the world. Of course, there are still some fairy crystal cores and a year in my sleeve. In addition, important treasures such as the Book of Gods and Heaven Smiting Destiny were left in the temple of the Ghost God Realm.

"So that's the case, of course it is for borrowing, but..." The companion next to the woman took a look at me, and I found that his gaze stayed on the anger of the emperor for a moment.

"What?" I frowned, and then, eleven casual cultivators quickly gathered around. These casual cultivators were not as powerful as the first two Dao Physiques, but they were also second and third ranks. In terms of speaking, this Cangxian Pavilion is indeed a professional land ruffian.

"Your Excellency seems to be in a state of serious injury. You should also be looking for a place to rest? Chen Canyuan, the head of Cangxian Pavilion, has always been warm and hospitable, and this place happens to be the fairy city of Cangxian Pavilion. Where, you might as well be a guest at our place? Or let us do our best to be a landlord, isn't it?" The woman looked polite.

The man next to the woman was taken aback and looked at the woman, with a hint of surprise on his face, while the woman murmured to the man, and the man had a dazed expression.

As for the eleven casual cultivators who came around, they all had their own characteristics. They were either loosely dressed or armed with martial arts. They were all different. At first glance, if they weren’t bandits specializing in robbing past immortals, I I don't believe it.

"No, I would like to thank you all for this. I have something to go to the border, so I won't disturb the Cangxian Pavilion." As I said, I wanted to fly to chase Li Nianjun.

As a result, the woman stopped me on my way in an instant and said, "No trouble, no trouble. In fact, we also want to ask you. Although we want to lend you a place for you to quickly restore your Taoism, it is also not for nothing. repay."

"Is the immortal city behind you destroyed it?" The woman said, before I refused, the man had already asked about the place I had destroyed in the fight with the slave.

I frowned and asked: "Since I know, dare to find it?"

The man was stunned for a moment and looked at the other casual cultivators. All the casual cultivators showed a touch of surprise, but he did not drive them away because of this, but instead made them show a trace of enthusiasm.

"It is because of knowing that I rushed over. I don't know if the hunched-back senior has been killed by you? Otherwise, how could only you come out of the city?" That woman is very smart, and is considered the leader of this group of casual cultivators.

I snorted, but didn't answer directly. Instead, I said: "It seems that you have already come into contact with Forbidden Slaves. You know that she is great, and so many immortals have come here. Are you still planning to hunt her?"

"Forbidden slaves?" Many scattered immortals looked puzzled.

However, this matter is mostly taboo, and of course it will not be promoted everywhere, plus it is a matter of many years ago, here is still the border, and everyone does not know it is normal.

"That's not dare. Let's just take a look. After all, what happened in our jurisdiction can't be picked under the eyelids, but I dare not say anything?" The woman said with a smile, and then looked at the immortals. , And said: "Our Cangxian Pavilion is quite powerful in this area, and there are still many companions rushing over. Your Excellency is not a member of the Immortal League, and you have a battle with the humpbacked predecessor. It’s not our friend yet, and it will soon be."

"Do you want to win over the Sanxian from the Non-Xian League? Including the prohibition slave you mentioned earlier, it is also within the range of yours?" I hesitated a little bit more on my expression. From a moment ago, the woman called the slave slave the senior , Instead of having an alternative name, it can be seen that the situation of banning slaves is not known. It is only that the banning slaves have killed many gods in the immortal league, and then killed the transport ships. I think they can be attracted, but I don’t know who the slaves are. All kills.

After hearing what I said, the woman suddenly smiled and said: "Yes, your good eyes."

I couldn’t help laughing, and said, “If it’s not a blockade and robbery, then let me pass. I have no intention to join the Cangxian Pavilion, so you don’t have to persuade me. If you want the forbidden slaves to join, you can go to you just now. Seeking in the fairy city, she has escaped into the small world below the fairy city, but I advise you not to move this mind, this forbidden slave is a lunatic, I am afraid it will not be as you wish."

"The hunchback predecessors are delirious, we do know that, otherwise there will not be so many predecessors and partners, and in the time we wait, how can we not absorb such a powerful Sanxian like yours? Besides? Your Excellency has a reason to deal with the humpback senior, right?" the woman said.

"Oh? Mean, you still have the ability and confidence to catch slaves?" I couldn't help but ask with a deep eyebrow, although I don't believe it.

"Of course, maybe it didn't exist before, but in recent years, the head has got a treasure, it is indeed possible to catch the hunchback senior." The woman said calmly.

I was imagining this possibility while Shen Ning was a treasure, but after hesitating for a while, I decided to **** Li Nianjun and the Xianmeng round without stopping, and said: "I still have things, forbidden slaves. I don’t want to worry about it for the time being, sorry everyone."

"Haha, wait a minute, sir, I still have a question to ask." The woman saw that I was leaving, but it wasn't a big surprise, and she was still very confident in her eyes.

"Oh? Excuse me." I am very curious, how can this woman keep me with confidence?

"I don't know if your Excellency has something to do with Li Xianjun, the successor of Xianmeng? Because we have received news that after you entered the Shenxian City, Li Xianjun and Nangong Xianchang were able to escape from it, so please speak up. "The woman smiled faintly.

My heart secretly said that if Cangxian Pavilion had been paying attention to the actions of Jin Slave and Li Xianjun before, it was likely that something went wrong now, so the rumor token in my hand could not help but secretly send a message in the sleeve.

Seeing through the change in my expression, the woman suddenly laughed: "Because your Excellency is now going to the direction where Li Xianjun is, so I just asked casually. If you have misunderstood your Excellency, then just leave it alone, please feel free... …"

"Hehe, even Xianjun and Xianchang dare to kidnap, you Cangxian Pavilion is not too courageous." I suddenly laughed. This woman is indeed a personal character, no wonder she was entrusted with an important task to monitor everything here.

So far, I haven't heard back from me. Li Nianjun may have fallen into the hands of the other party. Since the Cangxian Pavilion dare to surround me, it also shows that from the direction and mode of action I went, I had guessed that Li Xianjun and I were together.

"I'll starve to death, and I'm often very courageous. Haven't you heard of it?" The woman looked at me with a grin, and made up the expression that I would not go.

"Since the fairy is in your hands, and I have surrounded you with a solid body at this time, it seems that you don't have to go. Then where are you planning to take me?" Not only is there a forbidden slave to harass and kill, but I can't think of it. There are sects that are not afraid of the immortal alliance, this ancient immortal world is indeed more interesting than I thought.

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