Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2215: : Xianmeng

"Don't you know if you follow us?" The woman smiled, and then when she waved her hand, a group of people gathered around. I couldn't help but take a look and found that all of them had loosened their hands without exception, and they seemed to be putting away something. Something, either for tying sen ropes, or something else specifically for tying people.

So from the very beginning, this woman made a lot of preparations. It was indeed an extraordinary method. So when I took them in another direction, I didn’t refuse, but just asked in confusion: "I don’t know about us. Now it’s neither going to the border nor to Li Xianjun, is it going to Cangxian Pavilion?"

"Yes, it is the Cangxian Pavilion. As for Li Xianjun and Nangong Xianchang, we have invited them to Cangxian Pavilion, including the batch of goods left in the station that they wanted. They are also lying quietly at our Cangxian. Pavilion, don't you know if you can be satisfied with our preparations?" The woman laughed.

"Girl is a good method." I smiled, secretly saying that there is such a role in Cangxian Pavilion.

"Just laughed, I can't work under the second shopkeeper of the Cangxian Pavilion. The surname is uncle Tai, and the single name is yu. On the contrary, it has been so long and I haven't consulted your surname Gao." The woman smiled calmly.

"Tai Shuyu? Good name. My surname is Xia and Tianjiu. My friends call me Daoist Tianjiu." I scorned a name. After all, in the ancient immortal world, I am considered a stranger.

"Xia Xia Jiu, Tian Jiu Dao Ren? It is also a good name." Tai Shuyu frowned for a while, as if he had never heard of my character, and said: "I don't know if your Excellency is the fairy family of my ancient immortal world, or Come from the Ghost God Realm? After all, this place is located on the border, and there are also high-ranking monks who communicate with each other, so I am not too sure that you are not from the Ghost God Realm."

"Oh, I came from the Ghost God Realm. I heard that the Immortal League of the Ancient Immortal Realm purchased a batch of weapons and equipment from my Ghost God Realm, so I sneaked along along the way and prepared to sneak into the fleet to steal these Dao artifacts, but I didn't think it had yet. With my hands, I came out of the evil immortal forbidden slaves, and continued to kill the envoys of the Immortal League along the way, and seemed to be not very interested in this batch of Taoist artifacts. I wondered if I could take advantage of the fishermen’s benefits. Before crossing the border, the transport ship was divided into four and fleeing separately, but I just chased the wrong ship that was not loaded with orbital instruments, so that I lost the ship that actually carried the cargo." I shook my head and smiled bitterly.

And Tai Shuyu suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, and said: "The transport ship of our Ancient Immortal Realm Immortal League can indeed be divided into four, and it is really hard to guess which ship the cargo is on. What's next?"

"Next, I found out that the ship that was chasing was not equipped with oracles. I turned back and ran into the wreckage of another ship. No oracles were loaded. I asked the immortal immortals and found that there was another ship that had slipped through the net. The fish escaped back to your ancient immortal world, so I naturally followed it. I passed the post on the way and searched for a pass but could not find the goods. I wanted to find the fairy king to try to find the traces of the goods. That Xiancheng, as soon as he agreed with Li Xianjun something, he ran into a slave and had a fight." I continued to fool.

"Well, it is consistent with the information I got. The ship was destroyed by Senior Hunkback. As for the goods you searched for at the station, it actually fell into our hands long ago. Even if you and Li Xianjun agreed to rescue them, they would give you the same batch. Goods, I'm afraid it can't be realized, hehe." Tai Shuyu smiled.

In the previous fairy city, because I was eager to find Li Nianjun, I didn’t stay to pay attention to whether there were any goods in the warehouse. It seems that the goods had been moved away when I arrived. If I don’t go deep into the tiger’s den this time, I am afraid that the fairy league will suffer heavy losses. And this loss is not only the responsibility of Ghost Dao, but also Li Nianjun's responsibility. When Li Nianjun and the old lady Nangong are in the fairy league, they will definitely be in a difficult situation.

Therefore, I will rescue them both, and return the goods to the fairy alliance.

For about five or six days, I boarded Tai Shuyu's flying boat and came to a nebula-filled area with them.

When I got here, I had guessed that it should be their base camp. Sure enough, after the Tai Shuyu opened the screens of the flying boat, she leaned on the curse and entered a strange route. This route should be a formation. If people who don’t understand come in, they must be lost in it. At the same time, this is also a way to prevent me from revealing their base camp.

It was probably another short time before the partition screen of Feizhou was opened, and at this time, a beautiful fairy city appeared before my eyes.

It seems that at the border of the ancient immortal realm, there is no lack of hidden places like the great wasteland of the human and gods. This is mostly a place where people who hide and hold dirt gather. Now looking at this huge fairy city, I know that I am afraid that the fairy pavilion not only hides dirt and grime, it is also a huge rebel lair.

After entering the fairy city, more than twenty scattered immortals soon followed, and their strength was not weak. I stood on the Jiewu and took a condescending look at the entire fairy city, and found that it was almost a modern city. The size is big and small, and it is almost a large city underneath. Whether it is a square city or the basic institutions of the sect, there are everything here. The immortals here are also very powerful, and they are definitely not a place where dragons and snakes are mixed.

"Are you surprised? Haha, our Cangxian Pavilion has been in business for many years, and there are hundreds of small worlds underneath. Most of the immortals gathered here come from there." Tai Shuyu smiled.

"It turns out that, gathering sand into a tower, I don't know if your pavilion intends to ban the immortal alliance? Or continue to stay here quietly, enjoy the strong immortality here, and be fascinated by cultivation?" I ate in my heart. Surprised, I didn't expect this Cangxian Pavilion to have the size of Tuming Mountain. It was really extraordinary. If it was just a big school, then the place controlled by the Immortal League of the Ancient Immortal Realm would be too big and too strong.

"Haha... Your good question." Tai Shuyu smiled, and then said: "We have tolerated for many years, and have never had a major conflict with the fairy league. Even if there is, it is only occasional friction with each other. Meng is not close here, and will not trouble us. Even if it comes to us, we can still escape to the ghost and **** realm before we hatch our eggs. But this time, it’s a great thing for us to take Li Nianjun and Nangong Xianchang into captivity. Opportunity, isn't it?"

"Not only that, we also have a special caravan to trade with the Fairy League, but we haven't let them know about it." The man beside Tai Shuyu smirked.

I was shocked, in fact, this is also an inevitable product. The Immortal League in the Ancient Immortal Realm is different from other big worlds. Under the Supreme, it is the Immortal Venerable that controls the Ancient Immortal Realm. Under the same Immortal Venerable, there are also immortals, like seven super-grade immortals. In the Nei Xian Pavilion, they are all immortals. For example, Nangong Immortal Chief, she manages countless immortal gates and is one of the Seven Immortal Chiefs.

And the fairy gate, as the name suggests, is some sect, as long as it is in the ancient immortal world, it can join the fairy league through review and become a part of the official. Of course, it is impossible to join the evil sect, like the Cangxian Pavilion. Of course, these inferior sects will not pass the review, and they will be given the nameplate of the cult organization. They will no longer be able to join the Fairy League in the future. Of course, they are thinking about how to survive under the eyes of the Fairy League.

"That's great." I smiled noncommittal.

"That's the case. The Sanxian, like Your Excellency, who even dared to make decisions about official transactions between the Ghost God Realm and the Ancient Immortal Realm, should have joined us, and now that we have Li Xianjun, we will definitely have something to do, right? It is much better than your own fight alone, it is obtained, and it is also far more than the value of the goods, but more wealth and rights!" Tai Shuyu encouraged.

"Hey, what do you want to do with Li Xianjun? I don't believe that she can get a value far greater than this batch of goods. In front of this batch of first-grade Taoism tools, her value is at best the icing on the cake. After all, I don't know the news anymore. This ancient immortal realm immortal league has news about a true successor, and I still know." I smiled.

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