Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2279: : Jianwei

"No, she is not a tool god, she is Yun Bingxin, she is my friend." My face changed, and I took off the mask, and then I swept Yun Bingxin with my heavenly eyes without hesitation, and quickly forcibly invaded with magic. In her mind, she called the three words'Girl Yun'.

As a result, what shocked my heart was that these three words seemed to sink into the ocean, and Yun Bingxin didn't react at all!

At this moment, my face changed drastically, because there were only two possibilities. One, she was not Yun Bingxin! Secondly, her spiritual consciousness is trapped!

But the first kind will never exist. Everyone has been a partner for many years, even if she turns to ashes, I can recognize her, so it can only be the second possibility!

"What did you do to her?" I instantly looked at Prince Jin with a gloomy expression.

The moment I took off the mask, Prince Jin showed a slight strangeness on his face.

After all, I was wearing a ghost mask in Guidao, and here, I was wearing a wooden Yaozu totem mask, so he had never seen me in the true sense, and it is normal to have this expression.

However, after being surprised, the Jin prince suddenly thought of something, and suddenly horrified. This is most likely because he is also weighing whether I am a big ghost emperor. After all, if it is, within the same level, I will have no opponent at all. But now that I am in the realm of the Eightfold Immortal again, this incident angered me, it can indeed be called extremely bad.

"Big Ghost Emperor, I don't know what kind of relationship this woman has with you?" Under my gaze, Prince Jin still gritted his teeth and asked.

"I only ask you, what did you do to her! What is the **** of weapons?" My face is already very difficult to read, because what did the prince Jin learn in the year of Ghost Dao? That's how to make the spirits, how to run the runes, and how to make the spirits between heaven and earth!

So even if he doesn't answer, I can't help but embed what Yun Bingxin has suffered into this idea, and now, I only need an affirmative answer!

"It's the same as my father said, it's a tool god." Prince Jin's eyes were awe-inspiring, but he didn't look too scared because of his father's presence.

"Why? Big ghost emperor, is it because of this forcing my child to ask me so?" The demon emperor's face was a little hazy, but he waved his arm and said, "That shouldn't be the case!"

"I want to listen, shouldn't this be, where do I start?" I resisted my anger, I don't know what the **** of the weapon meant at the moment, I can't just turn my face like that, and the demon king suddenly said that I shouldn't get angry. Should this **** be good? But Yun Bingxin's current situation can be linked to the word ‘good’?

"Hehe, I'm afraid the Great Ghost Emperor doesn't know, right? Actually, this is also a shortcut for her to break through the limit of her cultivation base. Once selected as the instrument **** of my Demon God Realm, reaching the eighth heaven is just a matter of time, and it's just the beginning. Again, Once this tool **** enters the level of true immortality, our proportion of victory and defeat in the battle between the six gods and the sky will be inclined to us, so the big ghost emperor, for the sake of the six gods and the common people, will take some necessary measures to fight against the gods. The thoughts of our Demon God Realm!" The Demon Emperor smiled faintly, as if saying something extremely correct.

"I just ask you! What does the instrument **** mean? Where did her spiritual sense go?!" My eyebrows were twisted, and my hands even trembled with anger.

"Shenzhen? As an instrument god, what do you want with the spirit sense? It's been wiped out a long time ago. At the moment, she is just an obedient instrument god, and will become the artifact **** of the true emperor of our monster race! And my boy, too I will inherit the legacy of the true emperor and become an existence no less than that of the ancient true emperor!" said the demon emperor Senran, and the prince Jin hurriedly gestured to his father, as if he was alerting the other party. My expression was very bad.

However, the Demon King didn't react at all, and even looked at me provocatively.

"Remaining treasure of the ancient true emperor?" My eyes were fierce, and my trembling hand stretched out, and the Unusual Voiceless Sword slowly broke through the air and fell into my hand!

Seeing that I actually drew the sword, all the officials and the twelve princes present were surprised, and the Demon Emperor's expression became gloomy: "Big Ghost Emperor, don't forget your identity and draw the sword on my Demon Hall. What does this mean? Do you think your Ghost God Realm has reached the point where it can challenge our Monster God Realm?"

I didn't even bother to say a word, the long sword flicked, and the sound of the sword sounded, and the surroundings were immediately caught in the sword aura, and the true celestial strength of the eighth heaven was released at this time without any restraint!

The pressure made the surrounding gods face horror, and the Great Demon Emperor whipped up from his chair and shouted angrily. The majestic demon power also exploded at this time: "The Great Ghost Emperor! Don't think we are the demon gods. The world is bullying!"

"Nalingfa!" I chanted the spell of Nalingfa coldly. Then, as soon as I stretched out my hand, the male snake who was standing by the side had just recovered a half-stubble of Dao body, and instantly sucked me back the incorporeal body! And the iridescent power in my body swelled up in an instant, and after being infected by my innate devil qi, it instantly turned into an incomparably evil black!


All the gods were shocked. When they reached the realm of super quality, who didn't know the power of forbidden slaves and spirits? And the Great Demon Emperor looked at the prince Jin with a gloomy expression: "My boy, you go with the weapon first, and invite the turtle fleet!"

Prince Jin’s eyes were full of panic, but when he heard the Turtle Fleet, his heart suddenly flew backwards slightly. At this time, Yun Bingxin also quickly picked up, but he followed Prince Jin. ! She has no self and wisdom that she should have at all!

I was so angry that my long sword pointed at the Great Demon Emperor, and with a bang, the terrifying attack from Na Ling immediately rushed towards him like a mountain!

The Great Demon Emperor had already prepared. After throwing out a piece of golden jade seal, he flew high into the sky, and then directly chanted the curse. The jade seal rose against the storm, and reached the energy of my spiritual energy like a hill!

There was a loud noise, and the jade seal shook the spiriting method, but there was no damage. It seemed that the first layer of spiriting method was indeed not enough!

"Naling Fa!" I recite Naling Fa again, and this time, it was directly on the second floor!

The absorption of the second-layer Nalingfa increased greatly, and immediately attracted the remaining eleven princes who hadn’t escaped, and quickly flew away, but because of the strong suction, there was still a lot of energy absorbed by me, making me again There is another blow!

But at this moment, after the Great Demon Emperor's spell was finished, the jade seal flew up suddenly, and then shone a fierce golden light toward me!

There are many super-grade cultivators here, but only the Great Demon Emperor is the cultivation base of the real fairyland, so I can’t underestimate his attacks. With a wave of my long sword, I instantly smashed all the attacks from the spirits. Jinguang!


There was a loud noise, the golden jade seal shook, and the laser was also photographed by this force, which canceled each other out. I immediately took the opportunity to absorb the spirits, and then the shrunk technique came behind Duke Hong Long. The Ukiyo Unvoiced Sword shook, Yu Chan Suddenly reached its peak, a sound like a wave shook all the princes! At the same time, my sword was also handed towards Duke Hong Long!

Boom! Duke Hong Long directly hit me with the sword qi that sent Naling out, and the explosion exploded so that the protective shield broke on the spot. At this moment, my second-layer Naling method directly took away almost all of his power and made him feel uncomfortable. Flee without turning into a virtual body!

At this time, I didn't have time to spend my energy chasing a fast incapable body. Instead, I gathered all my strength and prepared to kill the demon emperor, and then blocked the prince Jin. Only in this way could I regain Yun Bing's heart!

Duke Hong Long is also one of the best among the twelve princes, but under one blow, he collapsed into an incapable body on the spot, which was unexpected!

"You stop him! Hurry up!" Prince Jin fled to the back mountain while commanding the princes who followed him.

But the Great Demon Emperor just hit and avoided it, and at this moment, he led the other princes to block in front of me again, as if they were photographed by my fierce offensive. He finally became more sober about the situation, and said angrily: "Big Ghost Emperor! If you don’t agree, do it. Are you really trying to provoke two world wars?"

"Hehe, I just want to rescue my friend! Whoever dares to stop is the supreme world, and I have to try whether my sword is sharp!" I sneered sullenly, facing the forbidden slave, I was also afraid of three points. But this Demon Emperor is just an ordinary true immortal. I haven't taken him to heart. Besides, he turned Yun Bingxin into this way. How would I forgive him?

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