Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2280: : Fury

"Very good! It seems that the big ghost emperor is planning to fight against our demon **** realm! Don't blame my demon **** realm for declaring war on you!" The big demon emperor was extremely angry, with a big hand, the huge seal stone moved towards me. Boom!

"Interesting, I am not a big ghost king, whoever you like to declare war with, whatever you want! See if other big worlds are your servants, and see if they are willing to be pawns for you!" I didn't plan to pick him up. His attack directly shrank the ground in front of Prince Jin, and the long sword stopped him: "Leave Miss Yun, and restore her spiritual consciousness as it is, otherwise no one will have a better life today!"

The big demon emperor was also extremely fast, roared, and nine huge white foxtails showed up behind him, all of them rushing towards me! Among the nine tails, one was the strongest, and it slammed at me, trying to sweep me away from my son!

"It turned out to be a nine-tailed demon fox!" My expression was gloomy. This demon fox is good at spells, and its strength is indeed superior among spirit monsters, but I dare to squat even when I see forbidden slaves, not to mention the monsters who do things to my friends. This time I have already moved the killing mind, if I don't kill the Great Demon Emperor, it will be difficult for me to rescue Yun Bingxin!

When Prince Jin saw me dodge, he felt a little peaceful, and immediately continued to rush out of the palace and flee towards the outskirts. In fact, the turtle battleship must have set sail, but he also needs to take refuge on the battleship, otherwise he will be caught by me. There is a dead end.

Erasing Yun Bingxin’s divine consciousness can be divided into reversible and irreversible. The reversible is to seal a part of divine consciousness, and only a part of it can be used to activate various spells. Yun Bingxin has ten attributes. If it erases all She will not use the ten attributes for memory, which is also the basis for my plan to stay a thread, because by unlocking part of the seal and releasing her complete consciousness, she can restore her memory.

But there is another irreversible thing, that is, to clean up all the memories. They don’t need any spells that Yun Bingxin learned before. They only need her body to communicate what they call the True Emperor’s legacy. If so, that’s the best. The cruel result meant that Yun Bingxin would never remember anything in the future, just like a child who had just been born, a blank sheet of paper, knowing nothing but everything that his master instilled in her next!

And the prince Jin avoids answering, and fears me, the greater the second possibility, so my face is getting gloomy now, killing them soon afterwards, I can’t try to make up for my anger!

"I will ask again, if I don't answer me this time, I will kill you all! No one left!" I gritted my teeth, wishing I could eat the flesh right now.

"Big Ghost Emperor, I have already said that the artifact **** is the artifact god. As for the girl Yun you mentioned, you can think of her as having lost her past memory. Now she is just a new born demon cultivator. I will live well in the future, just as you think, live a happy life, I will not let her suffer, and I will definitely offer it to the gods of wealth and clothing in the future." The prince Jin did not even turn his head. Said, while Yun Bingxin followed all the way, her face was expressionless, even her flying posture became numb and stiff, it was no longer her unique Yun Xian strolling.

I'm afraid, there is no time for the deceased to reappear.

"I can't vent my anger by killing your ancestor for the eighteenth generation!" I can't violate my anger. Is Yun Bingxin really gone back then? Is it really new? My heart hurts, but my friend is right in front of me, but I have become another person!

"Big Ghost Emperor, please be more sober, how can an individual compare with the whole big world, she has become like this, and the contribution to my big world is far greater than before. You should do it for her." Happy, why blame us?" The big monster emperor held the gold seal in his hand, and several princes also took the opportunity to rush over. As for the Jin prince, under the protection of a few princes, they began to prepare to fly out of the palace. When it comes to the sea of ​​stars, I am afraid that the Divine Turtle battleship has arrived. The battleship is boundless and a symbol of victory!

"The roadblocker, die!" My long sword pointed at Tianhu Gong and Huyang Gong. Both of them have complicated expressions because of their old relationship with me. I am afraid that one day they will develop to this point.

Seeing that they don’t retreat, I don’t have any hesitation anymore, so in an instant, I was behind Duke Lin, and Naling’s attack was accompanied by a blast of sword energy, and a fan-shaped area was formed. There was a loud noise, and the pillars in front were completely destroyed. , And Duke Lin and God Monkey, as well as several princes were caught off guard. Several fled with their strength, but the Duke Lin in the center of the attack gave a horrible cry, and his body was seriously injured, and he could only escape the way. Body flee.

I stretched out my hand and directly absorbed all the Dao body of Lin Yan Gong, which became the pure energy derived from Na Ling, and the arrogance in my body was once again arrogant to the extreme!

In the face of the true immortal's strength, Super-Rank couldn't even hold a single blow. In their eyes, it was just a flash of white light. In the face of an invisible attack, it can only be avoided by experience, even in my eyes. Under the powerful protective shield, they looked at me, but the shadow of the cloud was hazy.

In order to prevent me from killing more princes, the Great Demon Sovereign released the big seal again. This seal was placed elsewhere. It may be a nearly invincible Dao weapon, but in front of my Naling Fa, it is only a little powerful!

With a wave of my floating world voiceless sword, the light of the sword and the naling method blasted out at the same time, and the big seal was blasted off on the spot. The Great Demon Emperor's face was ugly, and Nine Tails immediately stirred me, and I appeared behind him with a grin. Na Ling Fa’s instinctive absorption of power, instantly absorbed a lot of his power, which made him hurriedly summon Dayin to stop me, and at the same time, Nine Tails continued to wave. Then, the brocade hairs on the tail spread out and became a trance. Swirling around like sword energy!

This dense brocade cannot be avoided, and it explodes when it encounters the protective shield. This strange attack spell has caused me a lot of trouble, but since I plan to attack now, I don’t expect to be able to retreat. My body has been hit by countless Jin Mao attacks in a row, and I never had the intention to back down, chasing after the Prince Jin.

Duke Hong Long, Duke Rin, and Duke Shark were all reimbursed. Twelve kilometers away, there were only nine of them. Except for the three who were with the Great Demon Emperor, the other six had all gone to protect Prince Jin.

This prince Jin is very cunning in my impression, and now it seems that he does have the determination to abandon everything, but he is a candidate for the demon emperor, but he is not expected to grow up anymore, because today is his death day!

I stopped in front of the prince Jin again, and this guy reacted quickly, and immediately shrank back, and let one of the women with the sacred rat sign drawn on the front of the clothes stopped in front of me. There is no doubt that this is the twelve males. I didn’t even think about the Lord Wushu in the middle of the game. Na Lingfa immediately used it. There was no way that Lord Wushu could resist my suction. A lot of the breath on her body was sucked by me. Then she instinctively attacked me with her claws, My Naring Fa also blasted her!

Undoubtedly, the Na Ling method that used to destroy her dao body tore to pieces on the spot, and she could only flee into an incorporeal body. After I Na Ling her dao body, the floating world voiceless sword shook and buzzed. , The surrounding space seems to have stagnated, and my mana volatilized under the blessing of fierce sound waves, these gods who are not in the real fairyland all have their eardrums ruptured, and the pain is abnormal!

I laughed, and the demon emperor's face was ugly, and the big seal and the tail were smashed at me. My Nalingfa had just been sucked up, and this time I immediately banged over, only to hear a stern shout, the big demon emperor’s Dayin was repelled, and the main tail and my sword smashed into each other!

I just felt that a huge force came, and the sword almost flew out. I couldn’t help being shocked by the true strength of the Demon Emperor. Not to mention, this old man seemed weak and far less handsome than the prince Jin, but in strength But it is really tough!

I shrank again in an instant. This time, I went directly to the prince who had a rooster on his body, and performed the Na Ling method again, and instantly sucked her dao body away from the incorporeal body, scared the rooster ran so much. Like wings!

Because of the formations in this palace, no beasts can come in, so I will not let them out to avoid double interference.

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