Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2336: : Endless

I took this dark and hideous sword. At this moment, it has been **** by various formations and immortal cables. Even if Lu Sheng recruited it just now, it was still struggling. It is already a top-notch sword, and it can surpass the voiceless sword of the floating world. It is definitely not an ordinary thing. It can be said that the pillars under the Nine Swords of Creation are these swords supporting the fame of a world!

The reason is that this sword has released the old Yuan king. If it is the old Yuan king's sword, it should be hidden in the space, so it will let Lu Shengzhao come right away. .

"If the old King Yuan wants to die by this sword, I don't have any opinion, but don't you know how convenient it is to let me know the reason?" I asked lightly, trying not to show too much urgent need.

Lu Sheng thought for a while and said, "This sword was once a famous sword made by the ancestors, but it was not made for herself in the past, and she was not yet King Yuan."

"What? She's not King Yuan? Who is this sword for?" I was immediately curious, is there something else for the purpose of the sword?

"It was made by the ancestor to take the post of King Yu'an, and this sword was cast with great magical power, but it didn't have a name yet. It was only later that it was named Rainstorm King." Lu Sheng was expressionless.

"Why?" I heard what must be hidden inside, so I continued to ask.

"Because when the ancestors made the sword, it was at the beginning of the Battle of Six Gods and Heavens. King Yuan, who took office, went into battle, leaving the ancestors to cast the sword at home. He said that the sword was completed and he was sent to the battlefield. When it was sent to the battlefield, although the Liushentian war was not over yet, King Yuan, who took office, died in the Human God Realm. Hearing this, the ancestors felt that he could not cast this sword in time, so I have always blamed myself deeply and regretted all kinds of things. After so many years, I still have a heart. It is possible to have the idea of ​​dying under this sword." Lu Sheng sighed.

"There is such a thing, then their relationship..." I couldn't help asking.

"Love each other, they are from the same school, and they are practicing swords under the command of King Yuan. You can say that they are brothers and sisters." Lu Sheng sighed at the same time, said: "This sword was not so powerful. Later, the ancestor remembered that he had sent his sword on the road, and seemed to have seen his sweetheart. So after this incident, the sword was returned to the furnace and cast again, and it had its current appearance. When the sword was out, the rain poured down, and the sword was destroyed. !"

"So, it seems that the battle of the old King Yu'an has also reported the heart of death." In my heart, the old King Yu'an is solemn, and it seems that the King Yu'an in my mind will continue to refresh my understanding. And every sword has a history that is difficult to describe at once.

"Naturally, she said, it coincided with the resurgence of the Six Gods and Heavens War, and the Catastrophe Sword was her last obsession. With this sword, she would kill the gods and avenge the former King Yuan. Otherwise, she would not It’s just a death, and it’s a matter of asking the gods to agree to it if they would rather die under the rain storm. Quandang repays her and gives the gods a chance to see and even obtain the sword of catastrophe. Of course, if she dies And the sword of catastrophe has not been seen, this torrential rain monarch is the best sword given to the gods, which can resist the wind of sadness." Lu Sheng explained,

I was shocked. Obviously, Lao Yuan Wang has prepared everything. Whether it is her death or mine death, everyone will fulfill their wishes. At least I won, and I won't deal with Xia Ruize because I don't have a sword!

"King Xin Yuan... but the two of them..." I suddenly interrupted the subject with a wry smile.

As a result, Lu Sheng shook his head: "No, she claimed to be an heir to the public, in fact, it was to consolidate her position. In fact, the newly promoted King Yuan is just the best disciple of our ancestors... The old King Yuan is not married and has no children In one word, the ancestor's style is not good to the outside world, but the world does not know that she is respectable."

"It's just a random question in the next. The old King Yu'an has experienced ups and downs, and he can indeed leave a strong mark in the Demon God Realm." I don't know if she makes the fairy family here respect, I can only say that the experience really makes people feel sad. That's it, after all, life is long, and it is not possible to say everything with a few things.

"Actually, the new King Yuan is not a harsh temper. I believe Shangxian has also met her? Please take care of her. She is just a new King Yuan, and she is not good at grasping the scale." Lu Sheng took the opportunity to give. Xin Yuan Wang washes white.

"How can I be as knowledgeable as her? I hope she won't take me too seriously." I can't help but grin and sneer when I think of the sneer of Xin Yuan who covered his small mouth with the back of his hand. Anyway, I have no good impression of her. I haven't provoke me too much now, otherwise, even if the old Yuan Wang sat down to pass on his disciple, I would not be a little polite.

"That's that, Shangxian is at the top, and his belly is not comparable to a woman's." Lu Sheng shuddered and said nothing.

And since the old King Yuan has agreed on the location, it doesn't make much sense for me to stay here, so after reading the jade card, I quickly flew towards the small world of endless sea.

The Endless Sea World is an independent territory, not far from the Demon Realm of King Yu'an. It seems that King Yu'an pays attention to this sword, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the moon is first received by the tower near the water.

And the surrounding small world also has many observation posts. As long as something passes by, I am afraid that signs will be caught. It can be seen that for so many years, King Yuan is also afraid that this sword of catastrophe will run away.

But I don't think so. Since the sword of catastrophe has self-consciousness and sword heart, it is not fun to live in seclusion here. This small world of endless sea must have its reasons for staying. It is undoubtedly unnecessary to place these observation posts.

But human nature is like this. How difficult is it to change? Even if you cultivate to the realm of true immortality, the recourse of gains and losses will always be more insurance than letting go, so this is the reason why this observation post cannot be removed, but presumably after this battle, these posts will no longer exist, right?

While thinking about these things, a group of guards from King Yuan's Demon Territory quickly greeted me. After inquiring, I showed the jade card, and these guards politely led me to the small world of endless seas.

This small world of endless sea is indeed well-deserved. This huge and unheard planet really frightened me, and when I looked at the world under the fairy city, there was actually no mountain edge, no inch exposed on the sea. The land is simply a huge real Mercury!

"Hehe, Shangxian was also taken aback? Don't tell me, we have countless small worlds in the Devil's Domain of King Yu'an, but there is only one such small world! Below is the sea, no matter which direction you look at, it is all The same, there is no place to mark its location, I am afraid that I can detect where I am, only the sun over there." The Boundary Shouxian who took me into the Immortal City said to me.

I nodded and flew all the way. I was also observing the situation of the fixed point'Mercury', but when I followed this Jie Shou to the down position, I didn't see anything special. I immediately chased the old King Yuan over the years. Suo has an understanding, who is changed, and he will feel powerless to find an unusual drop of'water' in this terrifying giant water ball!

"The sword of catastrophe is really here?" I couldn't help but shook my head and smiled bitterly, and the Jie Shou **** was stunned, and soon said solemnly: "Shang Xian, it is true, the ancestors said it has it, it must be, you Look at the periphery of this endless sea. If something breaks through the boundary wall, it can be detected immediately. Over the years, we have all been here forever!"

After listening, I can only smile bitterly and show a believing expression. This is just to comfort the other party. After all, it is not easy to guard this place tremblingly for so many years.

And with the opening of the special double barrier, I rushed into this endless sea, but when I entered this small world, my whole body sank, as if pulling something powerful down, I was in a hurry. Fall to the sea!

This gravity almost frightened me, but soon I maintained a steady state and flew away according to the coordinates given by the old King Yuan.

At my flying speed, although this small world is big, it is not a hindrance. It was only a short while before I came to the designated position.

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