Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2337: : Jian Jun

Looking at the past, the sea is sparkling, the smoke is vast, and there is no special place. Of course, except for the strong sense of gravity, and the agreed place is really the hiding place for the sword of catastrophe? I doubt it deeply.

King Yuan did not appear on the surface of the sea. I noticed her breath and found that within the deep sea, I only sensed a tiny bit. It seems that the strong gravity has made the sea water and even the breath of this Mercury become messy, even This rippling sea may only be peaceful for a while.

I stood on the sea, the scorching hot wind was blowing on my face, and I looked at the sky, the clouds stretched, but the faint dark clouds were condensing, making this place more unstable. I am afraid that this place is like other active small worlds. There will be all kinds of sudden changes in weather, like torrential rains, furious tornadoes.

It seemed to sense that I had arrived, and the breath under the deep sea was approaching me quickly, and within a few blinks of an eye, with a clatter, the sea in front of me suddenly exploded, and King Yuan came to the sea.

I looked at her up and down, she was still the same, her face showed the meaning of vicissitudes, and her body was dressed in a black robe commonly seen in the Yuan Wang Demon Realm. The skirt and sleeves were purple. As for her hand, she held a A black long sword that is close to Rainstorm King.

Looking closely at this sword, I found that the order of this sword is definitely not much inferior to that of the Stormlord. Compared to the horror-known Stormlord, the direction of forging of this sword is completely opposite. Doing violent storms, then this sword is as quiet as a quiet summer night, and it can even give the illusion that this sword is an ornamental in life.

"The origin of the rainstorm monarch, presumably the Great Ghost Emperor has already known from Lu Sheng, but I am afraid that the Great Ghost Emperor does not know this sword?" It seemed that I was staring at her sword, and the old Yuan King revealed a touch. interest.

Everyone is a sword fairy who loves swords and becomes infatuated. I also have a strong cognitive interest in her swords, so I quickly nodded and smiled: "Please also clarify the doubts of the old King Yuan."

"After all, I forged Rainstorm King. I know it better than the sword in my hand, and even better than you. In order to prevent the contrast from pulling apart, I really need to explain the sword in my hand. "Old Yuan Wang stretched out his hand and placed the sword in the sky in front of him: "This sword's real name is'Tide of Thought'. Thoughts are like tides, and loneliness is like a sword. This sword avoids the sound of the sword and suppresses the intent of the sword. I have to forget the sword of previous feelings, but unfortunately, after reforging it twice, I was not satisfied. Fortunately, many years later, I can finally throw away my distracting thoughts. When I reforged this sword for the third time, I forged it into the present The appearance of the sword is now named "Jianjun Xing", which means to bid farewell to the past, and also to send you into the six reincarnations. I wonder if the Great Ghost Emperor is satisfied with the meaning of this sword?" Wang Yuan asked.

I sneered: "Old King Yuan is satisfied, that would be the best. If it wasn't for the reincarnation of the king to send me into reincarnation, it would be the rainstorm king who sent you to reincarnation. In short, death is also a beautiful thing. relief."

"Hehe...I'm very satisfied with this sentence. I hope the Great Ghost Emperor will also like this sword." King Yu'an finished speaking, slowly pulling out the Jade Emperor's line, and when the sword light bloomed, In an instant, I suddenly felt that I was abandoning my voice, and even the sword intent that was so easy to condense before suddenly fell down. This sword is simply too powerful!

I took a deep breath and immediately activated the protective shield. At this time, the side effects of the Jianjun Xingjian were temporarily controlled for me. I couldn't help being a little bit astonished, and asked: "Isn't it necessary to inspire the sword's ultimate fighting spirit? Why do you still use this Journey to Destroy the Sword Intent? Isn't it the opposite?"

Old Yuan Wang smiled faintly: "If you don't go to death, how can you regenerate? If you can't live, why not die? Big ghost emperor, let the old take you on the road! The inch of grass occupying the peak has withered, and the flowers have withered!

One after another, my sword intent fell to the bottom, and together with the old Yuan Wang Jiange, the surrounding sea suddenly turned over the river and the sea, and the whole world was stirred by her intent to fight, and turned into a terrifying magical illusion!

I took a breath of air, avoiding the sound of the sword, and the sword that suppressed the sword's intent. It was simply against the sky. Although it was not a physical attack, these mental attacks were often the key to the master’s victory. No wonder the opponent would give the Storm Lord I have made it clear that I have a better sword of restraint, and I have no other sword to choose from!

"Bloodwashed the fairy mountain for a few months, and the number of Jue Songs keeps coming!" My sword song started first, and when I stretched out my hand, I pulled out the storm monarch line from the space. The sword was in the dark space, as if to me The hand of a demon was grabbed, and the sword screamed fiercely, like a monster!

However, the opponent's Jade Emperor's Sword is extremely powerful. I heard the sound of the sword horrible here, but soon after it was pulled out, I couldn't even make the sound of the sword. That Jade Emperor's Sword had already affected the sword sound of the Rainstorm King!

"How can I see the Acacia cloud coming, dreams fall into the cold rivers and lakes of Longmen!!" Yu'an Wang Jiange continued, and her voice was like a stormy sea, and her thoughts were chaotic like waves. I couldn't help being shocked!

I know that this old King Yuan wants to do his best with every sword. After all, this battle is with her. It is equivalent to a battle for death. There is no mercy, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. So her sword intent continued to increase. When I started to compare, I found that she was in front of me, and she had already become a giant-like existence!

It seems that in this battle, although I don’t want to underestimate the enemy, I still feel sympathy because of hearing Lu Sheng’s description and the misery of the old Yuan Wang’s life, so that the instinct has produced resistance, so the fighting will be given to her. Affected by Jianjun's trip.

"How can I sing a clear and peaceful tune, how many swordsmen will never return!" Only the place of life and death can inspire vitality. This is not bad at all. My sword song keeps on, the rainstorm king trembles, the next moment, black thunderstorm Suddenly it poured down, as if the whole world had evolved from a huge wave to a sea storm!

"Qingcheng Dao! Thoughts! Chaos! Chaos! Swords!!!" At the same time that King Yu'an sang my sword, that Jianjunxing also broke out with a terrifying momentum. This chaotic sword of thought was in the ghost road with her before. The ruins of the fairy city on the border faced a sword. Although that sword was a very fast five-character sword song, it almost cut off the entire fairy city by half, so I knew the terrible ideological chaotic sword!

Therefore, I can only fight against this sword if I also fully display my sword song. The fighting spirit is flourishing due to the approach of life and death. I waved my long sword and roared, "No! Extinction! Sword! Song!" "


Almost at the same time, two continuous sound waves collided with each other. These colorful and messy thoughts and chaotic swords oppose the endless sword songs, almost turning the surrounding into a disaster! But I don’t know if the terrain here is different from the outside. The two terrifying attacks did not cause a space explosion, let alone exploded piles of space fragments due to the mutual impact of sword qi!

It seems that the catastrophe lingers here, I am afraid it is really not accidental, there must be some other reasons, from the gravity here is different from other small worlds, you can get a glimpse of the whole leopard!

Rumble rumbling!

Under the continuous collision and collision, the old Yuan and I both suffered from each other’s sword-qi attacks. Even several times, my protective shield was easily broken. The two faced each other, and inevitable close confrontations. Indestructible Sword Song and Chaos Sword of Thought are not a simple in-situ confrontation!

The two offensives together, inevitably the two swords staggered. Under extremely high speed, our two swords collided more than ten times in a short period of time. For a time, sparks bloomed and black air rolled! Everyone didn't even remember when they were hit by the sword, they only knew how they hit the opponent!

It wasn't until the aftermath of the two swords that she and I stopped to see that there were blood stains all over her and me, showing the tragic situation of the battle just now!

"Very well, you deserve to be a swordsman who can defeat Bailijue, worthy of the old vision, but if you only have this ability, then no wonder the old trick has sent you on the road!" Old Yuan smiled coldly. Then when the hand gently wiped the Jade Junxing line, his expression suddenly became condensed, and then, the sword song poured like a rainstorm: "Huafa has been mourning for many years, but the dream of heavy rain in Wushan is frequent. It is often heard that dripping water penetrates the stone, unforgettable. Go to the king! Qingcheng Road! Go to the rainstorm!"

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