Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2482: : Sanding

"Leader Xia, I heard that the battle at the border of the ghost road was dark and dark. The eight fleets of the gods were damaged by 70%, and the Tiandao sub-ship and the silver shuttle of the ancient **** warship of the lord Xia were also damaged. There was even a lot of news that said that the leader of Xia had a fight with the **** emperor of the gods, everyone has the advantage, hehe, I really envy me as an outsider." Wan Songxiao picked up the wine cup and handed it to me. come.

"What does Sect Master Wan mean?" I raised my glass, but didn't clink with him. Instead, I took a sip by myself. My expression was rather unhappy, but I was thinking about what he wanted to say this time. This'outsider' is again What do you mean? Does he think that the Six Gods and Heavens War is restarted, and can he lead the Great Desolate Demon Temple to be beyond the world?

"No other meaning, I just want to ask, the last time I met the **** emperor, the leader of Xia and the **** emperor are already fighting against each other. I don't know if they meet again this time, their mood will be the same as before. What about? I am very curious here." Wan Songxiao suddenly laughed.

My face changed drastically, and I smashed the wine glass on the stage with a bang, and the whole wine was knocked down!

The thousands of guests in the entire banquet all turned their attention to me in an instant!

I sneered and said, "Sect Master Wan, there are some things you can say, and some things, but don't you feel that you are beyond the limit of what your identity can say?"

"Huh? Could it be that Wanmou said something wrong? Then I can't blame the leader Xia, in fact, this is just a joke, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." Wan Songxiao seemed unaffected. He picked up the wine glass and motioned to the waiter next to me to change the table and wine glass, and said: "I mentioned this a bit early. I punished myself for three glasses, which is considered an apology."

"The meaning of Sect Master Wan's words is that this is still a matter of our own? Is it possible that Sect Master Wan has surrendered to God's Court?" I frowned.

Wan Song smiled and said, "Where did the leader Xia say? How could I surrender to God's Court? Is the Liushentian war really necessary? If everyone calms down to solve the problem, it may not be able to solve the gradual lack of immortality. Isn’t it difficult? It doesn’t have to be a war, right?"

"Do you think you are very smart? Why did you start the Six Gods and Heavens War, and why is it still inevitable nowadays? Is it that the pioneers and the Tianxia Xianjia are stupid than you?" I said coldly, because I feel that this is absolutely small When you don't speak nonsense, but say something stinging, it is a foreshadowing process!

"Haha, of course not. League Master Xia is too sensitive. Why would Wan Mou have such an idea? I just want to ask League Master Xia how he would respond if he meets the Emperor again." She looked angry, as if she just wanted to prove the curiosity in her heart.

"Hehe, since Sect Master Wan wants to know the answer so much, I might as well tell you that if Qingcheng Ruoxue appears here, I am afraid that this place will become a battlefield! It will definitely not be the current night banquet!" I sneered and said. Well, Brother Hai, Chen Yixian, Zhao Qian and a group of True Immortals of the Second Tribulation took the lead to stand up. The grandmother was there in the last war, and our elite did not suffer any loss. Therefore, this deterrent is not the Three Tribulations of Wan Song Xiaoxiao. The true immortal can resist, unless he can fight ten one by one, but we will not know how to absorb spirits or transform the Tao. Even if we don’t, we can also cultivate the Tianyi Yushu. Although this spell is not as powerful as the Three Great Ways, Dealing with the same level, it can be regarded as a crushing level!

Wan Song glanced at the stage, his eyes half-squinted, and there were not many real immortals on the Demon Temple on his side. If they really fought, it would undoubtedly be a one-sided killing! But even so, Wan Songxiao quickly smiled weirdly: "Leader Xia, don't worry, we always have something, even if we don't want to meet it, we will still meet it in the end. It just depends on how perfect we are. In the meantime’s solution to the problem, all parties have gains or no losses, don’t you think?"

"Oh? Is it that Sect Master Wan intends to play the Three Kingdoms in the Six Gods Heaven?" When I clicked, I was basically sure that Wan Songxiao was against the devil's temple back then, the four great families decided to use the Great Devil's Palace as The conditions for the outpost card! This kid wants to be independent as an individual, standing among the four world alliances and the gods!

"Tsk, is it that the leader of Xia is warlike and idiotic, not happy if there is no war?" Wan Song's small expression seemed to be very surprised at me, and then said: "I remember it was not like this, when the leader of Xia was in the Nine States Realm , He has compassion for the people of the world, and has the reputation of being a co-master of the world, how come you have become a militant now?"

"Sect Master Wan, this is not an insinuation, but he just scolded me." My face didn't look good for an instant.

And Wan Song laughed, and then said: "Is it so, let's just wait and see how it will change? When the emperor arrives, there is no reason to watch the play outside. Otherwise, only our two families will play this game. I can't accompany me. With such a big master Xia, only your two families should be equal, right?"

"Wan Songxiao!" My face changed suddenly, with a chuckle, the rabbit divine sword swung out in an instant, and the palace pillar beside it was cut into two in an instant, scaring the surrounding fairy family's complexion abruptly!

"Leader Xia drew his sword in anger, so bold and bloody, but today I am here, not for war, but for peace. I don’t know that the leader of Xia has experienced the previous battle on the border and has suffered heavy losses between each other. Each has a winning field, but will you continue to fight until you never die?" A voice like the sky, as if from the stars outside, and this voice has not stopped, dressed in purple clothes, with purple makeup on the eyes. Qingcheng Ruoxue also floated here, and at this time, the power on her body had changed from invisible to the pinnacle of the Three Tribulations True Immortal! Those proud pupils also seemed to carry the supreme aura, making all the practitioners present pale and shocked!

With a whistling sound, I instantly deceived Wan Songxiao, and then when the Na Ling method was being used, the Divine Sword of Catastrophe was also swung out in an instant!

Wan Songxiao didn't seem to expect that I didn't attack Qingcheng Ruoxue, and instead became my target, so it was inevitable that he would lose everything in response to it, but his Three Tribulations True Immortal's strength was not a joke, just a flash, he drew his sword. At me, after a bang, he hit the palace outside!

"Haha, Leader Xia is still so irritable, what is this? Is it bullying and fearing hard?" Wan Song gave me a small loss, not only with an expression of lifelessness, but also if I did not dare to attack Qingcheng Ruoxue. I chose him as a soft persimmon.

This strategy is also quite vicious. I have beaten him now, and after listening to his fierce tactics, I go to fight Qingcheng Ruoxue again, and it will soon become a situation facing two true immortals of the Three Tribulations! Of course, although I am also prepared to be most inclined to this!

All the true celestial beings all rose from the ground, each in a state of preparing for war, and the war was already at this time!

Except for the true immortals, the other immortal families either escaped from this group of palaces or seized them. After all, it is inevitable for the true immortals to fight against the pond fish. The farther you hide, the better. Even the envoys on my side are all Start to move to the side of the battleship of Heaven, and after a while, the war will start, and you will have to escape into the sea of ​​blood!

I have the most true immortals lifted into the sky, because apart from Brother Hai, Zhao Qian, Han Shanshan, Chen Yixian, Chen Taixian, Bailijue, Duan Shuyu, and Li Duanyue, there are many other true immortals, such as Zhang Xiaofei, Li Qinghe, Wang Yuanyi and so on!

On the other side of Wan Songxiao, there are not many. In addition to himself, there are only four immortal families in the real fairyland. It seems that the Great Demon Palace has suffered a lot in the previous battle, but he dare to provoke him under such circumstances. I am not ashamed of a troubled world, and even consider myself a part of the Three Kingdoms, saying that he is ambitious, or do I think I really have this ability?

On the other hand, on Qingcheng Ruoxue, in the dark night sky, she was the only one floating there in purple, but facing me and my friends, she was not as stunned as it should be. She still had that superficial and commonplace expression!

Do you hold it or do you think there are reasons to convince me? Or that she doesn't care about her life at all! ?

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