Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2483: :truce

"Wan Songxiao, don't forget, the distance between your Demon Temple and our ghost road is not as far as you think!" I said gloomily, Wan Song smiled and said: "Leader Xia, in the Nine States At the time, you are always strong and I am weak. I never feel that I am stronger than you. And maybe you already feel that I have been against you? But, have you forgotten a little? To you, it’s a weak person, but now, I am still standing here..."

"That is to say, do you think you will not die in this battle? I really don't know where you are confident. The Demon Temple has a lot of troops, but in front of the four worlds, it is just a big city with a little fatter. , Survive in the cracks, are not afraid that water can carry and overturn the boat?" I said ironically.

Wan Songxiao shrugged and said: "The sea of ​​blood is huge, but for the leader of Xia, it is natural to come and go calmly, but don’t forget that the god’s court is not very far away from the ghost road. At best, it will be a great waste with the leader of Xia. The Demon Temple is almost the same here."

These words made my face gloomy, and I almost wanted to squeeze Wansong Xiao into powder immediately, but then again, this kid's luck is really extraordinary. When he appeared back then, I was already in a high position, and even my grandmother was here. Controlling the backing of Ghost Dao, this kid can also come and go as freely as Yuyu, and in the upper three states, not only has he gained a firm foothold in the end, he has also become an existence with a big tail! And it's the same now!

The Kyushu world is separated from the management track of the gods. He only exists by relying on the sky. It is not difficult for us to pinch him to death. We even locked him up. If it is not for fear that his followers and believers will discredit us together, Killed him long ago!

But who would have thought that now he is standing here in the Great Desolate Demon Hall, wanting to mediate with me, the four world leaders, and the emperor of the human gods?

I believe that Wan Songxiao's own experience is enough to be autobiographical. This ups and downs of life is difficult to replicate. Of course, this does not mean that many people will learn his vicious, cunning and cunning fox!

"Leader Xia, why don't you calm down and talk about it? You can get angry, but you should also think about how you can protect your partner in the two great three-tribulation true immortals with your current ability. Safe?" Qingcheng Ruoxue's tone was as pale as autumn water, this indifference, like a tranquil lake, without a trace of fluctuation!

I took a breath of air in my heart. There are indeed a group of partners behind me, and Qingcheng Ruoxue also understands what Qingcheng Ruoxue means. If she does it, she will join forces with Wan Songxiao. This is really embarrassing for me. It's really hard to ensure that all partners are in good condition! It happened that grandma was still recovering the Dao body when we came out, and also to protect the Ghost Dao, there is no helper by my side who can help each other!

Although Brother Hai is strong, he is strong in another sense. To fight for real, I am afraid that he will not even be able to fight Bailijue, let alone Chen Yixian and the others. So everyone's combined strength can still be seen, but if the opponent looks at How about a stalker? My disciples, except for Bai Lijue and Duan Shuyu, are all a catastrophe true immortal. They are too weak to face Qingcheng Ruoxue or Wan Songxiao!

There is no doubt that Qingcheng Ruoxue has lurked by my side for many years, and has already understood me clearly. My biggest weakness is to protect the people around me, and I can't see them hurt! Not to mention death!

I have seen too many partners, too many friends died in battle, and now the friends behind me are no different from my family. From this point, I am completely defeated!

Thousands of calculations, I didn't even count that Qingcheng Ruoxue would come, and I was walking with Wan Songxiao very happily!

"Very well, what do you want?" I looked at Qingcheng Ruoxue and Wan Songxiao, and the sword in my hand was clenched again.

"That's right, calm down, what can't you talk about? Leader Xia, come, come, let us find a quiet place for the three parties, and discuss the next things. We can't just start the fight as soon as we meet. "Wan Song said with a small smile, and then slowly landed in the imperial garden in the palace complex.

And Qingcheng Ruoxue didn't make any rebuttals. She also floated towards the garden. I looked at Senior Brother Hai and said, "Brother, please take the other people to the Tiandao Battleship to be on standby first. I'll see if they have anything to discuss. "

"Okay, okay, you be careful, these two are very sinister, they are not good characters to deal with, are you enough? Their two great and three tribulation true immortals are combined, I am afraid you can't deal with it, or let it Miss Chen and Xiaoqian stay?" Senior Brother Hai is obviously still pale. After all, he is inherently courageous. This is not because he is afraid of death, but that once the dispute is fought, he will die. Now I have brought a group of charming women. When the legion came out, something was about to happen, but he couldn't protect that much.

"No, really fight, I'm not afraid of them, you just need to protect yourself." I have an ancestral dragon armor, and I won't be finished with a hard three-kata attack, and I still have an advantage in the elite. They won’t be crazy to that extent, unless Qingcheng Ruoxue’s group of guard leaders who died on the border is also brought here, but if the real immortal of the Second Tribulation needs to restore the Taoist body, the immortal energy block consumed is not random. Home can support it. If you don’t return to the God’s Court, you will just throw me on the Ancient God Battleship. I think it’s very expensive!

Seeing that Wan Song Xiao and Qing Cheng Ruoxue found a pavilion to stand freely, I also found a rockery to settle down, standing in the middle of the fish pond, forming a triangular opposition with them.

"Since we are not fighting, then we will temporarily truce, don't know what Xia Meng's plan is?" Wan Songxiao said first.

"What qualifications do you use to mediate?" I sneered, making Wan Songxiao's face unnoticeable, and I sneered in my heart, and then looked at Qingcheng Ruoxue: "If you want a truce, you can, first, take my wife The real ghost body returned, and secondly, open the passage of the ancient gods!"

Qingcheng Ruoxue glanced at me without saying a word. She looked at Wan Songxiao, and Wan Songxiao shook his head and said earnestly: "Leader Xia, maybe you have misunderstood. The truce that the Emperor and I said is temporary. Yes, it’s about waiting for the end of this Taoism dispute, what should everyone do, not a permanent truce."

"What do you mean?" I frowned and heard, indeed I didn't expect this matter to be related to the Wendao dispute.

"That is to say, open up the place of hearing the Tao once again, and not just your heavens alone? Everyone has potential disciples and subordinates worthy of nurturing, and you can't occupy them all together." Wan Songxiao suddenly Said.

I was expressionless, but my heart was stunned. When did I occupy this place where I heard the Tao? Even Qingcheng Ruoxue is coming over to truce now! Is there an expert who secretly helped me round up the land of the Tao?

But anyway, since they have said it, of course I have to follow the routine, so I disdainfully said: "Why? What good is it for me?"

"Of course there are benefits. Although this is not yours to hear the Tao, but since you find it first, you should charge an entrance fee. Then, we are willing to pay to listen to the Tao, as long as you let the talents we choose to send in together. , And put a few in, how about we pay a few?" Wan Song smiled.

Even if Wan Songxiao made the offer for her, Qingcheng Ruoxue's perfect face didn't even move her eyes, as if she was born a beauty made of stone.

"Let you learn the Tao and deal with our four worlds?" My face was slightly cold, and Wan Song was embarrassed for a while, and said, "How can this be? Everyone cultivates useful talents for Liushentian, and they don't call every day. Did you go right?"

I interrupted him directly and said, "Let’s stop talking nonsense. Let’s take a look at the rewards. If you want to go to school, you have to pay the tuition and clearly mark the price. After all, you are trained. I am afraid that I will be dealt with in the end. Do you harm yourself and others?"

After listening to my decision to make a price, Wan Songxiao seemed stunned, and at the same time there was a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, but at the same time he hesitated to look at Qingcheng Ruoxue, as if thinking about the other party's mentality.

I secretly frowned. Actually, I still don't understand when this place of hearing will become my exclusive?

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