Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2520: :drifting

"Trick? If it hurts you, it will naturally become a trick, but one day, it can only be regarded as a self-help strategy at best. You have nothing to discuss with me, and I also have no obligation to tell you some secrets. Things, right?" Xia Ruize smiled faintly, and flew towards the sky.

I chased him and flew, and the other real immortals on the opposite side and behind also rushed up wildly, seeming to be able to go up soon.

Wan Songxiao was far away from him, with a fanatical expression on his face. As for loneliness and harmony, he also rushed forward, and the interception of Qingcheng Ruoxue was completely perfunctory, and could avoid it without fighting.

Li Xiangru was bitten to death by Li Poxiao over there, flying all the way in the air, facing the sword all the way, and the two sides collided dozens of times, leaving us a lot of distance from the first echelon.

Aunt Ni Shi is not strong, knowing that this section of the road is the most difficult, but she does not know where the Qingluan mount was brought, this Qingluan actually has the strength of Three Tribulations, but watching its power is at a very fast speed Disappeared, I knew it should be a temporary helper who used magic or something.

Those who can enter the big formation are extremely strong. After all, they can’t enter the outer part below the Three Tribulations. Of course, some of the former guards of the Second Tribulation and those who were stationed here are still fighting the spells outside. If you want to rush here, you have to break into a large isolation array.

"Hehe, you just lied to me to lay a big formation and extract the true celestial energy of the ancient gods. Is it just talking?" I asked with a sneer. It doesn't matter if Xia Ruize doesn't deceive people. Intermediate players are definitely a comeback level.

"If we don't understand the above situation, how do we arrange the formation? Naturally, we will first go up to investigate, then customize a special strategy, and then set up a safe array. If possible, it is also possible to build a guard station on it." Xia Ruize still does not Intend to tell the truth.

"You went up, are you going to come down? Or what if you can't get down at all?" I frowned.

"You can go up, you can always come down, there is no accident." Xia Ruize said firmly, before I could ask again, he immediately accelerated again, and Aunt Ni Shi quickly caught up to me and said: "One day, You don’t need to persuade him. The whole thing is indeed our plan. We are hiding it from you. We are afraid that you will make some actions that will undermine our plan. Even your grandmother, mother, Xiaoxue’s mother and daughter didn’t tell them, so they didn’t. only you."

"What do you want to do? If there is no reason or evidence, you know that even if it is the last step, I can still stop you." The curiosity in my heart reached its peak, because in my guess, from the Kyushu world, they I planned everything, including Ren Zhi's death.

"This matter has a long history. The Demon Temple of the Great Desolation has planned the whole thing from before. You should also know that when the passage of the ancient gods was opened, it was not just a lonely one who came down. People, the part of the immortal family that came down, they are all looking for opportunities, luck, and opportunities for survival." Ni Shi said calmly.

"What do you mean? What happened up there?" Although I know that the upside is definitely not flat, but I've never been sure that the upside down is to find opportunities and living space. After so many years, the situation above will be better. ?

"It is said that a catastrophe occurred above. This war swept through almost the entire ancient **** realm. As for the extent to which no one can tell, even the space channel connecting the five worlds was destroyed directly above it. At the beginning of the war, some immortals took the lead in entering the space channel and wanted to sneak into the five worlds. Unfortunately, this space channel only had access, but there was no exit. After they entered the mezzanine of the space channel, the upper space channel gave Destroyed, not only can't enter the five worlds, but also can't return to the ancient gods and can only wander in the space mezzanine, waiting for the impending extinction, but a turnaround has changed this fate! It has also changed the Liushentian. Destiny." Ni Shi seems to be telling a strange mythical story, and I have never heard of this story.

"Who on earth are these wanderers?" I asked quickly.

"A lot, a lot, and how many are there. No one knows. They live in the interlayer of space. They live in a place like a sea of ​​blood. They can't absorb the immortal energy, and they can't return to it. They can only hold their breath and cultivate themselves, or wait for the space below. The channel, that is, the largest channel we are currently in, opened by itself, or after endless drifting, so that when passing through some gaps in space, we wake up and preach by sound transmission, so as to wait for the salvation of her own destiny." Aunt Ni Shi continued Said.

"You mean... there is a barrier similar to the sea of ​​blood above, so that you can go to the Ancient God Realm? And in the barrier area of ​​the Six Worlds, there is really a part of the fairy family down from the Ancient God Realm?" I asked quickly, my face It could not help but drastically changed. This probably explained the truth about the place where the Tao was heard. No wonder Lonely Mu and Li Sangyu, who knew the place where the Tao was heard, did not care at all. The reason is simple. How can you be better than the real ancient immortal in the ancient gods?

"Yes, but after countless years, how many ancient immortals can be left behind? Not all immortals have the strength to hold their breath for a thousand years, and not everyone can tirelessly search for entrances and exits, so who can have the luck against heaven. Can you get a chance to be reborn?" Aunt Ni Shi sighed.

A scene suddenly formed in my heart. There was a battle in the ancient **** realm, and countless refugees came down through the passage, but couldn't find or wait for Qingcheng Ruoxue to open his mouth, so he could only wander in the ancient **** realm and the human **** realm. At this time, the entrance and exit of the ancient gods were still blocked, and this group of immortals would naturally be in great trouble.

"But according to what you said, even if we rush up right now, we are just drifting in the mezzanine barrier. How can we get to the ancient gods? Isn't the entrance above blocked?" I asked quickly.

"The entrance to the road was indeed blocked, but there were more than one opening at that time. How could it be possible to block all of them? After all, some were blocked by the immortal family who passed by. And the location of this opening is the Great Demon Hall. There happened to be a detailed coordinate. As for the opening of the channel Taoist device, although the lonely predecessor did not find it at the time, it has now been obtained. It is the Taoist device hidden in the Kyushu boundary." Aunt Ni Shi said calmly.

"What? That mirror..." My face changed slightly.

"Yes, speaking of this set of mirrors, it was made by an ancient immortal who was good at space Taoism at the time. After sealing all the open passages, she tirelessly looked for space cracks. Even after finding a place where he might go to the Human God Realm, he destroyed the Dao Body and sneaked into the Human God Realm with a trace of consciousness! And then, as expected, there was an immortal family in the Human God Realm who made this through space experiments. The consciousness of an ancient immortal came and possessed! This immortal family is exactly what everyone later knows as Siyunshang!" Aunt Ni Shi’s just a few faint words made all the causes and effects that puzzled me for a long time. It's all connected.

"Later, Si Yunshang kept opening the space channel and contacting other big worlds just for the ancient **** realm?" I asked quickly.

Ni Shi thought for a while, and said, "Yes, the space channel was guarded by the Emperor of God at that time, and Si Yunchang couldn't use that side as a breakthrough, so she started to privately open up the channel to other big worlds, looking for the ancient gods. It’s a pity that the Liushentian was almost connected, and there was still no crack leading to the ancient gods. This incident was eventually discovered and stopped by the Divine Emperor Supreme. Therefore, Si Yunchang could only listen to this one. Guxian’s instigation, persuaded the supreme of other big worlds, based on the fact that the ancient gods would no longer descend immortal spirits, forcing the gods supreme to open the passage of the ancient gods, and even when the negotiation failed, they also launched everyone The familiar battle between the six gods and the heavens, and that failed battle only opened the passage of the ancient gods, and the time was very short. This led to more ancient immortals, and among these ancient immortals, I know There are loneliness and harmony, the deity of Heizi, and even the Great Ancestral Dragon..."

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