Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2521: : Casserole

"The Great God Ancestral Dragon came down from that great battle?" My face changed. As a result, the whole thing became clear again. Si Yunshang didn't suddenly think of going to open the passage of the ancient gods, but suffered. The ancient **** instigated in her body, of course, with the temperament of the reincarnated Han Shanshan with Si Yunshang, even if no one instigated her, she would still be curious about the baby, and she had to open the channel to see what it was.

And Li Guxian and his wife sister used the Liushentian war as an opportunity. After they got here, they even opened the door for people and gods to enter the barrier zone. At this time, they also attracted a group of immortals, and this matter was also connected. The things described by Qingcheng Ruoxue in the previous paragraph, at that time she chased these ancient immortals all over the world for this, among them were the ancient immortals who wreakly destroyed in the ancient gods.

As for the deity of Heizi, it should be a potential force, waiting for the opportunity to open another channel. That is to say, Heizi has a design to deceive me.

At the same time, Lonely Mu was also one of the ancient immortals who came down, but at that time, it was subdued by Qingcheng Ruoxue and was responsible for the Demon Temple in charge of the God Court. Later, she rebelled and went to the Great Desolate Demon Temple. Moreover, if she had no contact with Heizi deity, I must have Don't believe it, how can you contact him without their sports? Why would you choose Xia Ruize? How could this incident open the passage of the ancient gods?

"Yes, when everyone rushed into the opened passage of the human and **** realm, the powerful Ancestral Dragon suddenly squeezed into the passage while in the chaos, and killed many powerful evil immortals on the spot. At that time, the deity of Heizi, Knowing the purpose of Ancestral Dragon's coming here, he took the opportunity to steal a wisp of Ancestral Dragon's luck and left, escaped into the wilderness and defended it. After that, he was bewitched and injected the trace of your body. Ancestral Dragon's luck has attracted the last lingering Ancestral Dragon God." Aunt Ni Shi looked at me and said.

"It's so... how did you know and be sure?" I took a breath. It turned out that the situation behind this would be so complicated.

"I heard hearsay, combined with imagination." Aunt Ni Shi said lightly.

"Just because of the luck of Ancestral Dragon, why did the Ancestral Dragon Great God attract? How could it develop to this point?" I asked quickly.

"I don't know the specifics. I only know that their main purpose at the time was actually Xia Wu in the Kyushu world, not you. So, why did you have an unusual number like you later? I'm afraid Kuroko's deity. , Including loneliness and harmony, they are just one of the ancient immortals who go down, relying on some ways to find luck to find opportunities, and to induce this luck to grow, and finally become the key to unlocking everything." Aunt Ni Shi While thinking about it, he suddenly said, "After I got this information later, I thought about it and thought, apart from the operation of the deity Heizi, is there another dark hand operating everything that belongs to you? But I don't know. It's that hand, because until now, this hand hasn't appeared in front of us."

"Someone else is controlling me?" My face changed drastically, but I felt unexplainable.

"Yes, think about it, they should have been guiding Xia Ruize, but later you emerged, but the limelight has repeatedly beaten Ruize, which also makes them feel that they don't know where to start." Aunt Ni Shi When he looked at me, he looked strange.

"What happened later..." I couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, after the plan was launched for a period of time, after everyone discussed it, it was finally decided to let you fend for yourself and focus on Xia Ruize. Of course, it was not only our group of forces, including the time The ancient immortal who came down from above, there were even a lot of world gods participating in the midway. The most powerful one was the supreme of the Demon God Realm. Of course, he didn’t know our core secrets, but he just thought it was important, so instinctively. I want to be by my side." Aunt Ni Shi shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"No wonder, Xia Ruize has probably told me..." I recalled it again, remembering that when Xia Ruize was in the Molten Demon Realm, he started with the bitter trick of killing Renzhi and talked about Demon Venerable, but I did not expect In addition, the real power behind it was the group of ancient immortals who descended from the Ancient God Realm. I am afraid that Xia Ruize can succeed, and there is an inescapable factor with their tricks.

"We didn't hide too much from you about this matter. We finally chose Xia Ruize, but we just didn't want this invisible big hand to destroy our plan, and since letting you fend for yourself, our plan really went smoothly. This also allowed us to firm up our goals. After all, we carefully recalled everything in the past. When we got involved with you, there were even a few times that almost led to the failure of the plan, didn’t it? So everyone finally decided to not afford it. A plan that can also be avoided." Aunt Ni Shi looked at me up and down, as if she wanted to see something from me, and there was a look of respect in her eyes.

"What special can I have..." I smiled bitterly, could it be that my destiny is in the hands of a man behind the scenes? Will the other party be so capable?

"Then I don't know, so now, our plan is only for the purpose of borrowing, not for controlling you. This time we open the channel, and we will also use access to the ancient gods as the main purpose. As for your purpose, we will not Don't care, because once you are involved, I'm afraid we are not far from bad luck." Aunt Ni Shi said.

I was filled with doubts, and then said, "Is Ren Zhi still alive? He doesn't die that easily, right? Or else you do it so hard and do everything, why on earth?"

"Hehe, is there any difference between he and he is not dead? I'm afraid it doesn't matter to you? Of course, it may be important to your grandmother, but what responsibility do I have to tell you?" Ni Shi Looked at me weirdly.

"If only relying on Xia Ruize, I don't believe that he can kill the Demon God Realm Supreme, there must be a helper, right? The real behind the scenes is to let it go?" I asked again.

"Telling you these things is to keep you away from us as well. As for what happened to us, we have no need to tell you." Aunt Ni Shi smiled, and then deliberately deviated from the track and rushed towards the place where it was falling, looking like A large part of the spiral platform has been leaked!

As for Xia Ruize, he had already flown to the top of the cloud, waiting for the passage above to be completely opened.

Lonely Harmony and Qingcheng Ruoxue are fighting, but one party flees and the other party is chasing. Obviously it is difficult to tell the winner. When the two sides are about to reach the top of the cloud, there is a sudden commotion. Something seems to be poured down. Blow everyone down!

When I was hit by this violent breath, I actually flew a long way, and there was Aunt Ni Shi who came in my direction.

I stabilized my figure, and immediately asked: "The last question, your set of Taoist tools that open the channel..."

"At the time of the Liushentian War, this Taoist tool was made by the ancient immortal who was good at Space Avenue. After the failure of the Liushentian War, it fell into the hands of Shenting. Later, when the Shenting was in turmoil, it should be taken away and lost. From the Kyushu realm, we also searched for them for a long time before retrieving them, and now we are taking advantage of this opportunity to open the passage of the ancient **** realm." Aunt Ni Shi knew that I had broken the casserole’s temperament, so I thought about the ins and outs. All said.

The specific circumstances of the year have been washed away by the years, I am afraid that even Aunt Ni Shi may not be able to explain it clearly, just try to explain it to me.

"Xia Yitian! Are you breaking the blood contract?"

Just when I was hesitating about what to do next, Qingcheng Ruoxue's voice came from the side. I immediately looked to the opposite side and found that there was a huge platform in front of me. It seemed that this was blocking the way. The first'door' of the ancient gods!

After the door reached a certain level, it started to be tightened slowly. It seemed that it didn't take long to open! And the breath that leaked at this time was not only a kind of celestial qi, but also a kind of harmful gas, which actually eroded the celestial qi.

However, I am fortunate that after the passage was opened, there were no ancient immortals flying down. It seems that two thousand years after the passage was opened for the second time, there are no ancient immortals in the mezzanine of the space passage!

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