Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2901: : Self

The problem before me now is time. The monks of the Western religion are all capable of responding to the catastrophe. There are as many as four. Even if one is injured, I heard that they also have a super Buddhist monk like a blood lotus. The treasure is moving at an amazing speed. I will chase it now. If I rely on the Kunpeng Order, I might still have a chance to catch up.

But if I chase them and use a pulse of Chuangyuan to regain the child, I won’t need the Kunpeng Order to come back. This way, I only rely on the blood lotus to fly back. The distance is long enough to wipe out our heavens together!

And if the ancestors of the five sects in the catastrophe period are eliminated by the Kunpeng order, they may not be able to stop the war, because those ancestors now seem to have a betting mentality, or they will die together. The disciples died, they felt that for this reason, it was enough to exchange blood lotus and six swords!

In my mind, it is true that the blood lotus and the six swords are not as important as my Tianyi disciple. If everyone finishes playing together, Tianyi will definitely suffer a lot. This is their determination, and it is also the excessive creation of my method. Powerful, a method of containment calculated.

When the time comes, I will come into contact with the five main sects, unless I can kill the other side, otherwise I will be left alone in the end. They have already mastered this!

In addition, now the other party does not accept any conditions, only accepts unconditionally to give them six swords and blood lotus, so they have to pick five as a bet to pit them, they will definitely not accept it, they can fight in groups, why do you single it out? opportunity?

I was suddenly very depressed, and I could only say: "Now it seems that Linye Kingdom is about to change hands again. They are willing to come over, we may not be willing to fight, we return to the World Faction, I do not believe that Xia Ruize can face the five main sects. And sit back and relax."

The sister-in-law nodded and said: "There is only this way, so a few days ago, the disciples of Tianyi had already been mobilized to go south to retreat. I am afraid that Linyeguo will not be able to stay anymore."

"Well, since it's a big retreat, how about I save the child first?" I proposed this method.

"I'm afraid that these five catastrophic monsters will see that you are not in the sky and take the opportunity to perform beheading... You are different from the past. Others pay attention to you. Now children are even more involved in the luck of the ancient gods. Coming over, I didn't do much publicity about it, everyone knew that Xiaotian was unusual..." Sister-in-law sighed bitterly.

I also sighed in my heart, and actually thought about these points. After all, if it were me, I would also use the same tactics as the other party, blocking all the outlets, so that no matter what strategy I choose, it will be sealed to others. Can't get out of the gourd.

"In addition... there is one more thing, I have to tell you, I hope you can hold back your anger." said the sister-in-law.

I raised my eyelids slightly, and then said, "What is it..."

"Yan Xia Yue is in their hands, let us not be slippery and hand over two artifacts within a limited time...otherwise it will not be as simple as torturing her..." The sister-in-law looked at me with a touch of pity on her face.

The hands in my sleeves are tightly grasped, but there is a slight chill on my face. I have been sending people to search for Master Yan Xiayue, but I really didn’t expect that she had fallen into the enemy’s hands. The result made me very deplored and I took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he finally said: "Since you want six swords and blood lotus, then give them. I can't make so many sacrifices for two treasures."

The sister-in-law nodded and said, "Well, I'll just wait for you to make a decision..."

"I hope they can hold these two innate spirit treasures without losing it!" I gritted my teeth.

My sister-in-law looked at me, hesitated, and then said: "This time their five martial sects collectively acted, there is probably a super faction behind them pushing from behind. Under the general trend, how can these five bosses who are in the catastrophe period return? It's a pity? From the fact that they took out the entire sect's elite to make a bet, and they did everything they could, they knew that they should have been driving them, and there should have been more terrifying beasts. Maybe we handed over the two treasures, it will fall into Into the hands of these super factions."

"Perhaps." I frowned, spit out the blood lotus from my mouth, and then looked at the six swords of my sister-in-law: "Do they decide how to hand it over?"

"They said, when it's suitable, an envoy will naturally appear." My sister-in-law smiled bitterly, and I gritted my teeth and said, "What about Master Yanxiayue?"

"Naturally, there will be messengers sent back." The sister-in-law sighed, and then stretched out her hand and clenched my fist: "Don't be too angry. Since we entered the ancient **** realm, we have never gone smoothly. This is the case today. It may be the same in the future..."

I watched her trying to comfort me, with tenderness in her eyes, patted the back of her hand, and said, "I know... then let them come."

The daughter-in-law sighed, and then said to me: "Let's go see Zhou Ying, she has been feeling unwell for a long time, especially after Xiaotian was taken away."

With a blank look on my face, I nodded, and then headed towards my grandmother's residence. On the bed, Zhao Qian and several women seemed to know that I would definitely come to see my grandmother when I came back. They were already talking to her.

When I walked to the bed, I couldn't help but feel a pain, tears in my eyes couldn't help but sway in my eyes: "Grandma..."

Grandma's face was pale and bloodless, whiter than ever before, and the feeling that the lamp was exhausted made me sad.

"I'm back... Xiaotian... I took it away because my grandma is not strong enough..." Grandma cried, her eyes were already full of muddy old tears, ready to fall.

"Don't worry, grandma, I will save Xiaotian and I will restore peace to Tianyi..." I sat on the side of the bed and held her cold hand, while Zhao Qian wiped her tears away with a hand towel. .

"Grandma has peeped into the secrets too many times, I'm afraid...I really hope to see Xiaotian grow up and grow up to be like you..." Grandma sighed bitterly.

I couldn't help but burst into tears: "Grandma, I won't let you have something to do. We have always been walking against the sky, can we just beat the sky like this?"

Grandma comforted me in turn and said, "You child, who often walks by the river, how can anyone not wet your shoes? Even if you don't want to wet your shoes, there are things that make you suffer..."

"It's good if I defeat them all..." I said.

"Then you are truly a god." Grandma laughed.

I wiped away my tears and didn’t say anything anymore. Right now, I need to let grandma take good care of her body, and I will try my best to maintain her life, at least so that she can live to see Xiaotian grow up, instead of the lamp oil is gone. Look like.

"One day, don't be too sad. Grandma is actually tired of living a long time ago. She is already a **** person, but you are different. You have to live well, live for the supreme, live for the children, everyone..." Grandma looked at me and kept crying, her old face was full of concern and comfort.

I know that at this time, it is when Tianyi needs me the most. Whether it is a daughter-in-law, a grandmother, or a child, I can't let them do anything, and this requires a customized plan!

And at this moment, a breath suddenly flew up here, but it was stopped by Hu Qingya outside. In such a sensitive period, I was still swaying outside at such a fast speed. My face changed slightly and I looked at the door. Wai said, "Qingya, is there something?"

There was a deep condensation outside, and then Hu Qingya's voice came in: "Well, big brother, come out."

I thought about it, but I could only comfort my grandmother a few more words, and sternly told her not to help me spy on the secret, and then I came out of the room.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"There is news from the first protective line. Several unimaginable auras are rushing in from the periphery, and the speed is flashing. It should be at the second protective line now. Please pay attention to it." Hu Qingya frowned.

"Hehe, I really regard our Tianyi as everyone's back garden, take whatever you want to take away, come as you want!" A heavy haze hung on my face.

Hu Qingya thought for a while, and then guessed: "Maybe it's... the messenger?"

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