Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2902: : Cangyun

"No need to intercept, I'll just wait for them here." My eyes are condensed, and the sky is holding two pieces of treasures together, so I am holding back everywhere. I have expected this a long time ago, but I really didn't expect the Ancient God Realm to really be. There are so many elites who want to die for the treasure.

Hu Qingya nodded, sent the message, and then said: "Shan Shan said that there is a message for you, so that you can go to see her immediately when you have time."

"Well, I know, I'll go see her now." I asked, and now it is like being in a pile of mosquitoes. There is no difference between two bites more and two bites less.

"Then the immortal house that broke into our heavenly tower..." Hu Qingya asked in a deep voice, the other party is obviously powerful, if they just ignore it, the other party will definitely be angry.

"Tianyiyi is the master here. When they come, they must abide by Tianyi's rules and see whoever they want to see. Isn't that too much of a face?" I said sensibly, and then walked towards where Han Shanshan was.

Han Shanshan seemed to have discovered my arrival quickly, but she pulled up her purple clothes and came over. But when she saw me, her originally happy face suddenly became hardened: "What is it, not happy to see us? Huh? Looks like everyone owes you money."

I looked at her with a wry smile, and said: "The sky is alive and dead, how can I be happy if I have spare time?"

"You...If you keep your face straight all day, your luck will get worse. Okay, sister will come to rescue you, but you first beg me with a smile." Han Shanshan smiled sinisterly.

I stretched my face, and then said, "The environment is very bad now, what should I do to get out of this embarrassment? Sister Shanshan, please teach me."

"It's pretty much the same." Han Shanshan walked over, and those cold hands covered my face all at once. The ice made my whole body fight a cold war. Seeing me as if I was sober, she smiled: "Our super mobile **** The tower battleship will be able to fly right away!"

"What!?" I was stunned, and the whole person was stunned for her, because hearing the word'battleship' is undoubtedly a super tool to end the world war, in the current point-to-point attack mode of the ancient gods. , This kind of strategic weapon that kills the immortal family one by one is undoubtedly a scary existence.

"What what? Can you make your expression more rich?" Han Shanshan patted my face, and I suddenly laughed: "Really? When did you build the battleship? Is it the five worlds? The battleship was sent up after being dismantled?"

"Wow, you thought so well, why didn't I expect it?" Han Shanshan despised my stupid method with an expression of exclamation. When I couldn't laugh or cry, she said strangely: "If you bring it up like this, It would be better to kill a large piece, right?"

I shrugged helplessly, and then said, "What the **** is that? If it's a normal jade boat, jade boat or something, it's useless."

"Didn't I mean warships! You don't believe me?" Han Shanshan gritted her teeth and said, I quickly said no, she said with satisfaction: "The previous battle between Zulong and Kunpeng destroyed the underlying Zhoutian formation, didn't it? When I was repairing it, I found that the entire formation of the back mountain originated from a huge battleship, and it should be similar to the one that Li Xiangrui found back then, but not as big as a small world, but it is also The Ancient God Realm has a relatively huge existence, and in my opinion, after the power of the Zhoutian formation of this warship is activated, the entire warship will be more mobile and strategic, and will not become a passive defense."

"High-speed medium-sized battleship?" I pondered. This is also quite powerful. The Holy Road warship of the year was also a medium-sized battleship.

"Yes, it's just that I found out that the Zhoutian formation underneath was actually made into a battleship, and I was not at all excited. You should know the reason, right?" Han Shanshan asked.

"There is not enough energy storage battery to activate it...The battleship is just a joke." I said with a wry smile. The reason why there was no battleship in the Ancient God Realm was largely because there was no concept of a fairy disk and no large reserve. How can the battery drive such a behemoth? Even if it can be driven, how about the power used when it enters a wartime energy attack and is running at high speed? What should I do?

Just as I was thinking about these things, three breaths of the catastrophe period soon came from the periphery, and they quickly landed on the tower of the gods. The nine catastrophe periods of Tianyi hurriedly greeted them, of course it was planned. Stop them.

"Hey, if you don’t have any, the world will be peaceful, and if I have enemies or nothing, it will inevitably bring disasters, but when we have enough things to make them bow their heads, the world will be customized by us. Rules! One day, are you right?" Han Shanshan patted my shoulder.

I was surprised, and my expression couldn't help but freeze. It seemed that Han Shanshan in front of me was not a beautiful beauty, but a fierce demon, controlling the operation of the entire world!

"Go, let's see what these three catastrophes want to do. I don't want sister Tian to have any problems, but you must know that if they dare to threaten us, as long as there is a sister there, they must be There is a way to turn them all into fly ashes! Go! Let's refuse to your heart's content! You have to remember that technology changes destiny! Haha...hahahaha!" Han Shanshan laughed wildly, pulled up the purple clothes, and then quickly drifted towards He leaped off the edge of the tower, not knowing what was going on.

"I said Shanshan, would you not be crazy?" I muttered, and then walked towards the head temple with Hu Qingya. On the way, Hu Qingya kept pinching her eyebrows, she said when she was approaching the head store. "Big Brother, what I mean by Sister Shanshan, can we really reject the demands of all schools? If there is really a battleship in the Five Worlds, then the problem will really be solved, and I saw her deliver it before. When things come up, there is a causal cannon, saying that it is necessary to study whether it can be used here..."

"Use it?" I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "Don't talk about the problem of vitality conversion, just light energy is not a problem we can solve."

"It seems to be... this is not an ordinary weapon." Hu Qingya said quickly. At that time, the causal cannon almost destroyed the entire super battleship. That is the existence of using the planet as the main gun. It really allows us to use the causal cannon. Nuclear weapons, other schools are afraid that they will be restless.

While we were talking and walking, an old voice seemed to say to the sister-in-law in the head of the palace: "We are here not to discuss with you, but to tell you that we are the Azure Cloud Gate. , I can erase your heavens from the mainland of China at any time, but with the broad mind of Qin Cangyun, the supreme leader of the Azure Cloud Gate, I also know that it’s not easy for you to build a heaven together, so this time I only need to remove the blood golden lotus and the six gods. Return the sword to us and bring it back, so that you can be listed under our Azure Cloud Gate, and this old land of Linye Nation, our Azure Cloud Gate grants you Heavenly One, which is regarded as a gift for your newly established sect to meet. ."

"Hehe, where is your sect of Azure Cloud Gate, forgive me for what I have never heard of, I have never seen anything before, and if I want to say such a few words, just take away the blood lotus and the six swords from our hands without a fight, is it too small? Seeing our day together?" Of course, the sister-in-law is not a bluff and fearful temperament. She looked at the three old men standing in the head hall with her back and head. There was no fear in her pale golden eyes.

Among the three, the first is an old man with white beard, and behind him is a middle-aged man with a man and a woman. At this time, the three daughters-in-laws and sisters refused, the numbers are relative, and it is inevitable that there will be a hint of despair. meaning!

"So unreasonable and ignorant, it seems that Tianyiyi really wants to destroy the faction!" The middle-aged woman behind the old man couldn't help but screamed first, and suddenly stretched out her hand towards the wife! Afterwards, a blue sword suddenly appeared in her palm and turned faintly and pointedly at her sister-in-law!

I shrank and stood in front of my daughter-in-law, facing the tip of the sword, with a gloomy expression: "I don't want to go out of the sky, just say it!"

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