Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5402: :typical

"The Yaozu's change of strategy, shouldn't it also be your junior's method?" I asked.

"Talking to you doesn't take much effort. You can always see through other people's intentions. Unfortunately, I am the queen mother." Meng Xuejun shook his head, and then said: "I didn't know that my junior was behind. He took advantage of the immortal emperor’s indispensable nature to devise such a trick, and then he took the initiative to lead all the disciples of the Yu Palace to Cangyun City to offer a plan, and proposed a way to deal with the monster race with the emperor. It must be done in one battle."

"Even if the immortal emperor wasn't overwhelmed at the time, he couldn't let the immortal family of Yunshazhou continue to bear the suffering of these wars, so he must have followed your junior's strategy?" I asked.

"That's the case. At the time I heard this plan, I didn't think that leading the elite of Yu Palace and the elite of the fairy emperor to penetrate into the other's hinterland, destroying their demon city, can make the demon tribe peace talks, and may even fall into In danger, so I was the first to reject this proposal." Jun Mengxue's face was gloomy, it can be seen that she still regretted not stopping the implementation of this strategy at this time.

"But at that time, Junior Brother said that he had already brought all of Yu Gong Sword Immortal, and even he was willing to bet on it. If the Immortal Emperor didn't dare, he would take Yu Gong Sword Immortal to return it now, and the Immortal Emperor naturally refused to let it go. Because of this opportunity, he rejected all opinions and decided on this strategy. Because of his trust in me and my disapproval of this plan, he asked me to lead the army of Cangyun City, contain the army of the monster race and wait for him. When I came back, he said that he would be relieved only if I was in Cangyun City..." Monarch Mengxue sighed quietly again.

I shook my head, and said, "Isn't the emperor returned?"

"Yes... I led the army, restrained the army of the demon race, and waited tremblingly for him to return, but in the end only the seriously injured junior came back. He told everyone that the fairy emperor and the demon emperor fought in a decisive battle in Fushan, and finally fell as the emperor. The defeat was killed and defeated, and the Demon Emperor was killed by his own hands. This hatred has already been reported..." Meng Xuejun shook his head blankly, showing the scene at that time, and now she is still puzzled.

"That's why I have lovesickness. Can I paint the sword song of Baixue for the king all the time?" I also sighed, secretly saying that this immortal emperor is too trusting after all, and such a king will end up like this I’m not surprised at all.

"Yes, we like each other, but we have never even held hands. We also know that we love each other, but we have never been able to say a word about ourselves... We know each other in the war, and we also lost track in the war. Say you don't miss it, do you believe it?" Monarch Mengxue asked.

"If you don't think of him, maybe one day you won't think of me as well. The deceased is already gone, what do I actually care about?" I said sincerely.

Meng Xuejun looked at me moved and said, "Thank you for being considerate of me..."

"Well, what happened later? Didn't you ask your brother?" I asked.

"Why don't I ask, I asked him why he was the only one who came back, but the immortal emperor and the demon emperor both fell, why he didn't stop this deadly battle, but he told me he had no chance because they just broke into the demon In the hinterland of the clan, a main force of the demon clan was encountered, and it was completely dissipated. The elite led by the immortal emperor somehow fell into a siege and was besieged, causing the demon emperor who came back after hearing the news to hit When one party wanted to kill the other party, a deadly battle broke out. When he led the Immortal Family of Yu Palace back to aid the Immortal Emperor, he fought a **** battle and killed the injured Demon King. Many immortal families of Yu Palace could do it. Testify...what else can I say?" Meng Xuejun said.

"According to his temperament, I'm afraid that he won't take the initiative to marry you at this time, right? Immortal emperor is dead, if it is him, he won't be eager for a while, right?"

"He did not immediately force me to marry him, but made an effort to regain the territory of Yunshazhou belonging to our immortals, and even led the immortal family of Yunshazhou to hold high the banner of revenge for the immortal emperor, so that the demon clan hid from them. The hinterland did not dare to go out again. At that time, the younger brother had already become the leader of Yunshazhou. He felt that one day I would take the initiative to surrender to him. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Although I was heartbroken at the time, He did not continue to stay in Cangyun City, but after sorting out his mood, he rushed to the hinterland of the monster race without even saying goodbye to him, and dressed up to search for the truth in it."

I am not surprised at Meng Xuejun's determination. She is a smart woman and will not accept this result willingly.

"Sure enough, I didn’t expect it. After I searched countless demon clan immortals who knew the truth, I discovered the truth of the matter... At that time, the demon emperor didn’t beat the immortal emperor, but the immortal emperor won the duel. He didn't mean to kill the Demon King, but took this opportunity to propose that the two sides should jointly rule the Yunsha Continent and make the entire Yunsha zhou permanent peace... But what everyone did not expect was that the Junior Brother appeared at this time and he did not bring the feather. The imperial family of the palace, but mixed into the demon clan’s rushing elites early in the morning, and at that time took the opportunity to assassinate the already seriously injured demon emperor with a sword, and shouted that the emperor had successfully killed the demon emperor... As a result, although he was also questioning why he wanted to do this, at this time, the demon clan elite saw the sudden change and heard such words, and his eyes were red, and he began besieging them on the spot... The survivor once said that the fairy emperor was also injured at the time and was very excited, but the junior did not care, and told the fairy emperor that only the dead demon clan is worthy of trust...so the demon clan elite did not believe them anymore and seemed crazy. He besieged them... and the emperor... died in that battle. As for the sword immortal of Yu Gong, he arrived only after receiving the news from his junior brother... but obviously everything was too late... Everything." Jun Mengxue's face was pale, still as if he could not get out.

I secretly said that a younger brother like this is indeed outrageously powerful. No wonder Meng Xuejun is so clever and led by his nose. Although I have also thought about the ending of the fairy emperor and the demon emperor, I never thought it would be given to this younger brother. Taken away in a clean wave, this is really a typical example of small gains and weak victory over the strong.

However, under such a big gap, I am also very curious, how can Mengxuejun escape the clutches of his junior?

After all, having such a foresight, carefully laid out junior and junior, can play with everyone in Yunshazhou in the palm of their hands, which is also a wonderful method.

"Have you gone back to avenge the Emperor?" I asked.

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