Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5403: : Smile

"Yes... I went back, but the immortal emperor is no longer the immortal emperor. My junior has become the new immortal emperor. He has succeeded in being a little disciple from Yu Gong's line and boarded the lord of Yunshazhou, and He is about to become the greatest emperor praised by everyone...He brought Yunshazhou peace, but I re-introduce Yunshazhou into a nightmare..." There is sadness in Mengxuejun’s eyes, and she seems to have no revenge. Hate, there is no pleasure before revenge.

"You succeeded in revenge, didn't you? Yunshazhou is in chaos again, isn't it?" I sighed in my heart. Nothing is more unforgettable than the killing of a lover. Of course, such revenge was not expected. So comforting, I am afraid that only the person involved knows the pain.

"I still remember that day when he became the new emperor, facing tens of thousands of immortals and bowing his head to worship... I still remember his arrogance, I was the only one in my eyes who walked up the high platform step by step with a sword, and even reached out to make all the immortals retreat ...I will never forget it. The moment a sword pierced his heart, he would rather mention that he was a group of disciples who had been sent to Yu Gongshan with me back then, but he didn't even fight back with a sword..." Mengxue When Jun said this, his eyes flickered, as if tears were about to fall immediately, but he was still struggling.

"He and you are the same disciples who entered Yu Gongshan? You didn't recognize him?" I sighed this fate in my heart.

"Um... when he had just entered the mountain, his master did not come to pick him up in time for a delay... After being hungry for days and nights, he secretly ran to the kitchen where I was in and stole something, which happened to be given to me at the time. I bumped into it, because I didn't call my disciple to arrest him, so he thanked me for a lifetime. Actually... Actually, I didn't take him seriously at that time, so I just raised my head and beat... But he remembered for a lifetime... …Since then, when I met me on Yumiyajima, I kept calling my senior sister, trying to get my favor and want to protect me like this in the future... But I... never remembered him..." The tears in Meng Xuejun's eyes turned, and even the confusion and loss in it made her deeply blame herself.

I moved to her side, took out the handkerchief in my sleeve, and couldn't help wiping away the tears that hadn't fallen from her eyes. I took her into my arms: "But you hate him too, don't you?"

"When I found out the truth, I really hated him... but the moment I pierced his chest with a sword, I regretted it... I don't know why I felt so sad and so painful after hearing these words... …I don’t know if I’m doing this right… He’s obviously abominable, and he’s dead thousands of times… But in the end, why did he tell me, why tell me that he was not simply trying to make me fall in love with him…" Meng Xuejun Finally cried out in my arms.

Perhaps it was because she was finally able to tell someone who could tell the past in the dusty heart.

"He doesn't seem to know the pain, the blood from my sword wets my clothes... I keep asking him why he didn't fight back, why... why knowing he did it, I would kill without hesitation. He..." Monarch Mengxue was spinning around in this cruel memory, and I was not at all bored. She always had a way to vent, and she also needed to let it go.

"He told me... he only wanted to protect me for the rest of my life. He also said that the immortal emperor has something more important than me in his eyes, so he is not worthy of me, the demon emperor is cunning, and the monsters have different ways... so don’t even think about it. Thinking...so he thought about it again and again, and thought he was the most suitable...he killed them all, and when he had Yunshazhou, he would be able to protect me forever, even if I was not his wife...he had In the entire Yunshazhou, even if I hate him again, he still owns me, and others cannot bully me, so his original intention has not changed..."

"It's just... he counts everything, but he's the only one who didn't count that my sword would be so decisive... He didn't leave him any chance to defend... From that moment, he knew how much I was. Hate him... so he feels that since he hates him so much... it seems that he is the new emperor and it doesn't matter..."

Meng Xuejun whispered in my arms and recalled, the pain in my heart seemed to be finished all at once at this time.

In my heart, this junior fellow indeed complied with her first definition of horrible, but is it not a lover? The friendship that began with the favor of the young man, and the unswerving love until the death, also brought this tragedy.

In this tragedy, no one is right or wrong. Both parties in the relationship are paranoid and possess strong desires, but why not for each other?

I don't care who Meng Xuejun would like more before, but it is inevitable that he is more inclined to the younger brother who has always guarded her. Even if he does not scrutinize any means, or even has no bottom line, he will be decisive and not letting go, I am afraid that no one can match him.

The sword that pierced the heart may have awakened Monarch Mengxue and frozen her for the rest of her life, but it might not be the complete end of this nightmare.

"I killed the new emperor and did what my loved ones hurt their enemies. The dragons have no heads, and the monsters attacked with troops. I also became Yunshazhou, the enemy of Yugong, from that human fairy hero to Any female devil punishable by the fairy family in Yunshazhou..." Monarch Mengxue sighed.

"What happened later?" Although I know the result, I also want to guide her out of this tragedy.

"Later, I didn't stay in Yunshazhou anymore. At that time, I also thought that I would die a hundred, but I also hope that the immortal emperor will not really die...so I plan to break out of the siege... who knows that At that time, there were tens of thousands of fairy houses, how could I get out of trouble? At the end of the fight, I almost felt that I would die there... I even lost the faith to live again..." Meng Xuejun said At this point, but instead smiled freely.

"Did someone save you?" I asked.

"I didn't expect the new emperor to ascend to the throne. Because there were enough wine and water pipes, it attracted Tasting Sword Lord. When this happened, he no longer knew how much he drank at the ascension celebration. After the fight, he rescued me. "Meng Xuejun said with a wry smile.

"You can imagine a scene like that..." I was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, he faced all the sword immortals in Yunsha Continent and defeated countless powerful men. There was no one in Yu Gong’s 36 meridians... he rescued me in such an understatement and took me away. In Cangyun City... Originally, I also lost my goal in life, so I just followed this drunkard all the way in a muddle-headed manner. He didn't drive me away because of his reliance, not to mention that he was addicted to alcohol and couldn't run far. , I can look for someone to find someone...Until after I have chased out Yunshazhou, I met Mr. Taihua." Mr. Mengxue gradually showed a smile. During that period, it is rare to think about it. Relaxed and happy again.

After all, Master Jianjian lost his junior sister and had no goal in life, and Monarch Mengxue happened to have just experienced a major change in his life and almost couldn't survive.

I also remembered what Taihuajun said, I used to see her and Jianjian for the first time, and even thought they were a couple.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for them to come together, because they have the same common ground, and they have completely frozen their hearts.

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