Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5407: : Good wine

Under the paradoxical and swift swordsmanship attack, the veins of my body also moved at the best and fastest speed. The body was sometimes bent into a bow, sometimes stretched like a sword, and the swordsmanship stopped quickly and completely sealed. The pace of the opponent's movement and the swordsmanship of the attack.

Sword Master’s control is like walking on the peak of a mountain of swords. Today, I also feel the thrill of sword walking. The enemy’s swordsmanship even passes by, coming next to my ears, but never It will hurt my own subtlety, this feeling is the limit, and my swordsmanship has increased more than one level!

It is true that the swordsmanship of Taste Sword Master is faster, and he is more crazier when he walks. It seems like a bull who is angry and rushing into chaos, and like a skillful craftsman threading a needle, dropping the needle with extreme accuracy. Of course, this control is not what I can do now. Master, this is the experience gained in countless peak battles, countless blood battles, so I want to achieve the state of Taste Sword Master, maybe it will take a hundred years or even a thousand years of sword baptism!

I use Taste Sword Master's swordsmanship, it is impossible to defeat Taste Sword Master.

However, knowing the swordsmanship of Sword Master, it is possible to defeat him. This is the difference, but it is too early to talk about the word'beating to win'. The realization cannot be exchanged in a moment. After a hundred battles, maybe I Only then are you qualified to say that you have entered the door of Taste Sword Sovereign Sword Technique.

Chi Chi!

The 201st opponent disappeared after eating enough swords. I also left the test bench in an instant. I found that using the swordsmanship of the sword master, this state was not enough.

Seeing that I actually hit one, he walked out, and Qing Wei was so shocked that his eyes widened: "Didn't I come out once a hundred? This is just one shot..."

"The wine is not enough... the sword is not fast." I chuckled and waved to Qing Weixin who was holding the wine jar. Then I lifted the wine jar and poured several sips of wine. This time, I felt a little bit I was dizzy and looked left and right. I saw that the mountains were not mountains, and the clouds were not clouds, as if the surroundings were all blurred.

Perhaps this is the world in the eyes of Master Jian.

Throwing the wine jar into Qing Weixin's hands again, I staggered back to the test bench.

"Are you okay?" Monarch Mengxue couldn't help but stopped me. This situation was really worrying, and even the colored veil floated over to help me.

I waved my hand and motioned to ignore me, but after thinking about it, I turned my head and asked: "Meng Xuejun...has...somewhat like..."

"Three...three or four points..." Jun Mengxue's tone was full of inexplicable, but she quickly reacted.

"Haha..." I laughed, and then I entered the sword test stand with my sword, and suddenly the 202nd opponent appeared in front of me.

I only saw that the opponent was short, as if he was a ghost, but I could no longer see the opponent's face, but this did not affect the opponent suddenly came to me, only heard a bang, and I was knocked out. !

At this moment, I couldn't help my eyes widening, and the enemy seemed to be a small black shadow, but the sword light seemed to be shining down from the sun, and it fell to me rumblingly!

I can't do more of these swordsmanship at all, so I immediately went the other way, and the swordsmanship blasted out like crazy!

Suddenly, there were a lot of scars on my body. Of course, most of the opponent's attacks fell in the empty space. Most of the places where I was injured were skin traumas, but this has already made me very uncomfortable. It is really unimaginable. In this state, Taste Sword Master can actually fly his sword like flying, even aiming at the enemy's weakness!

The Sword Master will also be injured by the sword. Of course, he is not afraid of injury. As long as the injury is within his control, he will not care. As long as the attack can bring greater benefits to the opponent, everything is worth it.

After evading the preemptive attack, I immediately began to counterattack. The enemy had become a black shadow under my drunk eyes. I only felt that my eyelids were fighting, but as if I was under the line of life and death, the veins in my body changed. He was extremely irritable, and there was no stagnation in the sword, almost to the point of unscrupulous!

The opponent’s swordsmanship, which was insane to me by all means, immediately began to frustrate the offensive. With his last opponent as a demonstration, this violent attack became more and more insane. One sword shot immediately followed by another sword. Whether it is the Infinite Heaven Sword or Jiuge Jiuge of Miserable Dao, they are all smashed out of my volition at the moment, as long as it is a useful sword technique, as long as it is a sword technique that can kill the opponent, it will all hit me. come out!

This kind of attack is not the same as the attack of Taste Sword Master. I am crazy about drinking, but Taste Sword Master is not, but I can be sure that he has also experienced this level when he formed his unique Drunken Sword. On a drunk duel day, or drunk in a deadly battle, it is inevitable to fight in a hurry. He can form the swordsmanship of other people at his fingertips, and casual volatilization is a powerful set. A sword art that is hard to resist, and drinking a few jars of wine, but from the extreme drunk state to become more sober, even the speech is sharp, this is the great result of the drunk sword: return to the basics!

And the stage I’m going through may be just his initial stage. This stage is also the most embarrassing time. At that time, after he lost his junior sister and drank in the mountains all day long, he also faced various aspects of growth and blows. Become the head, and face the sword fairy who is challenging from all directions in this state, so most of the time, he will be in the state I am now!

Although I am not as good at wine as his, the influence of wine on him has penetrated deeply into his veins and bones, and his veins have been completely distorted, and have long been different from when he first entered the Tao, but one thing that remains unchanged is that his sword is still so fast. Still so tricky and unruly!

I seem to be walking in a dazed sea of ​​fog, but the target and the target's attack methods are therefore extremely clear. This instinctive induction is of course not what an alcoholic should have, this is in the extreme living environment A kind of instinct stimulated, except for the goal, the whole person has entered a state of no distraction!

I closed my eyes, because even if I opened my eyes, it’s still a daze, so I might as well challenge it directly with my heart’s eyes, and with the aura of each attack, it swayed, even in the air cloud of the whole test stand. Something more, I can sense it at this moment!

I shuttled in the light of the heavy epee sword, as if looking for a tiny gap in ten thousand swords, so that in a flash, I will save the enemy with an unforgiving shot!

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