Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5408: :cage

However, the opponent easily blocked my attack and launched a close attack with me. The opponent's swordsmanship was quick and sharp. The same was true for my attack. But at this time, I closed my eyes and entered the original routine again. In the middle, the attack cannot be decisive, but more defense and less attack. This is because I have to sense the opponent's attack angle and attack direction, so that I can get the way to crack!

Of course, it is impossible to taste the swordsmanship of Sword Master so bad, but his swordsmanship must be the same as mine, and he must have experienced exactly the same predicament, but I speeded up the experience and put myself in extreme danger. In, but the opponent is also very strong!

Of course I will not stand still. I have to break through this dilemma, so how to abandon the idea of ​​holding a handicap is the focus of this breakthrough!

If you want to speed up the attack, you must give up part of the induction and collect all the enemy’s attack angles. The speed is too slow. I must let the enemy follow my ideas. The solution to this problem is half by forcing and holding the opponent. The counterattack is half by guessing!

Guessed right can be faster than the opponent, but wrong guessed, the result is injured!

But I have no choice. If there is no solution in this dilemma, there is only one way out.

My attack speed started to reach the limit again, as if I was dealing with the previous opponent, the attack became too lazy to even think about it, and even the enemy’s sword path was saved, just like a blind man carrying a sword, the direction of attack is only One is the enemy who is still beating in the dark!

My goal is not dark and dull. On the contrary, besides sword aura, my body is the biggest moving target. So no matter where he flies, I can easily catch him. Of course, the opponent’s attack is extremely sharp. When I passed by, I could feel the hideous scars all the way!

But I am also not a vegetarian. For many years, I have mastered the attacking swordsmanship as if standing on the sky overlooking sentient beings. Even if I fight with my eyes closed and with a strong sword intent, I will not lose to any unknown soldier!

The effect of speeding up the attack was truly remarkable. It changed from defending more and less attacking to brazenly fighting. Such an attack dragged the enemy into the abyss again, and the flying sword energy seemed to disappear, leaving only my sword energy. With the opponent only, this made my attack more prosperous, and the enemy fell into the same dilemma as the previous opponent.

After I suffered a lot of injuries, the opponent gave me a sword result. I did not leave the game because I was still drunk now, and I feel more comfortable in my hand. I need to fight another game to experience this more. a feeling of!

The opponent No. 203 quickly appeared in my senses, and rushed towards me at an unbelievably fast speed. I took advantage of the situation, and rushed straight at the opponent with the speed of the sword step, with the sound of the sword walking and thunder. When it sounded, I stood where the opponent appeared, and the opponent has disappeared now!

I staggered to the original position, and the opponent of No. 204 also appeared. At this time, I was no longer Chi Ning. I just slammed into the past like blind men, and the enemy would certainly counterattack, but I also guessed where she moved, because under the chaotic sword, there are not many routes that can be interspersed, so the combination of anticipation and induction makes it easy to find the enemy.

The attack worked again. It was difficult for the enemy to get out of my second stage for a few rounds. My attack became more and more smooth. Even with my eyes closed, the enemy was completely defeated by my cover attack and countermeasures. Power to fight back!

At this time, I don't know how many stages are away from the ultimate state of Tasting Sword Master, but getting stronger and stronger opponents will definitely make me progress and finally reach the state that Tasting Sword Master can achieve.

Of course, Drunken Sword is not what I want to learn, but if you don't go through the stage of experiencing why the Sword Master is so powerful, you will not be able to surpass him.

At this level, every ten or twenty enemies will indeed become stronger by one point. This point does not seem to be much, but even the slightest increase in enemy speed is extremely sensitive to my current state. Intuitively, my attack speed and body style are obviously gradually lagging behind, the enemy’s attack is faster, and the body style is more subtle, the use of sword intent, the uniqueness of swordsmanship, I also began to change the method to make me every Every field is like a big enemy, it is tantamount to facing a new world!

It's like human cells are constantly innovating, and changing opponents are constantly eliminating my useless extra tricks, and also grinding my footsteps and marching steps so that the edges and corners gradually disappear, and my actions have become as drunk as mud. There is no sign, the enemy is unpredictable, and no routine track can be found. My attacks have naturally become tricky. Every time I kill the enemy, it makes me feel like I have entered another stage!

Master Taste Sword is indeed the pinnacle sword fairy who has no repertoire of swordsmanship to the limit, and I walked on this road full of thorns, and I deeply felt the pleasure of each battle being between life and death, that kind of endless abyss. In the crisis, the rampant and unruly Kendo was born!

When I reached the 278 opponents, I felt that I had entered the third stage of Taste Sword Master. At this stage, I had subdivided the sword to the limit, and the enemy's sword aura and swordsmanship had also been explored to the extreme. , The sword road in the world is only human-oriented. The ultimate goal of kendo is to kill and not be killed. So it’s too simple for me to find the enemy’s target here, and I have been in the process of injuring and killing the enemy countless times. Here, the number of times I was injured has become less and less, and the number of times I have been injured naturally increases!

So at this time, I also began to become more bold. The original instinctive attack that had been completely unimaginative gradually extended beyond the idea. It was also the fourth stage to customize the enemy's sword path!

This is not the same as attacking the enemy and saving it. It is also different from first attacking and taking the enemy lightly to save it. Instead, I customize my own rules so that the enemy can only walk around under my framework, just like keeping a mouse in a cage. Whether to throw it into the raging fire, or to serve it with swords and halberds, it is up to me to decide!

My attack turned into a net in the process of advancing aggressively. This net covered all the enemy's offensive routes, and the opponent could only continue to withstand my continuous attacks in my net, and there was no possibility of detachment. As long as my sword is faster than the opponent, the enemy will not see any hope of detachment!

This benefited from the consolidation of the previous three stages, and it can be regarded as a summary of the previous three stages.

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