Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5512: : Thriller

"Master, Sister Tian and I have searched for some news everywhere. Although it's messy here, there are roughly three large areas for the cliques here," Tai Weilan said.

"Three big areas? Tell me about it." I glanced around, but I didn't find anything similar to the three big areas.

"It’s not here. Actually, the bottom of the three areas is just outside the bazaar, that is, there is no sect outside this interface, or the various interfaces are used for private work, or casual repairers and sect disciples who take the opportunity to make a fortune. Arranged in the bottom area." Tai Weilan explained.

"Oh... the remaining two areas, one in the market?" I asked.

"Yes, in addition to the merchants who trade in the market, there are also immortals who occasionally enter and leave the house. Most of the elders and elders of various sects who can be allowed to stay here are like masters. The identity is only qualified to live in the inn here. This is the second area.” After finishing speaking, Taimiaolan looked towards a high mountain, then lowered her voice and said, “As for the ancestors of the immortals, there are also immortals. The overlord of the land side lives in the sect. Now the disciples in the door of this interface are sent to patrol everywhere in the interface, so the sect has become the place where the masters and ancestors of the Nine Immortals are stationed..."

"So this top-level transaction has not been found out, is it because it was completed in the mountain area?" I suddenly guessed.

"It's true, I heard that the top trade fairs are all in the martial arts. This trading market is just a place for the ordinary immortal families of the immortal sects to buy and sell." Daozao wife said.

I nodded and muttered: "Only the lord and ancestors of the immortal land can go? Is it possible to become a wealthier businessman?"

"Not really. I heard that if you want to go to the top area, you must prove that you have that strength, or you must be extremely powerful, or you must reach the realm of proof. Of course, there is another way...that is, you must get Allowed by the trade fair here, that is, extremely rich!" Sister-in-law smiled.

"It seems that you have already planned to use the third item. After all, I am not well-known and I am not a witness, but how will this trade participate?" I said.

"There are two ways. The first is to pay a certain amount of guarantee jade crystals, and display a certain amount of jade crystals, so that you can qualify for admission to the three-day trade fair." Tai Wei Miaolan looked unsure whether I had this strength.

I immediately shook my head and smiled: "Almost penniless, what about the second one?"

"Master! Are you so poor?" Tai Weilan was dumbfounded, I smiled, and said, "You don't understand what's the situation in the immortal door of ours too idle, you don't know the money of the sect is not my decision, oh , I robbed the storage bag of the head of the Jade Immortal Sect before, but I turned it over. Except for two or three things that are barely treasures, there are almost no things that can be exchanged for jade crystals..."

"That's over..." Tai Wei Lan also looked embarrassed, but Dao Pao's wife still understood me very well, and said: "Then choose the second plan, take out the auctionable items to the trade fair, and let them draw a lot of money for auction. , But the rake is very high, as much as 70%!"

"Tsk tut, it's dark." I couldn't help but be speechless.

"That's because there are a lot of money laundering, what treasures can't be sold here? If they are sold, it is equivalent to being produced by the ruins. They will get the transaction documents and cannot be held accountable." Daozao's wife explained.

"That's it, 70%, I really dare to pit it, but it doesn't matter, if it's just to throw a brick to attract jade, it's okay to take a gold brick and knock on the door." I laughed, and already decided what to take out.

"Then you think too shallowly. After stepping on this pit, the martial art is the next pit. This is too small to stop you from stepping over." Dao Pao wife said.

"Haha, full of routines." I smiled, this transaction deed is indeed dark enough, but here is too small a site, the other nine immortals come in without scraping a layer of meat, sorry for the luck.

Of course, there are fairs on the surface, and there is a black market in private. I know what can be sold at the fair and what must be bought in the black market. The decades of experience in this world are not in vain, and there is also A too micro pass.

I picked a few life leaves that are of great benefit to the cultivation base, and I sealed it in a transparent glass box. This time, Bi Yingying is really good-looking. This thing is enough for the trade fair. It is a very subtle fairy family. It is everywhere here.

After I handed it over to Taiweilan, I asked her to hand in the box at the trade fair.

Looking at the daughter-in-law, I said, "But three days are coming soon?"

"Hmm, yes, do you feel that the mana is disappearing faster and faster? Are you satisfied in the past few days?" Daozao wife smiled.

I sighed and said, "You better not come out again."

"Even if it comes out exactly the same, but I'm not me anymore." Dao Pao wife sighed, and then said quietly: "A person like you who is as iron-hearted as you will not let gourd stay for a while, right You have been depressed very painfully these past few days..."

"If you stay, it will be very unfair to me and someone who looks exactly like you. What you know is what I know, and your presence is equal to one more me, but you also have all the beauty I can accept... …But you may not know what she knew, so you disappeared. It was me who suffered." I smiled bitterly.

"You are very smart. Who is the least envious of the existence of immortals who don't think she knows the most?" Daozao wife Hexi smiled, and finally said, "Then you don't want to kill me and let me die with the wind?"

"I do not know."

"Hee hee, I'm joking, you can't get your hands down at all." Daozao wife stuck out her tongue.

After saying this, I was going to take her back to the market, but just about to leave, a female fairy with the same face covered in gauze was flying towards here while looking for something. After seeing our secluded place, Saying "found", he flew down.

I saw that her cultivation base was so high that she arrived in front of the Dao-robed wife in an instant. It was inevitable that there was a trace of vigilance in her heart. She always had the posture of the Summoning Rule Sword in her hand. The impulse was suppressed.

"Sister Liudao!" When the girl flew down happily, she also pulled the mask off her face.

But it wasn't the appearance of bright eyes, white teeth and ice muscles and bones that shocked me, nor was it that the agile and refined expression almost frightened me, but her appearance was actually similar to Zhao Qian!

There are indeed many similar people in this world, but I came across two at once, which inevitably changed me from shock to horror.

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