Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5513: : Five flavors

"What's the matter?" Daosao wife looked like she knew someone, and she took the girl's hand all at once: "Why are you here?"

I was dumbfounded. This robe-in-law is simply shrewd. She is as cunning as a fox. The girl seemed to be taken aback by the way of meeting, but she did not withdraw her hand. After all, the difference in strength between each other was too big, even if It was suppressed to the limit, and the girl's cultivation was also in the realm of tribulation, and the two sides were very different from each other. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to raise the hand to shake the smoke.

Therefore, such unguarded physical contact, no matter how weird it is, will not arouse the girl in the slightest. Even the girl is still very surprised and happy. She smiled and said: "Sister Six Ways, I heard there are celestial phenomena here, so I So he hurried over from Qingli. I didn't expect my sister to be one step ahead of me, but this is not good. If I get away from that place, wouldn't the other immortals trouble my sister?"

"Look at me like this, do you seem to be coming from all over?" Dao Pao daughter-in-law smiled and continued to open her eyes and talk nonsense.

The girl seemed to be a little weird for a while, but she quickly said: "Usually you are not like this. Today you did something that surprised me. Also, you walked so swayingly in the fairyland. In the city, do you know that there will still be Xianjia who recognize you? If you let Taiwei Xianzun know, then you have to gossiping in front of other Xianzun."

"I'm wearing a veil, is it possible that anyone else recognizes it?" The Dao-pao wife smiled, and the girl quickly said: "Why not? I am not? There is also the Murong sister who informed me."

"Oh... well, I also want to investigate and act carefully here, but I still let you find it. What can I do after that? Or should I just take this clone back?" Daozao's wife thought carefully. The unreasonable expression really made me stunned.

"No! I caught you so easily, how could you just leave like this?" The girl hurriedly said, then glanced at me and asked: "Speaking of which, sister Liudao, who is this? But you are here. Be a guard?"

Daopao daughter-in-law chuckled, and then said: "You can introduce him to each other. I will watch him from the side and tell you who he is at that time. You can't underestimate him."

The girl looked at me in astonishment, but I secretly said that my daughter-in-law is too old fox, it is a copy of me, but this is an opportunity to know myself and the enemy, so I immediately laughed and said: "This immortal fan is too idle. Ask the girl her name."

The girl hesitated, looked back at the Dao-robed wife, and saw that she nodded with an expression of encouragement, she could only bite the bullet and declare herself: "Qing Li... Qing Li Mo... but your name?"

"Qing Li Mo? Fellow Daoist's name is familiar." I thought for a while, and I really didn't have any impression of this name. The name of the Immortal Venerable in the Nine Immortal Realm was not known by ordinary immortals, but when I came from the Three Immortal Realm, I have already seen the appearance of nine Heavenly Venerables, but there is no trace of Qing Li Mo at all, so I am sure that the other party is definitely not Qing Li Xianzun.

Of course, it wasn't Qingli Immortal Venerable, but it could also be an offshoot of Qingli's family. Judging from Taimiaolan's life experience, the other party was probably the latter.

Qing Li Mo looked at me with a little surprise, but couldn't help but said: "Did you get any too little news here?"

I smiled and said, "I have a humble status, and the investigations are a little different. However, I tried to investigate the site and found a detailed ancient map of the site in my memory."

"Ah? Do you know the details of this site?" Qing Li Mo looked at me in astonishment. I took out a jade card and said, "Naturally, this site was the time when the Three Immortals World was destroyed. At the Taiqing site in the sky, my master was in distress at that time and strayed into the ancient lost orthodoxy, and found this map of that year. Although it may not be able to be fully embedded, all the big and small schools of the Taiqing site were It's clearly marked on this."

Qing Limo looked at the Dao-pao daughter-in-law to ask for her affirmation. Of course, the Dao-pao daughter-in-law nodded her head to make sure: "What he said is true, and his master was originally a guilty immortal family of my Six Dao Immortal Sect. He came out to work with me and has a deep understanding of some ancient Taoism. Of course, because he has not passed away, he does not know our Nine Immortals very well. I will return to that place soon. My sister is willing to take him for a while. ?"

"Sister's tone of speech, and her expression when she speaks... Why does it seem to be completely different from before?" Qing Li Mo suddenly asked hesitantly.

My heart tightened in an instant. Sure enough, no matter how similar these six girls are to Dao Pao's wife, they are still two people. How could the tone and wording be exactly the same. I am afraid that the way of thinking about things is very different. It's wrong, she already trusts the Six Dao girls very much.

Of course, the better the relationship, the greater the probability of being discovered, it all depends on how the robe wife answers this question.

"Hmph, I blame this guy. I was taken crooked along the way. Besides, I managed to come out to get my breath. Shouldn't my sister change her way of living?" Dao Pao's wife gradually changed her smile from the beginning to solemn, which made Qing Qing Li Mo's initial suspicion was a little shaken.

"It's also... My sister has been cultivating with Xianzun as the goal since she was a child. It's rare to relax, because I ask too much, sister must not take it in my heart." Qing Li Mo said quickly.

"Yeah." The daughter-in-law of Dao Pao also knew about her problem, so she suddenly had a solemn expression. This made Qing Li Mo a little self-blaming and dare not look at her. It can be seen that the six girls are still quite serious. A girl would never have that supreme temperament like a sister-in-law, otherwise I wouldn't have the term'girl' at that time.

The sister-in-law still has the peerless appearance of a girl.

And when we were silent for a moment, the daughter-in-law of Dao Pao looked at me faintly, and suddenly said: "I'm afraid I'm going to leave, you have to take care."

My mood became complicated in an instant. All of a sudden, there were mixed feelings in my heart. This kind of taste was really uncomfortable. Although it was only three days, during these three days, I was not paying attention to her all the time.

I even suddenly thought in my heart, if she was a Dao-robed wife.

But even if she is or not, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. As she said, in any case, she is also an independent individual, with flesh and blood, and soul.

It's just that her life is very short, only three days.

Seeing a trace of sorrow flashed in my eyes, she raised her head and smiled: "Don't be like this, it's just that you don't want to open a gourd, and you don't want to open a gourd... This is..."

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