Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5514: : Daughter

Dao-robed wife's words were not finished, the whole person slowly became transparent, and disappeared, Qing Li Mo looked surprised, and wanted to hold Dao-robed wife, but he grabbed a blank, and what disappeared was after all Disappeared.

I took a deep breath and said, "The power of her external incarnation has disappeared, so she should be back to where she should be at this moment, so Daoist Qingli need not worry."

"Who told you that I'm worried? I just think that Sister Liu Dao suddenly came and went, we haven't talked a lot?" Qing Li Mo gave me a look, feeling a little redundant.

I smiled and said, "There will be more time in the future. Where is Daoist Qingli going this time?"

"Where can I go? I just came to join in the fun. What are you doing here? Is it possible to use this ruins map to hunt for treasure?" Qing Li Mo looked at me up and down.

I know that she is already in the realm of Proving Dao, just suppressing the cultivation base, so I somewhat look down on the strength of my robbery realm, so I simply said: "Treasure hunting in ruins is not my strong point. Going to this Taiqing ruins is nothing more than dying. Instead of doing this, it’s better to sell the maps. Of course, professional people should do professional things."

"Oh? How do you sell this map?" Qing Li Mo suddenly became interested when I heard that I was not using the map to hunt for treasure.

"Friend Qingli wants to buy?" I looked weird.

"Don't you want to sell it now?" Qing Li Mo asked.

"Well, I won't sell it to you, you can't make a good price." I said with a smile, Qing Li Mo's eyes widened, and angrily said: "You said I can't afford this map?! You know me Who is it?"

"I care who you are? I won't sell it to you anyway." I tentatively said.

Sure enough, Qing Li Mo was very irritated by my radical method, and gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't sell it to me, others dare not ask for it!"

"Wow, Fellow Daoist is not an ordinary domineering, your sister Liudao just left, you bullied me like that." I couldn't help but rascal.

Qing Limo snorted and said, "Who is bullying you? I didn't use this map to hunt for treasures! You sell it to others, but to find treasures and satisfy selfish desires! It's better to use it for investigation!"

"Oh, I know you do charity, but I want to eat too." I shrugged.

Qing Li Mo stared at me for a long time and said, "What is public welfare!?"

"Public welfare activities or something, because I feel that I am for the future of the entire Nine Immortals Realm, and for the happiness of the Nine Immortals Realm Immortal Family." I laughed. Those who want this map, if they are not greedy and want treasures, most of them are With this mentality, after all, she said before that she came here to see the sky.

The effect of this map is inevitably great, but now the sister Liu Dao she thought is gone, it means that no one can help.

"I don't know what you mean. Give me this map, and I can know the reasons for the changes in the sky. Do you know that Qing Li Xianzun is my brother?" Qing Li Mo asked rhetorically.

"I don't care who your brother is, I just don't want to sell this map to you now. Is it possible that you can still rob?" I asked, and then flew into the bazaar, Qing Li looked at my back in surprise , Suddenly didn't think of anything to say.

In my heart, there are a lot of people who obey her, so this is indeed my intention to make it difficult for her.

And I don’t think she looks like Zhao Qian is Zhao Qian. You must know that Zhao Qian still remembers her original intentions when she is in a high position. Everything in her body is the result of suffering and striving step by step, and this Qing Li Mo It is very different from being the peak at birth.

This Qing Li Mo came with me as expected, and she probably wanted to know what I wanted to do. Of course, after entering the market, she had already put on a veil, and she was probably afraid that people would discover that she was the younger sister of Qing Li Xianzun. When the time comes, it will cause confusion.

Seeing her following, I didn't pay attention to it. Instead, I notified Tai Wei Lan to come to meet and arrange for her to go to the exchange to communicate.

"This thing really surprised the fairies of the exchange. The living thing does have a natural advantage in the Taiwei line. The other party promised us to auction this leaf tonight." Taiweilan said happily.

I nodded, and Qing Li Mo, who was following me, took a look at Too Miaolan, and said, "What are you selling?"

"You won't like the things you sell." I smiled, and Qing Li Mo gritted his teeth with anger, knowing that I was targeting her, so he said: "If you don't tell me, don't tell me, anyway, just ask!"

Seeing Tai Wei Lan and I looked at each other, she decisively walked into a treasure pavilion in the market, which was the temporary exchange.

Too delicate Lan also quickly asked about Qing Li Mo's identity, and when she heard that the other party was actually the sister of Qing Li Xianzun, Xiu was unavoidably stunned, and Transsion asked me why I had to oppose her.

"You have also seen her stubborn temper. After Buxian Xian left, she began to expose it." I laughed.

"Master, she is the daughter of the Qingli family..." Tai Wei Miao Lan was surprised that I dared to be so arrogant to oppose this top fairy family clan.

"Ignore her, we just do what we should do." I laughed.

"Then shall we pass the time to tonight now?" Tai Weilan asked.

"Well, find a place to settle down, even if you pretend to be." I don't want to be treated as a miscellaneous person.

But Taiweilan hasn't answered yet, Qing Limo lifted the box I gave to Taiweilan and came out with a smile. There were no leaves in it. This made Taiweilan and I secretly speechless. I really didn't expect it. This little girl is so capable!

"Are you convinced now? You have nowhere to sell your own things. I see how you enter the upper school to sell things!" Qing Limo said with a smile.

I secretly said that this little girl was very normal just now, and now she is acting like a little devil, and it's because the auction house is so obedient to her!

"Go inside and ask what's the matter with this boss." I signaled Tai Weilan to go in and inquire, but Qing Li Mo directly threw a bag to me and said, "These are the money you used to sell leaves. As for the sect's message. Don't even think about it."

I knew I met a wayward girl this time, so I smiled and said, "I just wanted to make a fuss in secret. Since the girl looks up to me so much, then I'll make a mess of water here. I'm afraid you won't be able to clean up then."

"What?" Qing Li Moxiu's eyes were full of surprise, but she quickly said, "I don't believe what waves you can make. Is it possible to distribute the map all over the street?"

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