Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5549: : Heavy trust

I watched it collapse and quickly asked: "What selfishness?"

It's a pity that Ge Yuan didn't have a chance to answer me, because the power of Kaitian Creation was suddenly direct, and it became a luxury to want to leave a last word.

But Ge Yuan's little face disappeared and turned to another direction when it finally disappeared. I also quickly looked where he was looking, I saw that the girl Kerr at this time was facing Ge Yuan. Rushing over, the panic in her eyes already showed that she was heartbroken that Ge Yuan was about to die.

"Tao Zu!"

The Empress Hong Ling stopped in front of her in an instant, while the other Dao Jie did not die immediately after losing the control of the main line. This should be a side effect of forced control. Many of the Dao Jie's tentacles slammed. The horn of war has sounded again!

But I don’t have the slightest idea of ​​making a move, because the next moment they make a move, the withering begins. The tentacles of Dao Jie, which was once more energetic, quickly loses the energy supplied by the main vein. It's back to heaven.

One by one Daojie core quickly fell to the ground. The energy was unable to condense, and all of it collapsed in an instant. The color gradually changed from the deep ink color to transparent, and when it fell to the ground, it became slender dust. !

The scene before me came too suddenly, not only was I not able to fully recover, but also the other immortals in the underground city, and Qing Li Mo, did not expect it to be like this at this moment.

Seeing countless tribulations transforming into slender dust flying in the night sky, I was also stunned. The ghosts had no targets, but they were still floating in the air waiting for my next order. After all, the immortals began to encircle. .

The immortals were filled with righteous indignation, each of them looked like they wanted to eat me, after all, I killed their leader.

"Taejo! You killed our Taizu!"


The immortals roared one by one, I know what I should do at this time, such as killing a few thorns, and then persuade them? Or simply disarm their armed forces?

"Stop it!"

However, before I took the next step, Ke'er's voice sounded. Although the voice was not very loud, it stopped all the immortals from attacking.

"Keer!? Why?" Baoer hurriedly asked, her eyes were bloodshot, it is not difficult to imagine her pain at the moment.

"Because... you all stop!" Ke'er continued to scold the immortal family who was still approaching, because if he rushed over, the three ghosts would immediately attack.

Seeing that I had no idea of ​​attacking, the immortals finally stopped obediently, but Kerr hesitated and said: "He didn't really kill Taizu... Taizu did it by himself! And he waited. It’s been a long time since this day!"

"Keer!? Do you know what you are talking about?!" Alu's eyes widened, including the other immortals, all looking at the girl in confusion.

Ke'er glanced at me, then turned his back to me, which was tantamount to giving up the attack and facing his own immortal people.

"Taejo has always been in pain, and has always been against the evil heart! Over the years, many of us here have had the experience of dealing with the evil heart? Taejo originally controlled them by a different method, or In order to carry their dreams, or to fulfill the other party's last wish! Don’t you know that Taizu will carry their pain again? But why did he still do this? It’s not because he also had an obsession in the end, just to find A leader who can lead us!" Ke'er said categorically, but two lines of tears couldn't stop streaming down.

"Keer... But how can we follow a leader who killed Taizu? Otherwise, Keer, you will be our leader? Or which of our dungeons is high in generation..."

"No, just do it, I believe it!"

"I believe Ke'er too, Taizu once said that if she chooses a successor, she is the only one!"

I looked at all the immortals who were able to fight, and did not refute them, because I knew that this girl should have been instructed by Ge Yuan. Now that she has the determination to connect, she will certainly calm the storm.

I really want to use the power of this underground city, because no matter how powerful a person is, it is only one person's. Only the power of one force can control the current pattern of the Nine Immortals, let alone the nine immortals who are still watching. Here it is.

The attraction of the Taixianjie site is huge. The hidden treasures that cannot be taken in the secret room of the martial arts are one of them. According to my previous explorations, the ground was washed by Sheng Daotian, and many of the mineral veins were exposed, and there were even crystals. It can be said that the ground is full of dog head gold.

The girl shook her head and said: "Taejo said that Ke'er should be the leader, but that was when he couldn't find a good leader, but it could no longer suppress the devil's heart, but now the last words of Taizu have been fulfilled. Then I don’t need to be this leader anymore, because he himself once said that if one day there is an immortal who can kill him, then he will be the most suitable leader here! And now this immortal family is not exactly Fan Daoyou?"

A group of immortals immediately heard about the discussion, and the old man Wu seemed to be quite respected here, and he immediately explained: "The leader does say this often, and everyone should have seen it over the years. Our leader Sleeping time is getting longer and longer, and every time I wake up, I will try my best to suppress my decision-making behavior, and let Kerr make the decision. Don’t everyone know why?"

"Why?" Several immortals asked this sentence at the same time.

"Because he knows that he can't believe his own decision! Don't you understand if you put yourself in the position? If there are countless demons influencing your decision, can the final decision really convince yourself? I'm afraid you too? There is no guarantee, right? It even brought everyone into a dead end. Would such a decision make the Taizu who has been waiting for us all his life at ease?" Old man Wu asked back.

At this time, all the immortal families stopped talking. In the final analysis, Ge Yuan did possess strong spiritual power. He had so many Daojiao gathered in his body, and he was able to restrain himself in this way. If I changed to another immortal family, I’m afraid I didn’t care about the three-seven-one early in the morning, and started work after a Daojie vote, but Ge Yuan didn’t do it. He could resist his idea not to implement it, and instead gave Ke’er the right to make decisions. At this point, he has enough respect for me.

I know I have to say something at this time, at least I can't live up to Ge Yuan's deathbed trust.

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