Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5550: : Market

"How strong is Senior Ge? Don’t everyone know? Even if it’s me, it’s impossible to defeat him. He fell into my hands. In fact, he wanted to die! Because of the accumulation of so many demonic hearts, Even looking for death can’t help myself. Although I am passively entrusted, I also understand Senior Ge’s thoughts. He wants everyone to have a foothold and a place to rest and rejuvenate! This may be easy for the immortal family of the Nine Immortals World , But how difficult is it for the immortals of our underground city?" I said loudly.

The immortals in the dungeon heard me speak, and they all fell silent. Although most of them still felt dissatisfied, I told them that Ge Yuan was powerful. They were convinced in their hearts. Seeing that they had no answer, they knew them. I acquiesced to this, so I continued to speak loudly: "The immortals in the underground city have been waiting for this day for a long time. For everyone, this is hope, especially for Senior Ge, but why would Senior Ge choose to leave at this time? On this road? Don’t you understand?! That’s because the same is true for the demonic heart! So he chose me as the candidate to eliminate the demonic heart, just to complete the task that everyone can’t do! Or say, Senior Ge asked you to kill him, can anyone of you be able to do it?!"

All the immortals in the underground city were silent, of course they couldn't kill Ge Yuan.

"Senior Ge knows that the ship at the Taixianjie site is docked at the harbor. When everyone sets foot on the real world again, it is when they are liberated physically and mentally, and when they have died and accounted for everything. That's why he took this step! His old man is so wise! Shenwu, decisive and resolute! Can you still not understand his old man’s determination? In other words, he has suffered for thousands of years, burdened with thousands of years of hard work, and when he wants to be liberated, who of you can be like me and become Candidates to liberate Senior Ge!?" I asked Zhuxian to ask myself again.

Everyone was speechless again. I knew that all the sins had been cleaned up at this time, so I continued: "Yes! I killed Senior Ge! But I also accepted his trust and want to steer him. The direction of the new world! To seek the capital for everyone to gain a foothold in the new world, and to control the unpredictable destiny for everyone! And if you can complete the first trust of Senior Ge, it is impossible for you to deal with me now, or even kill me, and it is in vain Ge Is the trust and determination of the predecessors? I am afraid that all the immortals present can't do it? Because you should all be able to understand and understand this matter, in addition to fulfilling the trust, I will lead everyone to do it, and I will give it to me!"

Although the immortals still have objections, after all, the remaining objections are nothing more than whether I can do it or not, but at this time Kerr also came to the platform beside me and said: "Fan Daoyou said well! Can do it for Taizu To such an extent, it is impossible to change anyone here, so Kerr believes that Big Brother Fan will definitely help us find a paradise for the immortals in the city, and let us escape from this land that has suppressed us for thousands of years! Everyone, what else can you say?"

"Since Kerr thinks so, what else can we say?"

"Unexpectedly, Taejo had such a great determination, and he died here, but it was also for us..."

"Oh, what can we do? Everyone is looking forward to ten thousand years, everyone feels that this is hope, but for Taizu, is it not the end?"

A group of immortals were filled with indignation before, and now they have sighed again and again, but after sighing, of course the voice of questioning came. This is probably my helm problem. Of course, this helm is difficult to deal with. It can't be my few words here. It can make sense, so I immediately asked Kerr to convene a meeting with the leading immortal family responsible for all parties' affairs, and repeat the promise I had to fulfill before.

These leading immortals are all in charge of the immortal homes everywhere. They are like those who are responsible for exploring underground roads, making underground formations, and planting flowers and grasses. They also know that they must work together to gain a foothold in the Nine Immortals world, so After I took out one hundred thousand Yujing as the start-up capital, they all rushed to agree to it, and of course I had to reschedule my work as a new officer.

Ke'er became my deputy, responsible for carrying out the tasks I gave to the immortal people in the underground city, and the other leaders also had new fate. After all, the renewal of Vientiane needs to be in line with the times, otherwise it is too far behind. Will be incompatible with the times.

During this period of time, I also have a certain understanding of the world of Nine Immortals, and I also know the folk customs and conditions here, so I don’t want the forces of this dungeon city to merge into any of them, because the world of nine immortals has been passed down by the cultivation of the nine immortals. Cultivation method, and the cultivation of the immortal people in the underground city is completely incomparable. If they are forcibly merged into the opponent’s power, they will be opposed by other powers, and they will not be able to truly become a part of that power. It is the best choice to give birth to the tenth force.

But if you want to survive in the cracks, with the strength of the immortal people in the current underground city, you can open your teeth and dance your claws or bite and pierce anyone who is covered with thorns. It is simply a dead end. The land of the nine immortals is not dominated by the righteous way of the three immortals The fairyland is the orthodoxy based on the nine innate genera, so the mixed folk customs and the unique folk sentiments, as well as the powerful strength of the land of the nine immortals, are also destined that they will not reason with you, only show that they are right. Their harmless, even mutually beneficial gestures can achieve a cracked end.

Of course, if oneself is too weak, even if the posture is low, then it is just being slaughtered, so after all, you have to show your strength.

"Leader, I have already ordered as you requested, but do we really want to open the market and become a large force that can let anyone enter and leave at will?" Kerr still didn't understand my approach.

"Yes, what we can do right now is to become a bazaar in the Land of the Nine Immortals. The territory of the Nine Immortals is vast, and there are inherent resources to explore, but after all, this is under the rule of the immortals, and every year needs to be done step by step. The excavation and mining, and heavy taxes, although the governance everywhere is well-organized, but the people's grievances are also boiling, and the Taixianjie is also vast, although it is owned by the immortals of the underground city, but the immortals want to dominate the excavation by themselves, for fear of ten thousand years. We can't finish digging these treasures, and this is not the most important thing. We have such a large treasure. If we refuse to explore the land of the nine immortals, it will definitely attract disputes, but if it is used as a free buffer place, it can be used. It has become the center of the Nine Immortals, and indirectly profited from it. By taking advantage of this opportunity, one day we will become the leader of the Nine Immortals, understand?" I laughed.

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